Update on the Latakia Attack

Submarine attack or air strike? The bottom line is that 50 Russian-made Yakhont P-800 anti-ship missiles were destroyed on July 5th by Israel and Russian military forces are on high alert. Why did the media not report what may be the start of WWIII?

David DeGerolamo

Israeli Subs Destroy Russian Missiles In Syria; Russia Holds Largest Post-Soviet Military Drill

While the (chemical) dust over Syria has yet to settle, one country is not waiting around before in tried and true fashion it kicks the proverbial hornets nest. Only this time the recipient of Israeli aggression is not some small country that can hardly afford to defend itself against made in the US, state-of-the-art weapons: it is Russia, if only indirectly. Last Friday, July 5, in the fog of the Egyptian coup, a contingent of 50 Russian-made Yakhont P-800 anti-ship missiles at the Syrian port-city of Latakia was destroyed. It has since become clear that the attack was launched by none other than an Israeli Dolphin-class (German-made) submarine according to a report in the British Sunday Times, which in turn contradicts a previous report that the attack had been the work of the Israeli air force.

Furthermore, the alleged Israeli naval strike was closely coordinated with the United States. While this open aggression on Russian interests in Syria for now remains unchallenged, one wonder what happens when the news hits that US-made weapons supporting Syrian “rebels” have been mysteriously blown up by Russian rockets and how furious the public outcry would be against such an open Russian provocation.

From Jerusalem Post:

According to the report, the Israeli fleet of German-built submarines launched a cruise missile at the weapons cache after which Syrian rebels reportedly attested to hearing early-morning explosions at a Syrian port-side naval barracks.


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[…] forces are on high alert. Why did the media not report what may be the start of WWIII? (LF) https://ncrenegade.com//editorial/upda…atakia-attack/ […]