Who will be the first to say nothing will be done? The House of Representatives under Republican control is faced with their first major test: the DOJ must file charges or the DOJ is complicit and must be held accountable for not charging the falsely selected pResident.
David DeGerolamo
Our republic will not be restored in one election cycle. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try. Politicians do listen to “We the People” when enough voices are raised. I don’t envisage that a war with the left would turn kinetic -- or at least not as kinetic as we are witnessing day after day in Ukraine. A military intervention is a lovely thought, but not holding my breath. Many Americans do not appreciate the actions of the French citizenry in WW2, or their role in the ultimate outcome. A review of some of that history might be helpful. I wonder what analogous activities would look like this very different type of war?
Wrong…wrong…wrong. Having been to DC twice, in ’09 with over 1 million patriots and again in ’10 with a huge Glenn Beck crowd, I can assure you that THEY DO NOT LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE. They are controlled by handlers. The Dems and the ‘Pubs are 2 wings of the same bird. The quicker you recognize this the faster you can go to the next plateau in your reasoning.
Was in one of those crowds with you.
Was not about those in D.C. hearing us. At least for me.
The point I was making is that we were there collectively to let members of Congress “listen” to the anger of the people at what they were trying to pass. At that time, it was Obamacare. Guess what? It passed — hence, they did not listen.
The ONLY reason the Fed Gov would go after Twatter now is because Musk owns it and doing so would hurt him. NOT because they are interested in anything remotely like ‘justice’.
Authoritarians do as they please, the DOJ will do nothing, they work for the big guy.
All in DC work for the big guy.
90 Miles From Tyranny 31 million in deals with the CCP.
The GOP will investigate and then do what they always do … nothing. They are weasels and deserving of a weasels fate.
It seems that Rand Paul was given that role of “Investigating” from the outgoing “Rooster Hair” Trey Gowdy. A loud, bloviating ex-congressman who did not do jack sh*&.
And what will be the outcome….Nuffin
I believe that’d be me. I told you at 844pm last night that NOTHING will happen. Lol
https://www.amazon.com/Military-Powerful-12000mAh-Portable-Tactical/dp/B09M3MBNQ2?crid=1GOIF2UV8D3D3&keywords=baofeng%2Bar-152&qid=1670073615&sprefix=baofeng%2Bar-152%2Caps%2C975&sr=8-3&ufe Kinda off topic, thought this might interest you.
I just added it to my wish list for Santa to consider!
Thanks, tom.
You’re welcome brewer55, it is on my list also.
This was not directed to you. I am just tired of too many people saying nothing will be done. It has become an excuse to accept treason and go back to watching TV or playing video games. I want people to think, plan and prepare to fight Evil on an epic scale. Right now we will all hang separately and if we do nothing, we will all be hanged together.
Nothing will happen, the Durham investiagtion validated the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA will not be held accountable. Just Google ‘Durham’ nothing shows up, they buried the news. Ex Twitter executives will not be held accountable as well.
I will vote for the person that campaigns to have people arrested for treason, otherwise they are ALL false choices backed by corrupt elections.
Ask yourself where you will be in 8 years when we are told we will own nothing and be happy. My plan is to prepare for when the authorities come to take my property from me and my wife.
What DOJ are you referring to? the current one? No. We are at the crossroads. We have two options—God intervenes or we grab our balls and begin the inevitable domestic war. Based on how hard you have trained and armed since the 2009 inauguration, count yourselves either an AmeriCong patriot or a casualty of war.
I am the Americong, getting ready to go into to the bush and all that goes with it.
Both the last and current DOJ. My only disagreement with your statement; I believe we have crossed the road. We are now on THE path leading to a 2nd civil war. I can’t predict a date in the future; I suspect it will happen when people can’t afford enery or delivery fails, like what is about to happen in Germany and the UK.
James Woods Vows to Expose the ‘Corrupt, Vile Vermin’ at the DNC over Twitter Censorship: Joe Biden, ‘I Am Not Afraid of You. And I’m Coming for You’ Here is somebody from Hollyweird I respect.
Could I just ask a simple question? Why does anyone with an IQ above room temperature use any social media? Do you have to get bitten by a cobra to know it’s venomous?