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Adjust your tin foil hat please
It actually makes sense to me, because nothing else makes sense.
It is what “they” have been planning for years now. I know that part to be true. The part I would not want to except is Trump being part of it.
we are no longer a free nation.we are subjects now . Get prayed up, gird yer loins its about to get ,more the serious food lines/ riots .I pray for the best always but realist in realizing what my country has become and how we are played . May we return to our roots as a Republic although our sins against our God and country are bearing the fruits of bitterness and rage. let us open our hearts to what is true , what is good in each every child of God ..May the Lord help us all be strong and remember We are one people Under God ..We shall overcome all that stands against if only we forget our differences and unite against the coming storm ..Be prepared Be vigilant , And watch your wire
Would not surprise me, as i have said, “He turned it on.”
Everything we had seen and had concerns about that Obama and others put in place, has been turned on.
We have been warned that Babylon would fall, take heart and recognize the reasons, and the need. Trust in the True Master, not the imitators of this world, this society.
Love God, love each other.
Repenting means humbling ourselves and changing our ways, personally and as a Nation.
This (repentance) does not mean there will not be punishments involved, trials and tribulations. Persevere.