Time to Wake Up

TRUMP HAS WON BY DEFAULT—Here's why! - The Millennium Report

I wrote an article yesterday concerning the election audits in Arizona and Georgia. I removed the comment calling me delusional and was dismayed by the amount of “nothing will happen” comments. There are many armchair quarterbacks who do not have the knowledge of the law and I will be the first to admit that we now live under a Deep State two tiered justice system. We have to look no further than the illegally detained political prisoners arrested for the January 6th occupation of the Capitol Building.

First, nothing will happen if people continue to use this as an excuse to sit back and continue to whine. I chose a different path. The election audits will prove election fraud. The Supreme Court opinion of United States v. Throckmorton provides the legal framework to vitiate the 2020 elections:

Fraud vitiates every thing, and a judgment equally with a contract; that is, a judgment obtained directly by fraud, and not merely a judgment founded on a fraudulent instrument; for, in general, the court will not go again into the merits of an action for the purpose of detecting and annulling the fraud.

This means one of two options when the audits are completed:

  1. Biden is removed from office and Trump is reinstated as President.
  2. The world understands that the United States’ government is fraudulent.

I do not know which option will prevail but I will state that option 2 will lead to civil war as states and people withdraw consent of the Biden administration.

But the real point is that lines will be drawn. Stating that an effective strategy is delusional or will not happen is only an excuse for sitting down and eating your sh_t sandwich as Wes put it.

David DeGerolamo

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
3 years ago

No food = riots and war.
No water = riots and war.
Election fraud = riots and “civil” war.
Emasculated Military = Foreign invasion, war, and occupation.
Vaccine Passports = riots, class war.
Its an awful smelly sandwich now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Foreign invasion, war, and occupation.”

Isn’t that how God judgement most always end with a nation?

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Reads like a Matt Bracken novel!

3 years ago

I am no prophet nor strive to be but early on in this bizarro world event of an election I suspected that a return of bad orange man to the awful office would be the needed catalyst for civil war. At first, around November i thought Donald would win and we would be fighting in December but the oligarchs put Joe in for other reasons, perhaps finishing touches on wealth transfer or what have you.
That happened so I pondered what’s the next move. We obviously on the right won’t budge even with a stolen election and illegal lock downs. So reinstate the best catalyst for change the country has seen in a while. OrangeMan! The left knows how to move, how to insist on change. The left will be the useful tool of the oligarchs. Oh and the right? I prognosticate that the right will see Trump back in office as the 2nd coming so again, won’t need to do anything but vote more harder so to win the house back or something.
Oh you do get it by now that the oligarchy is neither left nor right???

3 years ago
Reply to  Ulfbehrt

Just Unconstitutionally Tyrannical Psychopathic Offal

3 years ago

I was totally disgusted and frustrated by the level of corruption witnessed since the Nov election. I was hoping before the inauguration that something would take place while Trump was still POTUS to show the American people the level of fraud and election rigging. There was enough evidence, at that time, to show the American people. Since that time, the evidence continues to pile up.
That being said, I was tuning a lot out and concentrating on my little homestead, tending my bees, chickens, and getting my garden in order.
Recently, I was watching Jeffrey Prather (and have been for awhile) and hearing him discuss “Team America” and the goal to ‘Restore the fallen republic”. My wife and I joined and am now active in the State of Georgia. I highly recommend that the readers of NC Renegade get involved. There are many avenues for doing so. If you want to know more, go to his site and sign up.
You can learn more about Major Jeffrey Prather, retired, by going to his site: https://jeffreyprather.com/
Click on the ‘Join Team America’ link at the top or go directly via this page:

Last edited 3 years ago by Brewer55
NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

I would join Team America in a heartbeat! F**k yeah!

3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Be careful what you hear and read on the web. Don’t believe something just because you want to. I watched Prather for a short time as well.

