Tucker – Episode 103

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Alan Brown
Alan Brown
10 days ago

I believe her. She would be reported as having committed suicide if she returned to the US under this administration. Just like Epstein committed suicide.

10 days ago

Tara Reade was a long time liberal Democrat until she confronted Joe Biden for the sexual assault he did against her. Now she sees the American government with a new set of eyes . . . . from Russia. She had to seek political asylum due to threats against her life, threats of imprisonment, and threats against her family. She also said the J6 prisoners aren’t the only ones. The regime will attack/imprison, or kill anyone who speaks out against them. The United States government has gone completely fascist with the flip of a switch. Joe Biden isn’t running the show. We all know that. He’s just a demented old fool who is the messenger. He just gets to pretend that he is the president. The America that we once knew is gone. I honestly don’t think there is any way to get it back without bloodshed. A lot of people are afraid of war and want to avoid it at all costs. OK, but one must ask one’s self. What is the cost of not fighting? What will be the cost to future generations of Americans if we do nothing? This whole thing is playing out like the movie V For Vendetta.