The Forces of Evil are Aligned Against Us. What Are You Willing to do to Secure Your Children’s Liberty?

Trump is AQUITTED!!! Trump 2024!!! Time to take America Back again!!!

Really? Think about that for just one second. They just pulled off the biggest fraud in election history and now have total power of the federal government. Do you really think your vote will ever matter again?

Quit thinking that you can vote your way out of this mess!

It should be evident to anyone with half a brain that Joe did not win this Presidential election, he, well I shouldn’t say he, his handlers flat out stole it! There has been massive evidence shown to prove that this election was stolen and yet nothing is being done about it. And don’t give me your stories about all the court cases being lost. Not one court allowed a hearing or any evidence to be produced. Not one!

The Deep State is afraid. That should also be evident. They are living behind a wall now guarded by cowards who are collecting a paycheck and following orders instead of doing the right thing. Sorry if that ruffles a little National Guard feathers, but they should refuse to be standing guard and go back home to their families.

Now we are not even allowed to discuss election fraud or we’ll be labeled Domestic Violent Extremist. The truth is now what the Deep State says it is. They think they can buy our silence with their measly checks every so often. I hope you are spending your communist hush money wisely. Better yet when you receive your next communist deposit why don’t you put it to this cause and force Cocaine Mitch to back his mouth up!

I had an hour long discussion with a Preacher yesterday. I was looking for answers to the many questions I have. I was asking what we should do about the evil that we face. We discussed many things. The preacher agreed with me on many things. But sadly no one seems to have any good answers. It’s quite the conundrum we find ourselves in.

Are we just supposed to withdraw and protect our own? What future will I be leaving to my children if I do that?

Are we supposed to vote harder next time? Come on!!!

In my county we already have four candidates running for Sheriff. I know all of them but one, and there is only one of them that I would trust to possibly do the right things if he was elected. Can he overcome all the evil that is surely going to be aligned against him? Maybe. Better yet will he actually enforce the Constitution if he is elected? Possibly. Can he convince me to actually go and vote for him? TINVOWOOT

People are trying to make sense of what they are seeing. Been thinking about shipwrecks in the Bible such as Jonah, Jesus and the Disciples, and Paul, and how our Government is referred to as “the Ship of State” (and it’s about to sink as well). Each scenario centered on a different factor:

Jonah – his sin in trying to run away from what God commanded him to do

Jesus and Disciples – their fearfulness

Paul – just a natural occurrence (“the storms of life”) that was out of his hands

Though there’s one central character in each of those stories, the storm affected EVERYONE on the boats regardless if they were the catalyst or not. In more ways than we like, we really are “all in this together.” It’s also very telling about human nature that in every different scenario, the people on board reacted the exact same way.

1. Panic. In the moment of crisis, all previous plans were suddenly null and void. Even seasoned sailors found themselves woefully inadequate when the storm hit.

2. Do SOMETHING! Trying all humanly possible efforts to save the ship such as throwing overboard everything believed up to that moment to be essential – until the crisis forced a reevaluation of priorities. This is the point that shows lack of adequate planning and prep. Combine this with a sense of urgency, and it’s a recipe for disaster.

3. Pointing the finger at someone to blame (Jonah)

4. Resignation to fate (at some point everyone on board was certain they were going to die).

5. FINALLY crying out to God in humility and repentance. Though this seems like inaction, it is the ONLY action that saved them. What if they had done this FIRST??? What needless pain and anguish they would have saved themselves from!

6. Salvation with unforeseen twists (Paul reached shore – only to be bitten by a deadly viper, Jonah spent 3 days in the belly of a fish before being vomited out, and Peter bravely walked on the water – until he lost faith and almost drowned)

We’re all pretty much somewhere on Steps 1 thru 4. But not enough of us are on Step 5 and according to II Chronicles 7:14, that’s the ONLY thing that is going to save us.

Image result for ii chronicles 7 14 kjv

We have lost our way in America. We are no longer a moral and just society. The forces of evil are aligned against us. This is spiritual warfare. And now that some of us want to fight, we are faced with the reality that we seem to have no means by which to do so. The Deep State at this moment will win (especially at the higher levels), our local officials are cowards or quislings, and our own neighbors and family members will turn us over to authorities. They will NOT leave us alone to live our lives in peace. Yes, we have our guns. But we will not use them because we have no organized plan to do so. To be a Lone Wolf is suicide. But the Deep State is pushing. Somewhere, someone, some group, will eventually have nothing left to lose and decide that it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees as a slave!


