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R. Shooter
4 years ago

I never believed the ammo companies were being honest. They can still make their product and make the same money selling to the Government instead of us (With our tax money). They make videos and cry crocodile tears and pretend to be on our side. We are on our own folks.

4 years ago

It would be nice if he cited any facts, rather than his own speculation, which to me is what the video happens to be. I’m sure he’s a really great guy, and I’d love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with him to discuss.
However, the term, “price gouging,” pushes a button. First, (check it out in Econ 101), there’s NO such thing as, “Price Gouging.” That is a purely SOCIALIST CONSTRUCT to mollify those who didn’t buy whatever the product in question is before it became hard to find. The correct term for the higher prices, at least in objective economic terms, is, “market rationing.”
Simply, when a person or company buys a product at their price, it becomes THEIR property, and they can then sell it for whatever price they wish. In times of plenty and competition, prices are driven very low to capture a corner of the market in whatever widget is being sold. When that widget becomes scarce, the OWNER of the product, to preclude Johnny Panic Buyer from buying ALL the product available because he’s pissed his pants, raises the price so that Johnny will only buy what he needs. Then, others, at the higher prices, can get one or two of what they need.
In this case, ammunition is the scarce product. “Price Gouging” is usually used by those shooters who, when ammo prices were low, had other priorities than buying it very cheaply when there was a glut. Example: The last 2,000 rounds of Federal 124gr HST I bought, shipped, cost me $399 to my door. That was in December 2019. The last 2,000 rounds of 230gr .45ACP FMJ Winchester White Box I bought was $299 to my door. That ain’t bad. I bought that just before the current panic hit.
I’m seeing 9mm 115gr (which I won’t use unless I have NO other choice) for $16 a box of 50 at my local range. That’s 32 cents per round. Not too expensive for these days of continued panic buying anytime anything is in stock. The range will only let you buy one box per weapon to be used, and if you’re shooting two 9mm’s, you have to show them both to get the two boxes, or 100 rounds. Their property, their rules.
Case in point: Yesterday I bought 400 rounds of 12ga Winchester Targ et Loads for .25 per round. $24.99 for a box of 100. It’s 7 and a half shot, so it’s good for clay pigeons as well as small game. That’s not too bad; it showed me it’s either a fluke, or ammo prices are starting to come down.
Now, I’m a bulk ammo buyer, because I shoot about 5,000 rounds a year, which isn’t that much when balanced against really serious shooters/competitors, but it’s more than John Q Public shoots. So, I look every day for deals. Sometimes I find a good one and I jump on it to whatever limit the seller allows. Sometimes it’s 200 rounds, sometimes it’s no limit.
Don’t fall for the hype about boogey men when it comes to ammo. YES, the government has pre-existing contracts with the ammo companies that must be honored. That’s why the trucks full are arriving at their warehouses regularly.
Part of the problem is the lead and copper mines were shut down during the initial COVID panic.
My .02

4 years ago
Reply to  DTG

dtg, do you have a new sight up?

4 years ago
Reply to  riverrider

Yes, thanks. As I don’t want to step on toes here, you can get the address on Normal American news.

4 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Thank you for the courtesy!

4 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

For real brother! The more who start to realize “We are all on the same team”, the better off we will be! I am sure they are buying up all ammo w/our tax dollars…i was saying this months ago and I do believe it.
Thanks again Wes, you are truly a hard worker my friend and I’d stand w/you anytime, shall the time come.

4 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Yes, we are! Thanks, again!

4 years ago
Reply to  DTG

Added to the website links in the right menu.

4 years ago
Reply to  DTG


Good grief between some of the conversations over on Gab and these videos I swear its no wonder we are in the situation we are in.
Some people lack a basic understanding of how business operates and in situations like this attribute reasonable business decisions to some kind of conspiracy.
The REASON that an ammo manufacturer will send a truck load of ammo to the Government and not to a gun store to be sold is called a CONTRACT!!!
Everyone knows that Government moves slowly. The Federal fiscal year ends in September. SO October is when they start issuing out RFP’s and generally you will see those contracts awarded and beginning to be fulfilled in December and January. So if Federal or any other company is awarded a Contract then they MUST fulfill it before they send ammo to distributors and individual customers. Otherwise they are in breech of contract.
So the contracts predate the current panic run on ammo and while they are contributing to the shortage, they are not some conspiracy to deprive average gun owners with shooty bits.

Dr. Lon Schultz
Dr. Lon Schultz
4 years ago

Things are not going to get better! Free speech will be crushed on the internet, it can not be tolerated! We need to support off shore short wave radio, get amateur and bandit CB!
As for ammo, primers, primers, and more primers, we can make black powder, and mold bullets, but we can’t easily make primers! Save your old batteries, and a bullet mold would help. Find a source of potassium, sulfur and you can make charcoal, but you have to have primers! This not just a temporary ammo shortage!

4 years ago

Have you looked for bullet molds lately?

4 years ago

This link isn’t relevant to the ammo shortage. However, it is the first on the page currently.
The link is from Infowars, regardless of your opinion of Alex Jones, the video has the Cathrine Austin Fitts (Former United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) interview discussing planetary lockdown as well as a Stewart Rhodes (founder of Oath Keepers) interview. Both interviews are extremely relevant to the current situation patriots and really all citizens of the world face.
Please share the link with anyone who might remotely care. To skip all of the intro and to go straight to Catherine Austin Fitts start at 17:45. To start at the Stewart Rhodes interview go to 80:30.

4 years ago

Here is THE TRUTH about the ammo situation. It’s simple,
The DEMAND has MASSIVELY increased over the past year while the supply has not increased…..and do to issues caused by the China Virus the supply has actually tightened a bit as material for components has become harder to acquire.
The US ammo manufacturing capacity is and has been for a while roughly 10 billion rounds per year. At the PEAK of WWII production small arms ammo was a bit over 20 billion rounds per year. So we are actually fortunate to have a significant ammo production capacity still available.
That 10 billion divided by the roughly 330 million Americans works out to thirty rounds per person…GET THA? Only THIRTY pieces of ammo for each and every American. Not very much is it. And even if only ten percent of Americans actually are interested in guns, shooting and ammo that’s only 300 rounds per year per interested person. STILL not much really…..only an afternoon at the range for most shooters. Now….lets add in the fact that for the last year America has been in a state of CONTROLLED PANIC where ALL SORTS of commodities have seen short supplies and you can understand why ammo has evaporated.
I have no doubt the ammo manufacturers are doing their best to keep up with demand. But demand has probably DOUBLED in the past year. And NO industry is going to invest in a major expansion in these uncertain times….certainly not firearms/ammo companies when the odds are good that the commies in power will put them out of business entirely in the near future. No…the problem is NOT the lack of ammo now. The problem is the LACK OF PLANNING by a LOT of people over the past 30 years.
EVERYONE should have seen the writing on the wall when Slick Willie the Rapist and the Clinton Crime Cabal took power and started prepping seriously THEN. Now it’s too late for most who haven’t already been prepared.