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Tag Archives: Debt
Student Loan Debt Owed to Federal Government Up 463% Under Obama
Since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the amount of outstanding federal student loan debt owed to the government has skyrocketed, increasing by 463 percent. The balance owed currently stands at $674,580,000,000.00 compared to $119,803,000,000.00, where it stood in … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial, Education
Tagged Debt, Student Loan
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Obama’s Borrowed More Per Household ($53,616) Than Median Household Earns ($50,502)
Under President Barack Obama, the federal government’s debt has increased by an amount per household that exceeds the annual median household income. Since Obama’s first inauguration on Jan. 20, 2009, the federal debt has climbed $6,167,472,778,984.22. That equals about $53,616 … Continue reading
Total US Debt To GDP: 105%
More… puts this ratio at 107.17%.
Debt-Slavery For Dummies
Everything the Fed does ultimately leads to less economic activity, less savings and more debt resulting in poverty for Americans, not prosperity. Debt is not prosperity. Debt is poverty and economic slavery. Why are you working harder but getting poorer? … Continue reading
Ben Bernanke Taught Them Well
The following story from Cyprus reminds me of Ben Bernanke testifying before Congress that he would not monetize our debt: That was back on June 3, 2009. The facts are presented below: Projected and Recent US Federal Debt Numbers Gross … Continue reading
When The U.S. Paid Off The Entire National Debt
On Jan. 8, 1835, all the big political names in Washington gathered to celebrate what President Andrew Jackson had just accomplished. A senator rose to make the big announcement: “Gentlemen … the national debt … is PAID.” That was the … Continue reading
+30.5B: Federal Spending Up, Not Down, in First 5 Months of FY13
Federal spending was up $30.5 billion in the first five months of fiscal 2013 compared to the first five months of fiscal 2012, according to newly released data from the U.S. Treasury. The federal fiscal year begins on Oct. 1 … Continue reading
You Must Understand the Implications of Pre-monetization of Debt
Steven Spielberg gave us Pre-Crime; Ben Bernanke gave us Pre-Monetization. Moments ago, as part of today’s concluded $1.464 billion market funding POMO operation, one of the issues purchased by the Fed was the 30 year Treasury identified as CUSIP 912810QZ4. Why is this … Continue reading
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Financial
Tagged Debt, Fed, Federal Reserve, Monetize
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$253.5B—Obama Borrowed Nearly 6x as Much in February as Sequester Cuts All Year
During the month of February–as President Barack Obama was warning Americans they would see dramatic effects in their lives if “sequestration” of some planned federal spending kicked in–the federal government’s debt climbed by $253.5 billion. That one-month increase in the … Continue reading
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Financial
Tagged Borrow, CBO, Debt, Obama, Sequester, Sequestration
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First Term: Obama Increased Debt $50,521 Per Household; More Than First 42 Presidents in 53 Terms Combined
During Barack Obama’s first term as president of the United States, the debt of the federal government increased by $5.8 trillion, which exceeds the combined debt accumulated under all presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton. The new federal debt … Continue reading
Reality Check: The Real Numbers Behind Romney and Obama’s Deficit Plans
From YouTube: Ben Swann Reality Check breaks down the answers or lack thereof of President Obama and Mitt Romney on the issue of cutting spending and the deficit Presidential debate Number 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It all comes back to the debt. … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial, Elections
Tagged Ben Swann, Debt, Reality Check
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Chart Of The Day: America’s Debt Crisis – Who Really Is Responsible?
While we watch the election process unfold, skewed polls and sound bites are used to mask the real issues: the debt and war. The national debt quietly hit $16 trillion less than one month ago and now $200 billion has … Continue reading
What is the price of economic ignorance?
A recent article by Bill Sardi has raised some interesting points concerning the safety of keeping your savings in a bank. However this quote succinctly from Mr. Sardi’s article puts our economic crisis in perspective: A major problem is that … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Editorial
Tagged Debt, Economic Collapse, NC Renegade, Slavery
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