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4 years ago

Hmm, my vote hasn’t mattered for 55 yrs, why should I worry about my vote mattering now?

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
4 years ago
Reply to  alfie

Forty yrs ago ongoing I didn’t vote in federal elections, just local because I knew the presidents were puppets of the globalists and that congress were bought and controlled with bribes to their districts, states. Why bother voting further on? it is hopeless since this country has recetnly been taken down by a Marxist coup and the coup is complete. Only 5% or less of adults understand this today. The rest could cate less the type gov. we have and even less about their kids, g’kids futures.

4 years ago

Wes, since David is not allowing posts on the other page unless it is a commitment of the donating of money for a McConnel / Lindell debate, perhaps you can answer this.
Knowing that there is no way that Mitch (the turtle) McConnell would ever accept the debate, and not even finding out if Mile Lindell would participate, why the time and effort to ask for patrons to commit to the money? What am I missing here as this seems like a futile exercise.

4 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

I am not allowing comments to minimize the time required to track money. I cannot speak for Mike Lindell but if this debate was accepted by McConnell and Mr. Lindell declined, I would have a moderator play his video and allow Mr. McConnell to address his findings. What you are missing is self-evident.

tom finley
tom finley
4 years ago

I agree, we are at that point of no return. At what point do we stand and fight? I am praying constantly for Gods guidance, we are alone together.Some how we need to come together and organize.

4 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom Finley, I agree with you that we need organization, but here’s the problem. Any organized effort would be quickly infiltrated by the Feds or by informants the Feds control. I was in an Oath Keepers chapter a few years ago. A friend and I came up with a great plan to reorganize the chapter when the CO became incapacitated. Men in the chapter voted unanimously to accept the plan. Within a week two ‘members’ began to sew disinformation behind our backs that, within two weeks, caused the chapter to split, ultimately destroying it. One of the culprits had bragged that he was a Navy SEAL. We got hold of his DD214 and found that he was in the Navy, but never left port, and was discharged after two years. No mention of any SEAL training. Therein lies the dilemma. How to keep the rats out of the effort. Any ideas?

tom finley
tom finley
4 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

We will never be able to keep the rats out, we cannot let that stop us. Where ever we are in this day and age with the technology we are at risk. If we go old school no email or phone communication we will still have to deal with infiltration. We cannot let them demoralize us, that is what they are trying to accomplish.

4 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

No, but you can increase the ability to keep them at a minimum and yes, even totally out of many groups.

4 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

Having a “Chapter” is the problem. Ripe for infiltration. Think small..only several guys\gals in the group who can be trusted and VETTED. Have many small trustworthy groups and the probability for success increases. Patriots are too trusting and think the more the merrier. Patriots welcome with open arms anyone talking a good game like that moron SEAL wannabe and then wonder why they get a boot in the face when it falls apart. You can’t operate like you did in that Oath Keepers chapter. At this point even keeping that name can be a liability with s huge bullseye and red blinking light on you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

Most definitely need an experienced leader and for sure a badass techy guy w/ some “connections” also.
I agree with Wes! I am not getting younger and this will only get uglier, what we leave our children to handle is not at all fair to them.
We just get locked in our new little cages(phones, pc or tablet) = the slave masters now! 2024 will be TOO LATE! The game will be rigged totally different

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
4 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

Oath K in my area had this type issue and people quit. Best to keep groups small with well known friends or family- not over eight people. (type in : leaderless resistance by Louis Beam)

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
4 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

From what I hear over time, these patriot groups incl the tea party craze several decades ago, die out seeing no one does anything or leads the group. This incl the Birch soc. and others over the yrs. I am no longer a joiner.

