TROUBLE MAN: I’ll give you a summary of Trump’s speech so you don’t need to waste your time: “What they’re doing to our country, rigged elections, high gas prices, southern border, wars, etc. is so sad. I did the best for black and Asians and Hispanics. Nobody’s done better (No mention of Whites). I did such good things for Israel with the Abraham accords. Nobody’s better for Israel. They’ve done nothing to fix election fraud since I walked away from a hijacked election in 2020 and your countrymen are still political prisoners… But despite that, we’re still gonna pretend we have legitimate elections and I’m gonna run again in 2024!”
I have no interest in Trump’s final campaign. First, there is no reason to pay any attention to the charade that is US politics anymore. It’s no more real than the WWE or the WWF. Second, between the support for the vaccines, the failure to cross the Rubicon, and the refusal to pardon or otherwise support the January 6 prisoners, I just don’t consider him to be a man who merits American support anymore.
Beat me to it… Thanks for posting
Imagine that | Eatgrueldog Imagine that.
Some more broken promises.
There is nothing left of the Republic, how does he plan on winning the vote? The communists control the vote, more trust the plan Q-tard BS Thomas.
Like I said, more of Trump lies. I say piss on him and his handlers.
Patriots know the election system is broken. We also know the Republican Party is part of the Uni-party, and the Republic has been captured.
Think on this: The other side talks about Democracy, Democracy, Democracy… well of course, THAT IS THE NEW COUNTRY they created.
We now have a Democracy… those of us who think we have a Republic are censored, shuffled away and ignored. It has faded away.
Who exactly is going to restore the Constitution and the Republic?
Certainly not any politician, they benefit from the new corrupt system.
The only ones that ever had the duty to do it.
No one is going to “restore the Constitution and the Republic”.
No one. Not ever.
If you want a nation with a constitutional republic as its form of government, you’re gonna hafta make a new one from scratch.
Better start figuring out where you want the geographical boundaries of that new nation to be (hint you cannot have ALL of CONUS), and what you want in that new Constitution.
Get the phrase “restore the Constitution” out of your lexicon. That train has sailed.
You could have left out the Text.
That Drawing…
Sums it up Perfectly.
Exactly, soon as people pull their heads out and quit doing the all hail Trump dance, the better. I’ve heard some of these stupid Q lovers say it’s because Trump is a winner, so he’s playing their game all the way. If that was even close to true I wouldn’t want him back. That’s not a leader, that’s arrogant pride. Someone who let’s millions be permanently injured and die, and still advocates for the vax, just so they can say “See, I told us so. ” Is no leader. People need to quit looking for a politician to save us. We’re gonna need to trust God alone and man up and physically remove this evil from our decadent society of lukewarm compromising tolerant people.
I am of the camp “No one is coming”. Now we need a plan. Voting harder is not it. Work smarter is better. Infiltrate, undermine, organize.
Trump talks a good talk, his follow through is not so good and it is not all everyone else’s fault. Trump uses people as props then forgets them or moves on to the next props. For Trump’s first two years he followed McConnell and Ryan around like a pet. Sure, Israel is important to the U.S., but most of it was done because his pasty-faced son-in-law is a Jew. Trump went from border security/illegal migration to non-stop pushing of DACA amnesty because his liberal air head daughter wanted it. Don’t forget, those two are still his top advisors.
I would mention that Israel is not a friend of Americans. Israel and their jewish communist organizations, such as, all central banks along with the UK government are the root cause of most of the problems facing the American people. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
Trump..cake and ice cream for all
This should have been our first CLUE! Clintons “Good People”
It was time for Hillary and the nation to heal.
No Wes that charade is over, we need to get busy organizing, if we can only get two or three likeminded patriots at first, more will follow. Violence is what is called for, that is the only thing that will stop their violence. Let us open the cartridge box.
I am glad Trump runs again. He is the only man that truly believe loves this country. He doesn’t need the persecution his decision will bring him, nor does he deserve it. Perfect? NO! Genuine? YES! That works for me.
Genuine? Hmm, he seemed to hang around a lot of swamp people, even Epstein and Maxwell. The only genuine is, he genuinely played you.
You mean “take the guns first, go through due process second” Trump? Sounds like both you and Trump don’t understand our Constitution or how things work (ostensibly) in this country.
Pull your head out.
Trump is controlled opposition.
So Trump is running again. Yawn! Do we really think he can make a difference? He will face the same voting technique used in the past three elections and will lose. We must seek other alternatives to restore our Constitution, and that does not include playing patty cake with the enemies of our country. I dread to think of conflict, but that’s seems to be our only choice.
No one is going to “restore the Constitution and the Republic”.
No one. Not ever.
If you want a nation with a constitutional republic as its form of government, you’re gonna hafta make a new one from scratch.
Better start figuring out where you want the geographical boundaries of that new nation to be (hint you cannot have ALL of CONUS), and what you want in that new Constitution.
Get the phrase “restore the Constitution” out of your lexicon. That train has sailed.
Why doesn’t Trump use all his fortune to hire the best of the best council to represent the J6 prisoners? Use his name to free the unconstitutionally held in an American gulag? Use is fortune to splash this travesty of justice every day to every American on every form of social media? Hold J6 rallies? So much for “We pledge our lives fortune and sacred honor. He is just a character actor playing the part. His new campaign slogan should be “Trump 2024 keeping false hopes alive another 2 years”. Con men just Gotta con.
Why would he defend those he let hang?
no one is coming to save you
Then just down on your knees now. There are people who are standing up and fighting. I do not mean politicians; I mean Americans who have backbones.
that wasn’t how i meant it.
So both of those articles state there is no hope, but Trump was the best ever president even though he pushed the shit shot.
How can this be?
I don’t buy he was dooped. More like willing participant. His return is nothing more than divide and capture….
He never was. He has had inside connections for decades. He is a pusher of the Mark and servers an evil master.
1. So, I’m hearing all our elections are rigged ….so don’t bother to vote…check
2.Trump is part of the swamp and we should not vote for him. …check
3.Forget about the 2024 election….see 1. and 2……check
4.So, what is the plan to get us on track to recapture America ?
If anyone’s going to continue exposing the corruption, it’s Trump! That’s why the Uniparty wants him out. Think. Trump has my vote! Expose, Expose, Expose! (Desantis is young, he can run in 2028)
To slightly alter Churchill’s quote on Russia, “Trump is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”. Who can ever know about the man?