3 years ago

David, good for you. I am sick and tired of people saying “nothing will happen.” In general, I am convinced that these individuals are people who are bitter about life in general, and who, after reaching a certain age, are referred to by family and friends as “gumpy old farts.”
First, never has this country in the lifetime of anyone alive today had a presidential election that was “stolen.” (The election of Rutherford B. Hayes was disputed, but it was resolved through a compromise, and that certainly wasn’t in the lifetime of readers’ grandparents or great grandparents, much less in that of anyone who is alive today.)
No one who is in the paramount ranks of conservatives claimed that the election was stolen. There have only been questions, at best, about the election at that level. Not Rush Limbaugh, not Tucker Carlson, and not even Josh Hawley have outright claimed that the election was stolen. Why?
My theory is that none of them would take the risk of making that claim in public and potentially suffering the consequences should no evidence be developed--even though they may have privately believed that it was stolen. Because there was insufficient evidence at the time that would support the contention, regardless of suspicious ballot dumps, questionable absentee voting, etc., alienating sponsors and/or donors could have meant professional suicide. (Note that I am fully aware of many “lesser lights” on the right who claim to have evidence that the election was, in fact, stolen. Yet, maybe two or three months ago, Tucker Carlson was saying that claims that the election was stolen were “ridiculous.” The Arizona audit may well change everything and prove that these claims were right. At least I hope so.)
Should Arizona’s audit turn the politcal landscape upside down (fingers crossed), then I will wait to see what happens. It may well be that many Republican leaders will decide that the party can live without Trump, given that so many of them didn’t like him anyway, and that allowing Joe to dodder around the Oval Office for the next couple of years is better for the country than starting a civil war.
My understanding of certification/decertification of elections and the re-count procedure is a bit limited, but let’s consider what would happen even if there is no path for Trump to reclaim the office now.
That is where your second possible outcome becomes reality.
Joe will be regarded for the rest of his term as “His Fraudulency” by a far greater portion of the population. His political agenda will be dead in the water. Moderate Democrats elected from purple districts, in particular, will duck and cover. Few of them will want to be seen as carrying water for a fake President. For those who say that “nothing will happen,” that is “something that will happen,” and it will be an “important something.”
BTW, the Gateway Pundit quoted staffers of Canada’s Trudeau as saying that Trudeau told them that Joe would be gone by 2022 (which is hardly a novel position). I expect that his statement was based on his assessment of Joe’s declining cognitive abilities that were manifested at the G7 Conference.
If Trudeau’s prediction is accurate, that would leave Kamala, who no one likes, in charge and politically impotent. She will be easy pickin’s in 2024.

3 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

If you wait for a 2024 sElection it will be Far Too Late, 2022 is probably too late, and Today is Questionable as to an outcome. Just my opinion with Covid-Vax Eugenics, Gun Control, Critical Race Theory Purges, an Illegal Alien Invasion, and Economic Collapse just around the corner.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

Maybe the Easter bunny can team up with Bigfoot to reinstate Trump and then hang the traitors from UFOs. For Christmas we can ask Santa to fix the voting machines so we can have an honest election in 2022/2024.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

You seem to offer nothing but sarcasm. Anything else “constructive” to offer?

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Welcome to the plantation. Enjoy your stay. Slavery should only last a few years after your forced injections.

No one gives up power willingly. Not Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Chaves, Castro, Xi, Biden, “deep state”, etc.


3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

I understand all this. I said in my earlier reply that I was almost disgusted and about done with all this. However, as a Christian I needed to know that I personally did everything I could before committing myself to what is likely coming. Since this site is monitored, as Wes can attest to, I’ll say no more on this matter.

Wes Rhinier
4 years ago

I knew when you published that article yesterday it was going to be controversial and stir up a lot of comments. Hopefully you didn’t view my comment as too harsh.
I think most of the people on our side and the frequent visitors to this site are frustrated and they, like us, have expected something to happen a long time ago. I don’t really think its armchair quarterbacking as much as it is they are wanting someone to lead and take charge in this fight to take back our country.
We no longer have the Rule of Law in this Country. So even if the audits somehow verify the fraud that the whole world already knows about, what then? I believe either way War is coming. We have discussed it many times. We are both very similar in our thinking, we both believe War is inevitable.
I appreciate you my friend. You and I both know how much crap is dished out to us when we write something like that. We’ll keep fighting the good fight.
Now excuse me I have another day of eating shit sandwiches.

3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Wes, You made the correct comment. I will fight for our Country but I have no intention of committing suicide. I am told that a “Leader” will appear but anything that takes place before that occurs will be suicide. Just ask Tim McVey!

thomas finley
thomas finley
3 years ago

When the fraud is shown we will remove the fraudulent rats and take our country back.

3 years ago

There are many armchair quarterbacks who do not have the knowledge of the law”

I would like to address this. The popular vote does not elect the president and vice president (12th Amendment). The president and vice president is elected by the electoral vote. So legally, the real popular vote has bearing on who is president and vice president is. So even if there was fraud (and I believe was and has been in past elections), it will not change the out come from the Constitutional point of view. If I am wrong, please explain constitutionally where my error is.

“we now live under a Deep State two tiered justice system.”

We may live under it, but until the Constitution is renounced, We are still legally under it and We have a duty to fulfill. Just because someone breaks into your home and commands you are gun point, it does not mean they are the law.

First, nothing will happen if people continue to use this as an excuse to sit back and continue to whine.”

Do not construe my nothing will happen comment as whining, it is from what I seen in the past, reality. We elected Obama who was not a natural born citizen, when asked for the birth certificate, We where made fun of or ignored not only by the government, but also right wing media (who claimed to be on our side). What happened from that, the courts stated we had no standing.

Also do not construe my comments as something like an armchair quarterback says. There are some who see what is happening and what has happened in the light of reality and are planning for what might come. Do not think you and yours are the only group that is the only ones trying to build a “better community” locally.

Most here was fed up with what is going on. But putting your faith in a system that is no was legitimate and against all you believe in, is not good. This is what beaten wives do each time the run back to their husbands that beat them.