4 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

Small groups 10-15 Harder to infiltrate and you can get to know each other better. Better to start 3 groups with 10-15 than 1 with 50

4 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

We should have been doing it long before now but life wad good, busy and anyone mentioning it was a conspiracy theorist or “it can’t happen here” or “our leaders will protect us” etc. etc. When it reared its ugly head is when it should have been stomped. .Gov was good at the brainwashing and playing head games. We were too trusting and gullible. Most people will deny its happening or try to decide when to fight even as they are lined up against the wall or loaded into the box cars. Quit waiting for God to give you a checkered flag to do something.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
4 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

So few patriot men of fighting age today to turn the country back to solid gov. Few care, less than 5% even know what is going on now. Too busy w/ video games, social media and other trivial hobbies 24/7. I no longer try to inform now for several yrs. No one cares or has a viable solution online or in the communities. Most patriots are over 65 and too old or handicapped to go into battle. This country is in a sorry state ongoing.

Just A Guy
Just A Guy
4 years ago

Maybe the reason the real reason less than 5% “get” what is going on according to people like you is because your version of what’s going on is an outrageous caricature of reality. You people do nothing but post out of context bible verses and platitudes about how foolish everyone under 65 is. By the way, congratulations on sharing the same snobby, out of touch, elitist attitude as the average affluent liberal coast-dweller. “Me and my circle are the ones that get it, everyone else just goes on vapidly through life. And those “distractions”? Yeah, they’re all being infiltrated by lefties which is certainly a wake-up call for many people.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
4 years ago
Reply to  Just A Guy

I didn’t quote Bible verses. I wrote from my experience and others, who jsut gave up on people. People just don’t want to be informed because like you just don’t care or understand how globalsits operate. for more on agenda 2030 and A,I. I was not an Oath Keeper leader, jsut talk to the man who was, the group broke up over “no one did anything ” in the Oath K. jsut another money pit.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just A Guy

The most important thing we can do is stay calm and for what ever reason learn to focus on what we have in common . We fear Communists and agree on the solution. whether a man is of fine character matters not to me. All that matters is that they love freedom are willing to sacrifice it all to preserve it . I think you and many out there are demoralized unjustly. we outnumber the enemy by large amount and if we fight back even a little. The same people that are afraid now will join us and we will be an unstoppable force simply by size and will. I think most people when they get hungry and realize the whole story there ill be more outrage.

4 years ago

If the day comes when American Patriots are hunted, adopt the tactics of the Partisan French Resistance who fought during WWII…the Nazi’s feared them, they were the DVE’s of their day.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago

The partisans are great people. If you ever get the chance to talk to any of them ,it wouls be a good investment of your time. Ive met with several of them. Every single one of them starts the conversation with DON’T REGISTER YOUR GUNS! Sadly most ov them have passed to the next realm.

Jonathan Hartley
Jonathan Hartley
4 years ago

Spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:12. The stunning lack of spiritual discernment and understanding coming from corporate religion, which is just heretical paganism full of the false christ, and the alt right Qult types ‘trusting the plan’ are the main obstacle for a return to even the slightest bit of self governance based in liberty and freedom only found in the blood atonement of the perfect Lamb. All this trump mania is doing is keeping them docile, and in a fog of hopium. TDS isn’t just an affliction for those on the left. People who foolishly believe this is all a contrived scenario to get the bad guys are riding a wave of delusion that is hard to stomach. There’s a plan alright, a brilliant one, that is designed to enslave and subjugate every one of us. As we sit behind our computers they are active in their implementation of wickedness on a scale we can’t conceive until we experience it first hand imo. Said it for years, we’re the problem. More apparent by the day.

4 years ago

I totally agree. Even after all the dates that were set for those 400,000 indictments to be executed on, the election, the 12/20 date, the 1/6 date, these morons are now saying Trump will be sworn in as the 19th president!
This was a psyop from the beginning and has kept thousands on the sidelines, eating their popcorn, and trusting the plan. Pathetic and nauseating.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
4 years ago

These folks are (many) on the broad way, following apostate ministers (hirelings) in these 501c3 corp churches preaching a social gospel and running social clubs/businesses. The narrow gate is open to the few called out over the centuries of time. They are only ones with spiritual discernment.

4 years ago

What to do: 28 USC 2675 > 28 USC 2401 > SF-95

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago

You’ve got a pastor who is still willing to talk to you?! Amazing!

4 years ago

Rabbi are you trolling through here? What is amazing about a pastor willing to listen and speak with someone? I miss something?

