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A very good interview.
This is a must watch interview. It very wide ranging and covers quite a bit.
“The Truth is Out There”
I found this interview a dumbed down discussion of the grave dilemma we are facing. It solves nothing. It’s a sad ha ha ha. Bye bye bubba. A beer and a burp and a good fart. Now what’s for dinner?
Best to read erudite info!
Sometimes we have to let certain interviews go as planned, the whole point of the interviews was to get the info out to people who are still in a stupor and if by some strange chance this interview was able to garner 30% believable ratings with the dumb masses then in my book it was a success. Jane, I know what you are saying is true, but sometimes big nudges are required like this to wake up the fools in our nation, especially Tucker Carlson viewership which is well over 50 million viewers.
I appreciate your response. The nudge won’t work. We are $34 trillion in debt.
The 34 trillion will get us all into force Majure very soon and that’s when the curtain closes on the entire nation, it will be lights out even for the Marxist commies in our political leadership who got us into this mess beginning in 1917 with the traitor President Wilson. this will be the culmination of our leader’s corruption on a grand scale as well political arm twisting of nations who refuse to deal in smut and filth as our nation does. Once this occurs all debts will cease to exist as well as bank accounts and investments. Gold and Silver will be the rule of order and our fiat monopoly currency will be dead and buried.
Merry Christmas. Let us pray.
Jane, And Prayer is the only truthful thing we have left in speaking with God. We must all pray for Gods protection as these lunatics in our government, the WEF, the U.N. and every other three letter globalist NGO who wants to dissolve our nation, our laws and white people.
I have listened to Alex for decades.
This is an excellent interview and thanks to Tucker will get much attention! Anything to Piss Off Klaus Schwab and Larry Fink!
Great interview and did you notice the stunned look on Carlson’s face to what Alex Jones was relating to him. Tucker knows he was telling him the truth about these satanic globalists and what they believe they have in store for us.
If this doesn’t wake those who’re asleep…nothing will.
Haven’t had the opportunity to listen to the interview yet, but from what I heard from Mike Adams (who is still on my sh*t list, BTW) Alex related info to Tucker that he’s been speaking about for 10 years, and he didn’t even discuss with Tucker what he knows now, because it’s so unbelievable and evil. Baby steps, I guess. Will try to listen tomorrow. I live both Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson a lot, so should be a good interview, but the most important thing is that millions of people will have heard the truth from AJ that they did not know before.
Corsettiis also gaining a little traction, Between him and Ben Davidson i believe climate truth is getting out.Tucker speaking on his behalf.