“These kids can’t read. They can’t write a sentence. They don’t know what state they live in. No math skills. They can’t even attend to a three-minute video clip.” Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Since it is my vocation in life to say the things that everyone else is too terrified to say, here we go. Put out the cat. Especially if it’s black.

What this woman in the video above is describing is nothing less than the decades-long goal of dumbing ALL students down to the level of welfare-class blacks in order to achieve “equity” in the schools. Folks, I dropped out of high school largely because of this. Also the open rape threats by black guys while sitting four feet away from a teacher in study hall who had announced on the first day of school in August of ARSH 1992 that, “I’m retiring this year and I don’t give a shit about any of you. Do not talk to me. Do not bother me. Leave me alone, and I’ll leave you alone.” He wasn’t kidding. Even hearing a six foot tall black guy threaten to rape my fifteen year old person, less than 100 pounds soaking wet, didn’t phase that POS “teacher” in the slightest. I looked at the teacher after the black guy said, “Bitch, you uptight. You need a gud f***”, locked eyes with the teacher, he looked down at his magazine, I got up and walked to the school office and said, “Draw up the withdrawal papers. I’m done. I’m never coming here again.” Punchline? The lib boomer gifted teacher, having been summoned at the news that Ann Barnhardt – as in the-one-who-was-skipped-twice Ann Barnhardt – was demanding withdrawal, looked at me, called me a “princess” and asked, “Who in the hell do you think you are?” To my eternal shame, I did NOT say, “Who do I have to be?” I said, “Well, I know I’m better than this.” Derp. Such a lost rhetorical opportunity. Anyway, I digress.


h/t WRSA

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1 year ago

The movie Idiocracy can now be found in the “documentaries” section at your local public library…

1 year ago

sad state of affairs.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago

George W Bush “No Child Left Behind”… does anyone remember how much his administration spent on that?
The follow up behind is zip, notta, naught (0)