
It’s time to stop calling them Democrats.
This is no longer the party of FDR, JFK, or even Bill Clinton, and it’s time to start calling a spade a spade.
Imagine this scenario:
You have a neighbor, Mr. Jones—a kind old man whose wife died years ago, who works in his small garden, wears the same old jacket all the time, and has a funny but genuine laugh.
One day, suddenly, Mr. Jones disappears.
Several days later, you notice some activity in his place—it looks like Mr. Jones—and you go to say hello. But suddenly, you realize this is a stranger. He looks like Mr. Jones, sounds a little like Mr. Jones, and acts in some ways like Mr. Jones. But it’s not him.
This person lives in Mr. Jones’ place, wears his clothes, works in the garden, and even has a strange imitation of his laugh. “Who are you?” you ask. He responds, “Why, I’m Mr. Jones, of course!”
But it’s not him.
This creepy scenario is what has taken place with the Democratic party.
One of the stated goals of communism, from the Congressional Record in 1963, was to take over one or both political parties from within.
They’ve succeeded.
[Let’s] review a few basics:
- They’re raiding and jailing their political opponents.
- They’re turning the FBI, CIA, and IRS against American citizens.
- They’ve come out against freedom of speech, religion, press, the Second Amendment, and other core American ideals.
- They’ve abandoned the rule of law, and now have one set of laws for themselves and another for the rest of us.
- They’re deliberately trying to bankrupt us—sometimes directly (through shutting down businesses), sometimes indirectly (through wasting trillions of our dollars.)
- They’re indoctrinating our children with radical ideologies.
- They celebrate infanticide.
- They’re making secret deals with foreign entities against our interests.
- They’re deliberately keeping our borders wide open to erase our national identity.
- They mandate groupthink and conformity and punish anyone who doesn’t parrot their chosen narratives, however absurd.
- They’re purging the best from our military and converting what’s left into a tool of Wokeism.
- They’ve transformed our once-great American cities into crime-ridden hellscapes.
- They relentlessly stoke division between everyone and never miss the slightest opportunity to accuse someone or something of being racist, sexist, phobic, supremacist, etc.
- They constantly work to slander, cancel, and erase our Founding Fathers, American heroes, and America itself. (E.g., they removed the statue of Theodore Roosevelt from the American Museum of Natural History.)
- They want to defund the police, release criminals from prisons and disarm the rest of us.
- They defend terrorists. (Joe Biden: “Antifa is an idea, not an organization.”)
- They’ve ignored the first principle of the Nuremberg Code, which was written in the aftermath of WWII, and which explicitly prohibits coerced consent for experimental medications. (See, e.g., here or here.)
- They’ve tried to corrupt elections on a national scale.
- They’ve openly stated their desire to abolish the family structure itself.
- They’ve threatened to abolish the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and dismantle the electoral college system.
- They’re criminalizing normality on multiple fronts.
- They’ve taken down American flags and raised other flags in government buildings and city streets, symbolizing their stealth political takeover.
- Their leaders have literally kneeled to one form of the cause they actually serve in the Capital building.
This list could go on, yet they accuse us of turning against America.
All the above is straight out of the communist playbook.
EDIT: For those who would criticize the article for not including most of the Republicans, let me do it for you. Yes, most of the Republicans (controlled opposition) also belong in this camp.
i agree completely, it is like stop calling the jabs vaccines THEY ARE NOT!
Of the Presidents you mentioned only one was not a communist, JFK.
I suspect Kennedy was assassinated BECAUSE he was fighting the communists. Oh, and the CIA.
Yes he wanted to break them, cia into a thousand pieces.
He was about to install an interest free government printed currency not borrowed from the Federal Reserve. Brave but not smart to fool with the banksters. Suggested article is “All wars are banker wars” by Micheal Rivero. A long but tremendous book is “Creature from Jeckll Island” by Edward Griffin.
I have listened to the video version of All Wars Are Bankers Wars narrated Michael Rivero and it’s a must. The Creature from Jeckll Island also highly recommended.
That is to say… fighting Poale Zion.
eckbach, I looked it up. Thank you very much. It is a comfort to know that others are aware of the joo world order.
The masses refuse to make the connection with the original Bolsheviks, the Russian Revolution of 1917 and (((who))) in America helped finance it. Thru Bolshevik bankers, the USA aided and abetted the overthrow of the Czar, and eventually, Germany.
The mass murder of millions of Christian Russians and why Germany tried to stop it in the 1920’s.
All swept under the rug by the Bolshevik media which has rewritten actual history to enable the mass brainwashing we have today.
People now embrace Bolshevism, to do otherwise would go against public opinion and peer pressure from FB.
And the international banking families who control the FED, all the Western national central banks, the IMF, the World Bank and the vast majority of the world’s international corporations.
Hey, with enemies like that, don’t expect to live to a ripe old age.
…and the zionists/israel.
that 60s movie invasion of the body snatchers was about communists.
hidden in plain sight
The faux republican gubernor here in the Buckeye tried his damnest to lock us down just as the democrat states did over the covid bull crap . Here in my rural county even the cops refused to wear the face diaper . But due to the control of the republican party by the uni-party we get only our choice of two losers to vote for . That is exactly why we no longer will bother voting here . I may sell out and move elsewhere . Still looking . Can’t take the heat and most northern climes are commie . Yep ! We’re fooked !
Come on out to Arizona robehr.
You’re welcome in Wyoming.
Orinsky….move elsewhere ? Where would that be in FUSA ? Every locale in this former great nation has been compromised by the Amerikan communists !
There is only one solution….the judicious use of hemp and lead.
Peter Strzok Desperately Cries “Why Does He Have Two Passports?” If you do not believe in demons, remember him.
