Then Our Course of Action Is Clear

In Tucker Carlson’s interview (start at 21:30) with Marjorie Taylor Greene, she states that the American people can stop Congressional actions hurting the nation and the people. One of her options is to vote every Congressman out of office.

Think about this.

EVERY problem or issue that this country faces is due to the government. Whether it is the DEEP State, the CIA or the branches of the federal government, they are the cause. And we pay them to castrate us financially and our children literally.

So if the solution is to vote everyone out of office, isn’t it a better solution to just dissolve the enemy within our gates? I understand that we are not morally or spiritually able to live in anarchy but anarchy with a small dose of government was the founding pillar of the Republic.

But back to Greene’s premise: we must vote harder to remove the parasites feeding on the decaying carcass of Lady Liberty so that we can replace them with new overlords? While she has correctly identified the problem, her solution is just delaying the inevitable. War is coming. If it is a world war, our military is not able to effectively defend the nation. How do I know:

  1. Look at our border invasion which has seeded the entire country with terrorist cells. In other words, our country has been invaded at the invitation of the illegal government and the woke military.
  2. No one wants to join a woke military to support an illegal president. Recruitment shortfalls resulting in the military begging for retired soldiers to return to duty shows desperation of a failed regime.

If a civil war breaks out, anarchy coupled with terrorists and the morally deficient liberals will bring an apocalypse in short order. No food, energy or security overnight. Will you differentiate starving looters at your door by race or culture? And that is how domestic enemies destroyed the Great Experiment: with greed, apathy and starvation.

David DeGerolamo

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9 months ago

Excellent commentary on MTG statement. For myself, how would I know who to vote in after kicking them out? I would not. Voting is no longer an option for me which means…a long revolution against the beast system.
The beast “system” has rooted itself in all governments around the world. A revolution requires us to rely solely on God every second of the day. We are his sword. There are many unknowns I am not aware of; therefore, what shall I do? I read many hours a day as much as I can and find that my only respite is in the Bible. I have faith in God’s plan for the faithful. Just look what we have learned in the last few years about the wicked shepherds leading our nation into the Lake of Fire. Who allowed us to see the Light? Need I say more.
I am walking down another street…
Chapter I
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost… I am hopeless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.
Chapter II
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in this same place.
But it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.
Chapter III
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it there.
I still fall in… it’s a habit… but,
my eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.
Chapter IV
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.
Chapter V
I walk down another street.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Another hole story--

9 months ago
Reply to  RHT447

Yes, this was another inspiring hole story. We all need to pull together to get out of the hole.and for those that want to stay we say bye bye.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jane

The First Rule Of The Hole: When you find yourself in one STOP DIGGING.

9 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

I needed a good laugh! Your right!

Hammers Thor
9 months ago

No food, energy or security overnight. Will you differentiate starving looters at your door by race or culture?”

If they’re wandering down the road looking for food, they’re going to be dangerous deadly. They’ve already demonstrated their failure to plan, when ALL of the signs were there for them. They will become the enemy… matters not their race or culture. You MUST be prepared to protect yourself… you MUST be prepared to do things you would have previously considered unthinkable. You MUST pray for discernment.

9 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

I agree with you for the most part. However, when the dust settles, race and culture will definitely matter. At least it will to them.

9 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

It matters to them now. And yet still not to “us”. That my brother, is a big part of how we got here. Personally, I will not forget that lesson in the after times.

kal kal
kal kal
9 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

differentiate?…….. I only see targets.

9 months ago

The main enemies will be from your own neighborhood when all breaks down, and you will have to discern what people are out to hurt or murder you and your family and make those adjustments as you move along. Your last resort would be to hurt someone and put someone down, but if all else fails you must do what you must, or you will put yourself and family’s life in jeopardy. I believe this is not what God wants for his people, but he did state we will all go thru the tribulations when they come, it’s how we handle it and who we look to for our strength and wisdom. In the book of Psalms David had many situations where his soul was vexed but every time God spared him from the enemy who was out to kill him. Pray, Pray, Pray, Pray and seek his guidance because we are all going to need it.

9 months ago

One of the worst things about the coming collapse is that we will have lots of neighbors that didn’t plan at all. People that we know. People we won’t be able to help. And we’re going to have to deal with them in an unpleasant way. If they know that you have “stuff”, the worse off they become, the bigger the threat they are. You may have to go “pre-emptive” on them. Not going to be a very nice time at all.

9 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

So very true. At least 90% of people i know have zero preps. Some do not ever own a firearm. Before i retired this conversation would come up in the lunchroom and i would ask does anyone have food for emergencies? I would get the blank look and statements like, Why do i need to store food or i’m coming to your place. I bet this represents 90% of the pop. I have moved to the mountains of MT. Or enemy will most likely be our unprepared fellow Americans.

