So I Had The FBI Waiting For Me When I Got Home

They are awful worried about Wednesday…

I’ll write more later…


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4 years ago

My plans for Wednesday include a bag of popcorn and channel surfing.

4 years ago

Damn Wes! Well done man… this shit must feel horrible being in there job! No offense to either side! Just saying, I sure wouldn’t want to be them to enforce these draconian unlawful policies before they are all fired hopefully !! Seemed like decent men man… Just sucks this is where we have come to. I would most Likely retire early or be moved to desk work🤣 I would be pleading with my “partners” to leave the poor dude alone. Idk… THEY MADE THIS STEAL SO DAMN OBVIOUS THOUGH…What do they want tax paying, law aiding people to do? Kneel before them🖕🤡⚔🇱🇷💪

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
4 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Give me a break./
These power hungry scumbags are wallowing in their new found power to harrass and intimidate.

The Mcintosh Man
The Mcintosh Man
4 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Yeah, FedUpFlman…

They seem like decent men, just doing their jobs.
Here’s a list of other men in ‘legal’ government organizations ‘just going their jobs’….

The Kimher Rouge
The Stasi
The Gestapo

All men ‘just doing their jobs’ --legal at the time.

What you saw in the video is just the beginning--just the start of it, and they haven’t even put China-Joe and his Ho in power yet. The FBI is just another tyranny tool now. Out of control. Politically motivated. Men and women in it who will do about anything they are ordered to do for a paycheck and retirement package… just like the organizations I listed above.

Now this type of pressure will be more than the subtle contact you saw in the video. Next they will come for his guns and survival equipment (which if I were him, move ASAP to another location). He is now under the microscope from various LEO organizations--who again will do anything they are ordered to to, from any nutcase positioned above them.

Consider this and more of what will unfold then the communists start making laws in the next few weeks. I am getting the feeling that these communist fools are going to push this country over the tipping point much, much sooner than later.

John Woodell
John Woodell
4 years ago

Hate to hear that. Can’t even speak your mind anymore unless it’s their word’s coming out of your mouth….

4 years ago

I’ll watch their arrests from my living room.

4 years ago
Reply to  SF Mo

Whose arrests? What arrests?

Derrick Smith
Derrick Smith
4 years ago

What a waste of resources,wish they would have been that motivated for voter fraud

4 years ago

May the Lord watch over you, guide you, and protect you in these dystopic times.

Lance freeman
Lance freeman
4 years ago

If the feeb started dancing instead of clearly stating his name, rank, office, and supervisors name, then there is a huge integrity question on the LE folks.

4 years ago

🙂 I’ve had the pleasure thrice but they were all good. The last time I gave them a tour of the house and some big Virginia peanuts.

Charley Waite
Charley Waite
4 years ago

FBI dress code = tourist sweatshirt now? Someone trying to look Gray Man

4 years ago

Welcome to the ‘we’re investigating a ‘tip’ club! There used to be dues, membership cards and a secret handshake, but I was making too much money and the IRS got involved.
Now we just say ‘welcome’ to the club.
Oh, and just be glad there wasn’t a garage pull involved. Whew, things coulda gotten ugly.

4 years ago
Reply to  millerized

Funny, that’s exactly what I was thinking. This is the same crew that sent a team of ‘special’ agents to investigate a rope pull in a NASCAR garage and kept LaVoy Finicum from making it out of Malheur County alive.

And now, for saying that, I’ll probably be greeted in my driveway by a Special Agent Norman G. Kuylen clone asking what my intentions were in posting this comment.

I weep for my country..

4 years ago

They are nationally well known as “F.B.Lie” for very good reasons….

4 years ago

Huh, seems like if they gonna question some and arrest others, one may as well make it worth it.

4 years ago

I wonder if they stopped by the homes of the democrat poll workers that carried in ballots in the middle of the night?

4 years ago

I had wanted to share my experiences with the FB with Wes but needed to see his comments but got this instead:
“You can’t use Facebook because your account, or activity on it, doesn’t follow our Community Standards.”
I don’t use FB, never have, and never will. WTF!
The FBI was trying to get intel. They are clever. They double team as a form of intimidation. However I am sure Wes was fully aware of all that.
The visit speaks to incoming, I.e. Wes must be near the target.

4 years ago

If you need QRF put it out.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
4 years ago

Sickened to the core.
These neckbeard scum.
I thought GEORGIA was all “good old boys and rednecks”…Not neckbeard librats and federal criminals.

You know what is next… Nothing going to stop it.


4 years ago

Here’s what pisses me off. They know Wes is legal in his fine and inspirational writing. They also know that someone who is a threat isn’t going to tell them so, the whole entirety of them showing up on Wes’s property was intimidation. The only tips they got were one another’s cocks in their mouths. Be a damn shame if Wes and some of his crew made an impromptu visit to their homes to ask stupid questions.

Thomas Dowling
4 years ago

To the FBI since your monitoring this site:

Election fraud on “We the People” IS the ultimate vandalism & violence!

What are you going to to about it?

Remember your oath-of-office:

To support and defend Our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic!

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.” — Article IV, Section 4, of Our Constitution

A Republican Form of Government means rule-of-law, which most defiantly means NOT stealing/cheating Our election. Everybody knows the truth/facts that POTUS Donald Trump won Our election by a landslide.

