There Are 99 Pages Of Details In The Debt-Ceiling Deal, And A Big Trap On Republicans

Semifinal Details 

If you wish to wade through 99 pages of details, here’s the full text of the Allegedly Final Debt-Ceiling Deal.

The Wall Street Journal has a synopsis in Biden, McCarthy Agree to Final Details of Debt-Ceiling Deal

With some conservative Republicans in both chambers signaling initial opposition to the deal, Biden urged both chambers of Congress to approve the agreement and said McCarthy would have sufficient votes in the Republican-led House to secure passage.

He also sought to quell concerns among Democrats over some of the deal’s provisions, such as additional work requirements for certain government safety-net programs, and rejected criticism from some progressive lawmakers that the agreement would let vulnerable people go hungry. “That’s a ridiculous assertion,” Biden said.

Republican Dissent

I am hearing the “deal” is for a $4 trillion increase in the debt limit. IF that is true, I don’t need to hear anything else. No one claiming to be a conservative could justify a YES vote.— Congressman Bob Good (@RepBobGood) May 28, 2023

Essentially What the Democrats Wanted

We will not back down, for the sake of the country. #HoldTheLine— Rep. Ralph Norman (@RepRalphNorman) May 25, 2023


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1 year ago

That reminds me of this:

1 year ago

The dimmorhoids Need to sit down, shut, up, and do as they’re told and then get on the goddamn bus destined for the camps because we normal people have had it up to our eyeballs with their shit, and no more. It isn’t up to a vote. It isn’t and there is no living with them, period.

Last edited 1 year ago by Noway2
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

Brotherman, the only busses in this country are ferrying illegals to red states.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 year ago

This debt deal is the epitome of a “mad man at the helm”
Crash this ship! Full speed ahead!

No Thanks
No Thanks
1 year ago

Clearly the goal is to DESTROY what is left of this sinking ship. Let it rip, I have no $$ to speak of whatever.

No Thanks
No Thanks
1 year ago

Wow I have to say it comes as a super-HUGE surprise; We are screwed yet AGAIN. . . And the pukes known as the GOP are just as bad as the Demonrats. This govt is so far beyond a complete joke. Nothing but more Kabuki theater. Just continue to prep, grow food, store food, etc, etc, etc.

Roth Harbard
1 year ago

So … The 2020 election was fraudulent. Let’s vote out those who committed the fraud. Oh, and they’ve passed this debt-ceiling increase. We need to vote in more Republicans to stop this happening again. I hope you sense my sarcasm. How anyone can think that voting will solve any of our problems, at this point, is beyond me. Conservatives have conserved nothing. I spent most of my young adult life working in conservative politics. I’m now older and wiser. What a colossal waste of time and energy. At least I tried. What now? Ethnic nationalism. It will come. The only question is how much more suffering and death will be required before enough people recognize that’s the only way forward?

Last edited 1 year ago by Roth Harbard
1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

votar mas fuego, mis amigos!

Hammers Thor
1 year ago

Biden: No negotiation. We will bend every man, woman and child over a barrel and have our way with them every hour of every day until they bleed to death.
McCarthy & MTG: Yes, Mr. President. Our bill allows for that. We only request that you use lube on one out of every 1000 Americans, so that that individual survives a couple of extra days. We also require that the billionaire business leaders and our megadonors be exempted from the procedure.
Biden: Okay, not happy, but that will probably work. However, we will require an allowance for extra time with the children.
McCarthy & MTG: Deal!

1 year ago

It’s funny. Of all of the calamities that I have prepped for over the years it turns out that the financial collapse of the country is actually going to be the event that starts it all down the drain. There is no doubt that the world is going to have enough of the US debt. When the dollar Loses its standard as the worlds reserve currency people in this country are going to see desperate times like they never have before. Absolutely sickening beyond comprehension. I would say the Republicans are worthless but they have been worthless for two decades. Maybe longer. I have no doubt whatsoever that financial collapse is just around the corner. The fact that the thieves and criminals in the federal government are engaged in a spending orgy unlike anything ever seen in history and nobody is willing to fight back is simply unfathomable. If I did not have children I really would not give a shit but I have kids that are still making their way through the world. I guess they can maybe pack up and go somewhere where they can survive. By guns and ammo and canned food. Prep like your life depends on it because it does. Sickening. Sickening. Sickening. Sickening.