Hammers Thor
9 months ago
Reply to  Ray

Why do i need to store food or i’m coming to your place.”

Can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that. I stopped asking, and stopped talking about it. Fortunately most of them have no idea where I live, and when TSHTF they won’t be able to get here anyway.

9 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Same here. The nearest city to me is 45 miles away. Those conversations with the unprepared was a motivator to move to where i am now. I’m not looking forward to what is coming.

9 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

The post-apocalyptic world will still need lawn ornaments…….

9 months ago
Reply to  Ray

This is exactly why I never tell anyone what I own and have stored up, they cannot be trusted and if they find out you have food you can bet they will turn you into the government for storing food supplies, so now you will have to eliminate the government who comes to take your preps and redistribute them to everyone else or they keep it for themselves and their families.

9 months ago

While I agree with her and would love to see and have been saying that for years, the odds of it actually happening are very slim to none. Not sure about everyone else on here but there is no way in the world we are going to vote our way out of this mess and save the Republic by voting. I wish we could but I just do not believe it. I also do not believe there are enough of us, who are willing to stand up and fight to save the Republic, that it will make any difference either. we are not of the same caliber as the founders and do not have the heart to do what is needed to do and we do not have a leader willing to lead those of us willing to fight in a just war.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jack

I believe that an essay was posted on “Identity Dixie” that dealt with “fighting for our Nation.” The author posited that, with at least 50% of the population supporting the communist Left and all of its institutions, and maybe 90% of the remaining 50% being apathetic or waiting to be rescued by government, etc., that left maybe 5% of people aligned with Conservatism: small gov., individual responsibility, reliance upon self sufficiency, and wishing to leave alone and be left alone.
His deduction was that, NO, he would not fight for America as presently constructed. The above 95% had no right to his efforts, his treasure, his very life.
He, like so many I’ve read about, awaits the total collapse & dissolution of the Train Wreck that IS America today, hoping to rebuild out of the ashes.
It is hard--darn hard--to argue against his reasoning.

kal kal
kal kal
9 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

if polls reflect anything, 2/3 of the nation are the left or left leaning population. Of the remaining 1/3, I would venture 1% would be willing to fight for the continued existence of the republic. Sad state of affairs we have dishonored all those that gave their all to preserve the nation and our way of life.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
9 months ago

The ants will have to fend off hoards of grasshoppers.

9 months ago

Will you differentiate starving looters at your door by race or culture?” No.

9 months ago

The conventional belief is that anarchy = chaos.
Anarchy really means “no government.”
My belief is that the “constitutional representative government” conferred on us as citizens, by our Founding Documents, has been utterly destroyed by 1. our “representatives” and 2. the entire unelected, entrenched bureaucracy.
Do you feel “represented”?

I’ll take 545 “Joe, the Plumbers” any day--but for the fact that We. Don’t. Need. Ninety-five %. of Them. at all.

But, the few needed would all have short term limits with no pathway to re-election to any new governmental position. Serve one term, take your paycheck then GTFO.
Lobbying/bribes/insider trading, influence peddling, theft: all to be made illegal, with mandatory jail time for the offenders.

What about the 20M+ government workers? Can’t they retrain as “solar panel makers” or “software engineers”?

We don’t need thousands of do-nothings with titles such as “Assistant Undersecretary to the Deputy Director for Sustainability of the Littoral Coastline, Eastern Atlantic Region.”

9 months ago

If “Our Course of Action Is Clear” then why was my comment deleted?

9 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Must be an error.

9 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade


9 months ago

While we may be able to vote some of them out it would change anything because anyone voted in to replace them will be corruptible…if not already corrupted. NOBODY is allowed to run for office who isn’t already owned. Any exceptions get the Trump treatment. TINVOWOOT. The deep state is so thoroughly embedded that there is no longer a peaceful, legal means of addressing the problem. 450 odd elected critters are no match for MILLIONS of greedy corrupt government employees swilling at the tax payer funded trough.

9 months ago

We told them so, for years, yet they had no Ears to hear. Now their Lying Eyes will be next.
Si vis pacem, para bellum , CYA, Conduct Yourselves Accordingly.
All the best, You did your best Wes, and I appreciate what you’ve done.

a follower
a follower
9 months ago

Looters are one thing. we are back to many saying no mercy for anyone? No code, (worth having)no morals, no forrgiveness? So what kind of world are you building.
Is this the message that the remnant is to be proclaiming at His return? Or is this the hardening of the heart we have been forewarned of?

a follower
a follower
9 months ago

So how about those people that prepared to the best of their abilities and still come up short? Ran out of a water source, fire, sickness, overwhelmed by a zombie hord, any mercy or just shoot them? Who gets in to a “Comunity center?” One second after?