Sounds Right

So 2024 will be a repeat of 2020 because no measures have been taken to fix voter fraud and voter manipulation.

As we now know, our Constitution is now overthrown and we can add there is no way to vote ourselves out of this. In other words: Become Winterborn and Prepare for Battle.

David DeGerolamo

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4 months ago

The latest poll I heard on the Commonsense show on areas of the country believe civil war will begin is the south at 66%, The people know it’s coming and getting ready for it. The Lower mid-west is at 44% and the upper mid-west is about 43% , So anything short of the Mason Dixon line at this time will be death to any federal agency or sodomite woke military heading south. The South is the only area of the nation of which is totally aware of it beginning. The demon-rat/rino-rat whores in D.C. will begin it, and when it starts each and every one of them will be targeted as well as every federal agency with there woke sodomite Piss police forces. The Northern States as well as the West Coast States have no munitions factories as well as gun manufacturing facilities since the majority of them have been driven out by their anti-second amendment legislatures. The bulk majority of munitions and gun manufacturing plants are now located in the South, so they have one big problem on their hands which they will not overcome.

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago

I 100% believe that CW will be in full swing before the 2024 election, I live in NW Arizona. I try to prepare every day for what is coming, just purchased another large water storage container as we do not have a well on the property. Always looking to buy more ammo and supplies, I also have been reloading my own since the early 90’s, never enough. Gods speed stay safe for now.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
4 months ago


tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago
4 months ago

David in all love and kindness when are you going to wake up and realize that this entire U.S. Governmental System, Washington DC, Politicians and Political Parties etc etc is part of Satan’s System/Kingdom of Darkness and always has been since day one? The Constitution/Founding Fathers etc etc was all from Masonic/Illuminati roots and they have used it over the years to bring us to this point and to usher in a New World Order. Our REAL history is extremely ugly and what is left of the Constitution allows and protects every form of evil we are seeing and that was the ultimate goal when they designed it. The evil ones have been planning and plotting since the 1700s at least… go read Albert Pike. The statue of liberty is a statue of Satan/Apollo… go research it. Conservatism, Patriotism, Nationalsm, and Donald Trump are all false idols, false gods and false religions. God told His people to COME OUT OF BABYLON (Spiritually/our heart focus)…. all of the above mentioned is a form of Babylon/Satan’s Kingdom. There is no political result that will “SAVE” us but the way you post every day I can see you are blind to these facts and still in this paradigm that America can be saved and Donald Trump is a savior etc etc etc and we need to fix the voting system and immigration blah blah blah. This is Satan’s system and always has been…We don’t control any of it… we have just been blinded and decieved. Wes has been the only person on this platform that has any understanding at all of these things and it is a shame he doesn’t really post anymore.

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade