So the Logical Conclusion Is

One of the left’s most vocal advocates for convicting fellow domestic enemies is James Clapper. His latest account of illegal manipulation of foreign governments and regime change beg the following question: did the Obama administration also meddle in national elections? We all know the answer. The question is whether the “government” feels we can handle the truth?

David DeGerolamo

Clapper: The U.S. Meddled In Foreign Elections And Conducted Regime Change In The “Best Interests Of The People”

Former head of US Intelligence James Clapper just admitted that the United States was simply looking out for citizens of various countries “when we tried to manipulate or influence elections or even overturned governments,” a statement directly at odds with the moral high ground claimed by President Obama and other US officials on the topic of Russian election meddling.

In an interview with Bloomberg’s Tobin Harshaw published Saturday, Clapper – who is promoting his new book “Facts and Fears,” said “I guess the way I think about that is that through our history, when we tried to manipulate or influence elections or even overturned governments, it was done with the best interests of the people in that country in mind,’ adding that the US has a “traditional reverence for human rights.”



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