The sick domestic/foreign violence of election fraud upon “We the People” IS insurrection!

Do your job!

Andrew Dinnerman
Andrew Dinnerman
4 years ago

here is what we need to win

Andrew Dinnerman
Andrew Dinnerman
4 years ago

any video ?

4 years ago

FBI = Famous But Incompetent! Those fuckers visited me several years ago because indicated that I was “Interested” in a counter ANTIFA rally at the May Day parade in Seattle. Patriot Prayer had a FB page and there were 2 buttons. One said “I’m Going” and the other one said “I’m Interested.” I clicked on the “Im Intersted” button and the FBI showed up on my front porch the next day and said they were “concerned for my safety” and said it wouldn’t be a good idea for me to go to Seattle! I told them I wasn’t planning on going because the traffic sucked and I hated Seattle so I wasn’t planning on going. It was very clear to me that they were sided with ANTIFA. Just a bunch of corrupt bastards! Hey, if you haven’t been visited you’re not trying hard enough! 🙂

The Great Cornholio
The Great Cornholio
4 years ago

Video isn’t working now? Not for me anyway.

4 years ago

It is the government that is violent.
It is the government that is the thieve.
It is the Communists that are psychopathic and insane.

4 years ago

I don’t get it. I don’t understand how they can know and understand what The Usurper is going to do to this country and they just keep following orders. Just keep following orders.

4 years ago

Never never ever talk to these scum bags without a lawyer. EVER! Tell them to get off your property immediately and contact your lawyer.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago

Sucks to be them and they know it. Way to go Wes, badge of honor. Probably did you and us a favor by way of a redirect re; good news Mike Adams 1/18 HR sit update. Our guys, NG got this in DC. Make popcorn. Thanks again.

4 years ago

Wes, here’s what you should do next time you get a vist and this also applies to everybody. If they show up and question you about something you posted in a blog or social media, ask them if they have a copy of what it was that you allegedly said. Ask them if words have meanings. It’s a yes or no answer. More than likely they won’t have a copy of the post in question because they are sloppy, lazy bastards. Tell them you would be happy to go over the article in question because words have meanings and perhaps they are misinturpreting out of ignorance or taking it out of context or worse yet just trying to jack you up over some stupid bullshit. Tell them you will be happy to talk to them if they have a copy of what it is that you allegedly said and if they don’t have a copy then there will be no discussion with them. Make them do their damn homework and make them look stupid when you go over the article word for word.

Walter Zoomie
4 years ago

Friggin’ oinkers.
You handled that much better than I would have, brother.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

“Someone on line has seen some of your posts.”
We have seen a influx of new people and out right trolls for sure.
Good for you for keeping a cool head.

4 years ago

Having had a similar pleasure in 2009, this brought up memories. You do NOT have to talk to them. Do NOT let them in your home without a warrant. Do NOT go with them without an arrest warrant, and say NOTHING without your attorney present.

4 years ago

I’m not sure you should have even spoken to them. Ask if you’re under arrest and if you are being detained. If no, go on inside and keep your mouth shut. If yes, shut up and lawyer up.

Hammers Thor
4 years ago

So, Matt Bracken has posted about this:

4 years ago

Looks like harassment to me

4 years ago

Tip lines, billboards, doxing trolls, visits and questioning.
Liberty and freedom, RIP.

Large Marge
Large Marge
4 years ago

A couple points:

This looks like a soft ‘red flag’ interrogation.
A hard ‘red flag’ stomps your kitten and requisitions your weapons…. for ‘safe-keeping’.

In Matthew 7:24, does ‘sand’ refer to the silicone of Amazon and Wikipedia and BitCoin and such?
How long until that house collapses?

4 years ago

Last time I got a visit from the FBI, I got a 8year vacation at an FCI. BE CAREFUL.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
4 years ago

Never say anything to the FBI without an attorney. And even then just say hi and bye.
This a dishonorable, corrupt organization. Say nothing.


[…] of current events, and while the experience Wes had is fresh in our minds, now is probably a pretty good time to remind everyone of these words of […]

4 years ago

[…] our esteemed colleaugue Wes over at NC Renegade, enjoying an unscheduled and unsolicited visit from The Man. If you scroll down through the […]

4 years ago

I am not an attorney. I watch videos on line from attorneys, the number one rule is DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE. Be polite, but do not talk to them, they will twist your words against you.
This FBI agent was following the script -- you have a first amendment right, anything we need to be concerned with?

4 years ago

Damn Brother. It’s going to get fuckin’ ugly.

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
4 years ago

Straight-up intimidation. Someone wants you to stop training, talking, and writing, and be a good little puppy.
Bull. Shit.

Grey Ghost
Grey Ghost
4 years ago

You did loose all your weapons in that fishing trip last week… right?

Grey Ghost

4 years ago

It won’t be long before any patriotic themed old movie or Bob Hope Vietnam Christmas special is completely wiped from the archives. All of those old white WWII veterans interviewed about their experiences will disappear. Any and all history of our rich heritage will be surgically removed along with us. This is our future. The enemy from within has decided your future…

4 years ago

Better have a plan for the after and hope people rally to you…Shot heard round the world and all that comes with that…


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