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Tag Archives: Safety and Preparedness
The Singularity of Racial Conflict
Originally posted in Sept. 2017, this post is more relevant now than at any point in our history. South Africa is buring, right now. Haiti’s president was just assassinated by an allegedly US based group… it will be no accident, … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Safety and Preparedness
Tagged Civil Unrest, Safety and Preparedness
A Time to Kill
This essay was originally published on 12 January, 2013. But it seems the time has again come to remind some folks, that there is a line they must not cross… I am a soldier. I know what war looks like, … Continue reading
The Accelerating Disintegration of Civil Society in America I had originally titled this post, “Well, That Didn’t Take Long”, but out of respect for the dead and their families, I repent of my urge to be snarky and hard-hearted. May God have mercy on us all in … Continue reading
Coming Soon to a City Near You
Anarchy. Everywhere. To weaken societies and destroy everything that stands between them and their objective of the end of all States, and the advent of direct Global Governance. Cataluña has overwhelmingly voted to separate from Spain, and thereby from the … Continue reading
Posted in Agenda 21, Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Safety and Preparedness
Tagged Civil Unrest, Freedom, Safety and Preparedness, War
New Email Evidence On Weiner Laptop: CONFIRMED
(Zerohedge) – Crushing the hope-filled “it’s just a backup of what they have already seen” narrative of a campaign clutching at straws to defend their candidate, and confirming Fox News Bret Baier’s earlier reporting, CBS News reports that the FBI … Continue reading
Hillary Is Going Down, And She Knows It
Wall Street and their Media Whores may have made an informed and rational decision to throw Hillary under the bus, but the plebs down on Main Street definitely weren’t consulted, and their reaction will be anything but rational when they … Continue reading
Pariah Hillary: Elections -Should- Be Rigged
In 2006, Hillary Rodham Clinton very plainly proposed that the elections for the Palestinian Territories should have been rigged. Quote, “If we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure we did something to determine … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Elections, Voter issues
Tagged clinton murders, Elections, espionage, fraud, Hillary Clinton, Money Laundering, Racketeering, Safety and Preparedness
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CRA: The Clinton Reinvestment Act?
Close, but not exactly. It’s the “Community Reinvestment Act” which the (D)emocrats cooked up and passed under the Carter administration, but which the Clinton administration and democratic Congress put on Steroids when they “updated it” in 1995. The video is … Continue reading
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Elections, Safety and Preparedness, Voter issues
Tagged Civil Unrest, Clinton Crimes, Communism, Community Reinvestment Act, Economic Collapse, Elections, New Democrats, Safety and Preparedness, War
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Coming to America (Whether You Like It Or Not)
There is a War Raging Across Europe, Right Now
Soros’s Child Rapists – I Mean Refugees – Continue to Arrive In England by the busload
Express UK – ABOUT 100 more “migrant children” have arrived in Britain from the Calais camps but the Home Office has installed a massive screen outside the London processing centre so no members of the public can assess their ages. … Continue reading
The Rape of Western Culture
Ten-year-old Boy Raped in Austrian Swimming Pool by Iraqi Man who claims it was ‘a sexual emergency’ The mother of the (10 year old) boy who was raped by a 20 year old Iraqi man in a swimming pool in … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Immigration, Radical Islam, War
Tagged Civil Unrest, Illegal Aliens, Islam, Safety and Preparedness, War
Alas, Paris
And to the angel of the church of Thyatira write: These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like to a flame of fire, and his feet like to fine brass. I know thy works, and … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Editorial, Immigration, Radical Islam, Religion, Safety and Preparedness, War
Tagged Civil Unrest, Economic Collapse, Illegal Aliens, Safety and Preparedness
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Clinton, Revolution, Terrorism, and Lies
Posted in Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Immigration, Radical Islam, Safety and Preparedness, Voter issues, War
Tagged Benghazi, Civil Unrest, Iran, Israel, Russia, Safety and Preparedness, Syria, War
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Decide for Yourself Truth Trinkets which Bernie was handing out before he was disciplined by the DNC and settled down in Hillary’s lap, like the good little dog that he is. But everyone in the MSM, government, and big business is aggressively … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial, Religion, Safety and Preparedness, War
Tagged Economic Collapse, Safety and Preparedness
1 Comment
Fear and Greed Index Goes Hard Left
And the forecast is for increasingly cloudy skies, with a 40% chance of civil unrest this fall, as we face the front of an incoming storm which currently carries a 65% chance of spawning twisters and bank-runs throughout the … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Elections, Safety and Preparedness, War
Tagged Civil Unrest, Economic Collapse, Safety and Preparedness, War
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