Yesterday Hezbollah’s pagers exploded TODAY their hand-held radios are exploding.

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21 days ago

Small, non bomb, EMP

21 days ago

Just one minor correction. They weren’t Hezbollah pagers and hand held radios. Those items were sold in Beirut to anyone in the general public. The Israelis figured a lot of Hezbollah use these items, so they blew them up. Pre-planned. A lot of civilians got blown up yesterday. Not just Hezbollah. For what it’s worth.

21 days ago

Prepper site gets prepper news. The dollar is going to crash soon. According to Forbes and Goldman Sachs. According to every blog I see, same thing. Saudis were allowed to drop the Petro Dollar after 50 years. No one would be able to buy Saudi oil if the dollar was worthless. A friend of mine deals with execs from the Fortune 500 companies on a daily basis. I asked him yesterday what they’re concerns are. He didn’t hesitate. They think the dollar is going to crash soon. So, here it is, the dollar is going to crash soon. You won’t be able to buy anything until a solution comes up. Figure out what you have to do and do it now. Not tomorrow.

21 days ago

It’s bad enough the CIA, FBI, DHS, DOJ and DOD have turned on the American people. Do they not call us terrorist’s now, so Iam wondering when they will treat us patriots the same way and blow us all up. If they can do this to page units they can do it to cell phones as well, and this is why I put my cell phone in a faraday phone bag to block the signal, and I only take it out to make phone calls, prayerfully it won’t explode in my face when the CIA of FBI decide to murder all of us via there hacking techniques. I have been very aware of this for some time now and read about pager bombs two years ago. I have conditioned myself to use my satellite phone the majority of the time, but my cell phone could still blow up in my face inside of my home if the phone is near me, and they decide to kill us. I conditioned myself to put phone in the faraday bag even when I am at home and not utilizing it.

Last edited 21 days ago by Phil1350