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

That’s an inside thing with Wes! Lol not trolling just having a bit of fun!

4 years ago

Good article .I agree wholeheartedly with it

4 years ago

If you’re Not Willing to put THEIR Children into the Woodchipper, YOUR Children won’t Survive. It’s that Simple.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

That’s ate up, for anyone to say or think, or to wish to become as the evil we are to be against.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Not their virgin daughters. You may keep those. War rules apply here. Not community rules among fellow countrymen and brothers.

4 years ago

Have you seen the commie’s Women? I don’t think I’m going to be taking any of them…
And follower -- If you don’t Do Evil to your Enemies, You will Lose, and they will do Worse to you. (un)Civil War isn’t. Get over it.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Well you don’t have to take them as wives. They can be slaves. Caucasians make better slaves anyhow.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

5. FINALLY crying out to God in humility and repentance. Though this seems like inaction, it is the ONLY action that saved them. What if they had done this FIRST??? What needless pain and anguish they would have saved themselves from!
A Nation that began slaying its own children in 1970, and increased this Nation and world wide 3 years later. And after 9:11 what did this Nation and the “supreme court do, and double down on? And also proceeded to destroy the Holy covenant of marriage as of June of 2015.
We will most likely not be saved by a group of men who proclaim ,
“we are willing to throw the enemies children into wood chippers?” Kill them and all their families…
“Kill them and take their oil”… You know we will exchange oil for the blood of men.
These do not seem to be men who have humbled themselves, These do not seem to be men who know Christ, The Master, and yes i have seen the Biblical ‘history’ of such events.
So many lament about the possibilities of History repeating itself.
It repeats itself, largely because people continue in eating their own tail such as the snake emblem depicts.
Are we according to the New Covenant suppose to render evil for evil? Is that the way of our leader and Master?
Is that the Message of the Messiah?
And no i am not saying fold, i am not saying let them in, to murder you and your family. There are many ways to fight and stand your ground.
You were not promised a rose garden. Yet there is something greater than this.

Last edited 4 years ago by a follower
Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

The issue here is Evil, who gets to decide what is Evil. God or men? We are expected to rid our communities of disgusting behavior and those who practice it. In war we are ordered to rid the land of all the enemy except for virgin females . I did not write the rules God did. If you are disconcerted by His rules of engagement you may be useless in the coming conflict or may even be a Toviah

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

The verse used in the article states that ‘if’ we turn back , this includes a change.
If we turn from our wicked ways. Rendering evil for evil is not a turning from our wicked ways. There are many verses on this in the NEW testament the New covenant. The problem is this is not what many ‘want’ to hear.
In the later part of Chronicles 7 we are told what happens to a Nation, a people that does not turn back and make the recommended and ‘required’ changes necessary to avoid pain and destruction.
‘ Why has Yahuah done thus to the land and this house?
and embraced other mighty ones.
What are we embracing? False prophets and antichrists! 4 years of no repentance of a nation, (i know there are Individuals who have ;Truly’ repented) just the continuation of politics and religion of pride and material gains.
“He has brought all this evil on them.”
i do not understand your little dig?
Toviah as a boy’s name is related to the Hebrew name Tuvya. The meaning of Toviah is “God is good”.
Toviah? God is good is He not? Through all things!

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

So you dont know the story of toviah in scripture? Well you are a shining example of why christiality is useless .

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Seems to me ‘if’ you cared you would explain.
Your self righteousness shows who you are.
i admit to my failings, yet you do not see your own? Condemning ‘all’ christians and christianity all the time as if they were one and the same as you and your buddies do on your program?
How is that a help? Is that what the Messiah taught?
And no do not give me your phone number. You take your jabs in the public forum, you can also explain yourself in the public forum.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Tobiah? not Toviah?
i guess i get you now, but you are off base.
It is not time to build nor rebuild.


[…] The Forces of Evil are Aligned Against Us. What Are You Willing to do to Secure Your Children’s Li…;Quit thinking that you can vote your way out of this mess!SQ;REMEMBER STALIN’S STATEMENT -IT MATTERS WHO COUNTS THE VOTES, NOT WHO CASTS THE VOTES! -- […]