I mean nothing here to be a personal attack. But I do think you are not seeing in the way most here are. If there is some organization that is going to write the wrongs, let me know who they are. Because all the law enforcement agencies that are out there at the federal level have burned women and children to death in a building in Waco. They are not going to do it.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I am not trying to start an argument, just trying to learn. Where does it state that in the Constitution or elsewhere. The vote has been cast and approved.

3 years ago

We all agree that theft gives no right to claim ownership. But the theft of votes was then certified by the individual state legislatures, all fifty of them.

Once the legislatures said this is the final vote in our state, the only other option was to get the Congress to not accept the vote results from questionable states.

Because there was a raucous and riotous melee outside the Congressswine Building on 6 January, those who would have attacked individual states’ vote results were silenced by stopping the hearings and hiding or were then browbeaten and shamed into silence. So no attack on the theft of votes was undertaken.

Once certified by the individual state legislatures and then by Congress on 6 January, the Constitution gives the office to the winner….

And while we all want others to act morally, it won’t happen in spite of truth being well known. The commies control all but a minuscule part of the media so Truth Will Never Be Seen….Until It Is Far Too Late !!

3 years ago

I will go out on a limb here as an old guy offering a questionable perspective regarding course of action. We live in a highly technical era totally dependent on every electronically controlled grid whether it be utilities, communication, surveillance, finance, logistics, mobility etc.. The best time to have done something would have been between McCarthy and Johnson. “Why?”, you may ask. Well is has nothing to do with the timing or the people. It’s more about the circumstances. Folks were still using a black desk phone. TV was limited. Newspapers and magazines were slower than the internet. And people still had town hall meetings and the PTA was the school voice rather than the federal government. Where am I going with this? Don’t laugh. Take down the entire grid -- everything. Turn the lights out, bring everything to a halt -- vehicles, finances, logistics, surveillance, TV, internet, schools, government. Now nothing moves and it’s door-to-door canvassing and organizing and back to the underground movement. Hit and run. Oh but there would be so much collateral damage. There will be collateral damage if we sit on our butts. This is war. The vast majority of people fighting us now will die; and we won’t have to worry about them. We can concentrate on more important targets. Think this won’t wake people up and mobilize them? The only people that might have access to technology would possibly be military -- maybe. The enemy already has plans to take out the grid. Let’s use it to our advantage. Blind the eyes that follow you and you’re in business.
Now, having said all this I will add that it is not important to worry about collateral damage. everyone on the left hates us and TPTB are just as interested in eliminating them as we (BLM/Antifa, stupid unproductive idiots, Muslims, illegals and anyone claiming to be American who are, in fact, not American and who truly want our destruction). That sounds harsh; but it is certain we will be forced to deal with them whether we like it or not simply because they will be attacking us as they have been the past year and a half. If they fall by their own ineptness during a grid down, who’s to care. That’s why TPTB are pushing the jab. The point is that nothing productive can be accomplished under full surveillance and total communication and mobility. I am fully aware that family and friends will be caught in the fray; but they won’t listen to my warnings anyway and they are too far away for me to be of any help. The grid will be taken down whether by us or the enemy; so what’s the difference?

3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

“Take down the entire grid — everything.”


“it is not important to worry about collateral damage”

The Bible has examples on how to wage war and collateral damage is never mentioned.

3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

For Eddie -- -- Sir, I tip my hat to you. Thank you for a succinct and direct statement of truth. Yes, the only way forward is nihilistic destruction of the existing order because THE PTB WILL NEVER ALLOW A RETURN TO SELF-GOVERNING !!

I am certain Eddie, that you have read “One Second After” by Dr William Forschen which details life after an EMP destroys America’s power grid. Written about 15 years ago, it is still spot on in its subtle lessons. There are two other books in the trilogy but this one is the most salient.

What you propose follows closely the ideas set forth in Dr Forschen’s trilogy.

Again, thanks Eddie, for your significant contribution that helps ALL of us find the way forward.

3 years ago

Irish democracy (small d)
This can be done without traditional fighting in the streets and burning our cities down. But I don’t mind if the left burns their cities.
Continue to resist. We only lose if we quit. I ain’t quitting.

3 years ago

The Electoral College has voted Biden in and that vote was certified. NOTHING this “audit” produces will change that. The ONLY recourse “we the people” have left is to start exterminating the traitors and commies. I suggest that we start with ALL the talking head lying bastards in the media and press. When they start dying they will stop propagandizing for the commies who have seized control. Without the media running interference for them the left loses a LOT of their power. After purging the media we can move on to feckless Quisling infesting the being and public office.

matthew w
3 years ago

My thoughts:
Any honest audit will show gross amounts of discrepancies in votes/vote totals etc.
Liberals (the media) will pooh pooh it as much as they can and drag it out as long as they can.
They (liberals) will eventually admit “mistakes” were made.
Biden will still be in office.

3 years ago

Make no mistake, I hope like hell that Santa comes down the chimney and puts a big old package of Civil War 2 under the tree. Will it suck? Yes, it will. But I just don’t think most are willing to go through that in order to turn this country around. I hope I am wrong. I don’t think I am.