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- Trump just pardoned former Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer
- Ukrainian Drone Escape
- Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Sate Securing Future Elections
- Another Win Against Evil
- Mike Johnson issuing an open threat now saying that Congress has authority to stop providing funding to federal courts
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- Bad_Brad on Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Sate Securing Future Elections
- Defiant Grunt on Another Win Against Evil
- Bad_Brad on Trump just pardoned former Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer
- Defiant Grunt on Trump just pardoned former Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer
- Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim on Mike Johnson issuing an open threat now saying that Congress has authority to stop providing funding to federal courts
Tag Archives: Benghazi
You Think?
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Elections, Voter issues
Tagged 2nd amendment, Benghazi, Civil Unrest, Elections, Gun control, Illegal Aliens, Russia, Syria, War
Clinton, Revolution, Terrorism, and Lies
Posted in Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Immigration, Radical Islam, Safety and Preparedness, Voter issues, War
Tagged Benghazi, Civil Unrest, Iran, Israel, Russia, Safety and Preparedness, Syria, War
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Moderate Muslims?
*ALL* muslims knowingly finance jihad, by paying the mandatory “Zakat” which is one of the ‘five pillars’ of the islamic death cult. They must also pray and work actively towards the implementation of Sharia law throughout the world. Now, explain to me how … Continue reading
Benghazi Hearing – Jim Jordan
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most people do not know that the German people voted Hitler into power. It is inconceivable to me that Hillary Clinton is running for President when the reality is that she should be on trial. Treason is in the … Continue reading
Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance
Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained more than 100 pages of previously classified “Secret” documents from the Department of Defense (DOD)and the Department of State revealing that DOD almost immediately reported that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was committed by the … Continue reading
Jim Jordan – Benghazi Hearings
Trey Gowdy – Benghazi Hearing on September 17, 2014
13 Hours – Full Interview of the Three Benghazi Survivors – Fox News
Gohmert: Administration ‘Let Those People Die’ in Benghazi
Clinton Dismisses Criticism on Benghazi Attack
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial
Tagged Benghazi, Hillary
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THE FIVE DAMNING LETTERS Ignored By The Obama Administration And Hillary Clinton Regarding Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration
The Benghazi attacks and subsequent coverup could have been prevented. The Obama administration, to include everyone who sided with him, are responsible for not heeding the words of five U.S. Congressmen who sent five separate letters to various agencies and … Continue reading
Doug Hagmann: The single most dangerous question to Obama about Benghazi
Although numerous unanswered questions continue to plague the Obama White House about the criminal and murderous events of the Benghazi attacks on September 11, 2012, there is one single question that needs to be asked with absolute precision and answered … Continue reading
Democrats in Panic Over New Benghazi Hearings
Posted in Editorial
Tagged Benghazi, Bill Whittle, Scott Ott, Steve Green
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Doug Hagmann: Getting to the “Foggy Bottom” of Benghazi
“Follow the money.” That was the directive given to Washington Post journalists Woodward and Bernstein by their confidential source code named “Deep Throat” to get to the bottom of the Nixon White House cover-up of the Watergate burglaries in 1972. It was, … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial
Tagged Benghazi, Doug Hagmann
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