Rumor is that Strzok was never FBI. He was “talent” on loan from the Central Iniquity Agency.
“… the Central Iniquity Agency.”
I believe you mean ‘Communists, Insurrectionists (the real ones), and Anarchists.’
I’ve been calling them commies for a couple of years now.
Who are the “they”? John Kaminski has a tremendous website as well as Henry Makow. Communist is a cover term.
It seems more likely that many of the individuals, who have implemented much in the way of the policies above are satanists, perhaps intellectually latching on to the communists within the democrat and republican parties, (to give their rhetoric a political legitimacy in terms of a recognized platform; which hidden communists would strategize to their advantage) that shrouds their overall intentions. Communism has different nuances such as the basic belief that “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”, and further, from readings, that there are quite a few communists that are Christian, as well as the communist totalitarian types. The purpose in mentioning this, is that if people keep framing the politically and socially charged environments with worn political labels, without addressing the occult-stated goals and objectives, it may misdirect and delay any countering action, as to where their energies and focus should be directed, or to state it another way, not able to know thy enemy. Much of the hierarchical input is likely coming from elsewhere, and from a place of obscurity, because their leaders tend to stay behind the scenes.
I prefer demonrats.
Works for me. However, don’t forget about their close cousins the Rino-rats.
Rino just doesn’t sound derogatory enough, rinorats are a bit better, the rinos, a cross breed of demonrats, demon rino rats.
Well said.
Yes…of course…
…but they’re ‘morphing’ into ‘pedocrats’.
A rat is one of the most repulsive, disgusting, disease spreading creature on the planet. They are so disgusting that when there are too many rats, they will cannibalize their own. Describing them as demonrats, covers all repulsive and evil categories.
Than there are the globalist pigs, another repulsive animal that will eat anything, including it’s own, and pushes it’s weight around without any care for anyone except themselves.
Not over yet, there is a black goat the one that represents baphomet the hermaphrodite, and that one the demonrats, rinorats, and globalist pigs call it “Obama.”
the WORST of the current crop of democRat Bolsheviks stsrted with Billy Bob Clintoon and his Demonic partner Hilarity. Waco, Eilan Gonzalez, Ruby Ridge, OK City.
FIB/ATF SS, Doj Dyke Atty Gen
Yes, of course. I knew that a long time ago. They are called Demoncraps but technically are pagans but officially communist.
Not hard to figure out. By their FRUITS ye shall know them.
This can go down only one way. Guns or no guns, they’re eventually going to have to come after us ‘strays.’ Their propaganda and various end-arounds won’t save them from the inevitable. We outnumber them by the tens of millions, and many of us are combat trained. Think they don’t know this? I’m not particularly worried. These people are cowards at heart.
“Liberals are the first to leave the room when the fight begins.” -Heywood Broun
This is not “politics” anymore -- these are satanic entities -- on both “sides”.
And communism IS the political arm of babylonian satanism.
Yes, just another variation on the main theme. Satan takes many forms, doesn’t he? But thanks be to the Holy Spirit of God, we are not unaware of his many plans and schemes.
Glad I am not the only one to recognize this turn of events.
Even Stevie Wonder could see the debacle unfolding in FUSA.
What is missed is that the Republicans are no different. (read Tragedy and Hope)
The government schools purposely create a communist population.
Your pastor and church sit on their arses, and support all 10 planks of the communist manifesto. Open your eyes and see the truth…
Joe, the points you make are true. I am a Christian, but I agree with the criticisms you make. Most pastors and churches have failed their congregations by not pointing out all of these growing evils. The Holy Bible has warned us that in the Last Days most churches would not be preaching the whole truth of the gospel and would abandon many of the principles of the faith and those that were preached by our Lord. I suspect that fear of political and government reprisals, fear of potential loss of church membership and fear of potential loss of government tax exemptions has much to do with their apostasy. Unfortunately, most churches are not part of the solution; sadly, their failure to stand up boldly for the faith has made the enormous problems that the American people now face just that much worse.
My bunper sticker is direct: Are you an American or a Democrat?
Your point is spot on, they are no longer Democrats, even if they blindly voted for O’Biden they are supporting Communism, people have to wake up and realize this. They are not your friends!
I am 66 yrs old, and have been acutely aware of the internal effort to destroy America, for several decades. To be brief,,,,the Dem’s are on board with a One World Government, and will abolish the Constitution as long as American Dem’s are guaranteed a seat at the table of power.
The Rep’s, once led by the Bush family, agree with a One world Government as well. However, their DEMAND is that they have the HEAD seat at the table of power.
This has been wholly unacceptable by the few who can succeed in destroying America. These few are fully backing the Dem’s. Even IF the Rep’s win in November, there are enough RINO’s who will go along with a One World Government.
Get your friggin heads on straight! The ENTIRE gov’t has become corrupt and leaning towards abolishing the Constitution by whatever means necessary. We are NOT in a status quo scenario politically. As many wish to believe. We are not living in a continuous playbook of “the Dem’s are this, and the Rep’s are that, and all we have to do is adjust until the next election. THEY DON’T EVEN TRY TO HIDE WHAT THEY ARE DOING ANYMORE. BUT, as long as it APPEARS that gas is going down for whatever Biden did, people will continue to keep their heads up their asses until it is to late. And come November we’ll show them who is control, by voting!!!
Bee SSS!!!!!!
And like all communists, they will soon go to the whip, cudgel, and gun to either convince, murder, or cow the populace into submission and compliance. This is how they operate. Those who won’t/don’t believe it will fall victim to their murderous methods. Wrap your heads around it, folks. Time to die, or fight.
Nah, we’ll keep voting Republican. That’ll show ’em.
[…] Stop Calling Them Democrats. They’re Communists […]
I’ve called them communist for 5 years now