Sins of omission are every bit as grave as sins of commission – Ann Barnhardt

In case you are under a rock and haven’t heard, released a piece citing Obama’s literary agent’s promotional bio of Obama, which Obama either wrote himself or explicitly edited and approved, which states that he was BORN IN KENYA.

Two points:

1. This proves that Obama is a stone-cold liar and con-man. Checkmate. Either he lied when he said he was born in Kenya, or he lied when he said he was born in Hawaii. The fact that he commissioned and released an OBVIOUSLY FORGED Hawaiian birth certificate certainly causes the Obama garbage scow to list to the side of the lie being that he was born in Hawaii.

Barack Obama IS A LIAR. He is a man of degenerate morality, and is a psychopath. Is anyone going to do anything about the fact that a con-artist psychopath is the Chief Executive of the largest economy in the world and the history of the world? Is anyone going to do anything about the fact that a con-artist psychopath is the Commander-in-Chief of the largest military force in the world and the history of the world? Is anyone going to do anything about the fact that the entire intelligence, law enforcement and bureaucracy of the United States government is either so incompetent that they couldn’t even vet ONE MAN or that they are complicit in Obama’s con?

Which segues into my second point . . .

2. The Breitbart group AND the HotAir fools (Ed Morrisey and Allahpundit), ONCE AGAIN are pissing all over people who dare point out that Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of the Presidency is seriously, seriously in question. They are doing this in the same breath WHILE REPORTING THIS VERY STORY, which proves beyond any doubt whatsoever that Obama is a liar and con-artist.

WHY? Why do these “conservatives” refuse to engage reality on this point?

I know the answer, and I warn you, it is very depressing.

These folks have made a BOATLOAD of money off of the Obama usurpation. Bottom line: Obama is good for business if you are a “conservative” blogger looking to advance your career and either move into a high-paying gig in the “mainstream media” OR attempting to establish a new-model business like Glenn Beck. It was reported (I think in Forbes) that Beck made a cool $80 million last year. Don’t think for a second that Morrisey, Allahpundit and the Breitbart Team aren’t salivating at the thought of seven-to-eight figure annual hauls.

I actually believe that most of these folks are rooting for Obama to “win”, for whatever that means in a lawless electoral environment, in November because Obama is very, very good for their businesses. Think about yourself. Do you read more or less news now than you did four years ago? Oh, I’d be willing to bet that you read MULTIPLES of what you read four years ago. I do. No doubt.

In order to get those page views, and thus that ad revenue, these folks want as much upheaval and fear among their readers as possible. Obama provides upheaval, fear and outrage in massive quantities. Thus more page views. Thus more income. If Romney is “elected”, many folks would stand down and traffic to sites like HotAir, Breitbart and Beck would curtail precipitously.

Before you accuse me of hypocrisy, please remember that there are no ads on this site. I have been told that I could easily generate several thousand dollars per month by putting ads up here. I refuse. I refuse to profiteer off of the end of the world. I also fully realize that if I started advertising here that I would notice and CARE about traffic, and would thus censor or otherwise shade what I write in order to maximize revenues and retain readers. Okay, at that point I would not be serving God, I would be serving mammon (money). Nope. I don’t give a crap if I have ten million readers or zero. It’s all exactly the same to me, and it is going to stay that way. In other words, HONEST.

Doing this “blogging thing” has done nothing but cost me money, and now that Barnhardt Capital Management is no longer in business (thanks to Obama crony and oligarch Jon Corzine, who stole $1.6 billion and totally destroyed the entire financial market paradigm) I am burning through reserves with each passing month. I have enough material to publish at least TWO books of essays – I even have a self-publishing deal ready to go – but I can’t bring myself to do it because I don’t want to go to hell for profiteering off of the death of my country and civilization.

So yeah, I am uniquely qualified to call out these money-hungry bloggers and pundits (Malkin, Coulter, Limbaugh) who refuse to report on the fact that Obama is illegitimate, and who may even be rooting for his reign to continue.

Sins of omission are every bit as grave as sins of commission, and protecting income or assets is not a valid excuse for concealing the truth. Michelle, Ann C. and Rush may be able to buy their way out of the country when the poop hits the prop, but they won’t be able to buy their way out of their Particular Judgments.

Finally, here are my thoughts on all of this. One more time: THERE IS NO HOPE IN WASHINGTON D.C.


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12 years ago

Straight from the hip……..well said.