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- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
I’m going to start issuing my own Passports,it comes with a ONE WAY TICKET TO HELL
I would like to comment, with no intent to demean anyone. I’m trying to make sense of the obvious psychological manipulation the American public has been subjected to for years, and most intensely, the last four years. Mike Adams was a primary source of Q-ideological support for quite awhile. Numerous conservative blogs and sites used his reports as key intel on the events during and shortly after Trump’s presidency. All evidence indicates he was propagating very bad information. I believe more than enough information has been presented from credible people revealing the obvious and potential dangers of the COVID-19 “vaccines” to persuade me to reject it and do my best to inform those I care about of these dangers. I also am able to identify the real and present danger of the communist takeover of our nation. I’m curious why this site, which is usually very informative, would give credence to reporters/bloggers who have such an inconsistent track record. I concede I may be missing the boat on this, and welcome correction. Times are more dire than I’ve experienced in my life, and I have seen and done some very serious stuff.
Thank you!
I’m going to assume that you did not listen to the podcast. But if you got to the 7 minute and 30 and 39 minute marks you will understand why this was shared.
I did listen. I do agree that the message, not the messenger, is the focus, and Mike Adams was correct in his observation of all the facts that support a tyrannical government has taken control. He’s not the only one shouting from the mountain tops. It seems, however, that he was easily persuaded to follow and perpetuate what some have called “hopium.” Maybe it was advantageous in the long run, but lots of folks have been lulled into inaction waiting for Trump, Q, and the military to save the day. I, myself “hope” there is some truth to that potential salvation of the nation, but I’m more inclined to trust in the only One worthy of trust, Jesus Christ, Lamb of God. I like this blog and pray for God’s protection for it’s creator and content.
Thank you for your comments and prayers. It is greatly appreciated.
i am hearing the same message from an earlier post. Something i thought you were relaying from your thoughts and day? i guess your message is getting out.