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Tag Archives: military
Military retirees: You betrayed us, Congress
Military retirees are outraged that Congress will start voting Thursday on a budget deal that trims military pensions, calling the move “an egregious breach of faith.” The Military Coalition, some 27 military groups, wrote to leaders in Congress and President … Continue reading
Budget Deal Hits Military Retirees with Pension Cuts, Federal Retirees Untouched
Military retirees will see a decrease in their pension plans if the bipartisan budget agreement is adopted, while civilian federal employees will be exempt. Under the budget agreement crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wisc.) and Senate Budget Committee … Continue reading
Nine senior commanding generals have been fired by the Obama administration this year, leading to speculation by active and retired members of the military that a purge of its commanders is underway. Retired generals and current senior commanders that have … Continue reading
We Are Legion: Anonymous’ Presence In The U.S. Military
It was only after watching the excellent documentary We Are Legion: The Story of Anonymous, that I really understood the history of the decentralized hacktivist collective. It was also where I first learned of Barrett Brown and his groundbreaking investigative journalism into the … Continue reading
US Buying Ammunition for Russian Allies?
Since the US Military does not use 7.62×39 ammunition, why are they buying it? The question then becomes who uses AK-47s in New Jersey? David DeGerolamo 13–7.62×39 BALL, 7.62×39 BLANK and 9x18mm BALL Non-Standard Ammunition. Solicitation Number: W15QKN13T8515 Agency: Department … Continue reading
China to join Russia for largest ever joint naval drills with foreign partner
China will join Russia later this week for its largest-ever naval drills with a foreign partner, underscoring deepening ties between the former cold war rivals along with Beijing’s desire for closer links with regional militaries. China has long been a key customer for … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial
Tagged China, Joint Exercises, military, Naval Drills, Russia
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Dr. Forstchen – Military EMP Strike
Posted in Editorial
Tagged Bill Forstchen, EMP, military, NC Renegade, Strike
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US Alerts Two “Elite Military Units” To Be On Standby Over Deteriorating Libyan Situation
Earlier today, news crossed the wire that the British Embassy was pulling all non-essential staff from its Libya embassy, with the release of this warning: “Given the security implications of the ongoing political uncertainty, the British Embassy is temporarily withdrawing a small … Continue reading
The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: “Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense…Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis…”. The statement, released to … Continue reading
The Cyber-Dam Breaks
The article below illustrates our vulnerability to Chinese attacks on our infrastructure. These attacks have the capability to shut down our water, sewer and/or electrical infrastructure. Successful hacker attack could cripple U.S. infrastructure, experts say Since all of these facilities … Continue reading
Obama You Idiot…Sequester Takes Away All My Sons’ Military Active Duty Tuition Assistance
Just heard this morning from one of my 3 sons currently serving that the Obama administration has decided to cut all tuition assistance to active duty military. Why is it that those that stand up and risk life and limb … Continue reading
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Financial
Tagged Cuts, military, Obama, Sequester, Tuition
A Message from North Carolina Rep. Larry Pittman
I have known Larry Pittman since 2009. I will probably always think of him as a minister first and a politician second. I believe that the clergy should not hold public office: their role is to provide guidance to the … Continue reading
Posted in 2nd Amendment, Editorial
Tagged 2nd amendment, Constitution, Larry Pittman, military, Oath, Veterans
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Obama’s Christmas Presents to the Muslim Brotherhood
The following story is another example that shows the United States is on the wrong side. A “foreign aid package to Egypt” is another name for supplying arms to the enemy. This is simple: what will the purpose of these … Continue reading
Military Support or A Warning?
“We, the undersigned, proudly support Governor Mitt Romney as our nation’s next President and Commander-in-Chief.” Brigadier General Arthur Abercrombie, (USA-ret) Lieutenant General James Abrahmson, (USAF-ret) Major General Chris Adams, (USAF-ret) Rear Admiral William V. Alford, Jr., (USN-ret) Brigadier General John R. … Continue reading
Security backdoor found in China-made US military chip
Cambridge University researchers find that a microprocessor used by the US military but made in China contains secret remote access capability A microchip used by the US military and manufactured in China contains a secret “backdoor” that means it can … Continue reading