‘Urgent’ British report calls for complete cessation of COVID vaccines in humans

An “urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data” issued by the UK-based Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd submitted to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) states that “the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.”

Similar to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), the MHRA describes the purpose of its Yellow Card system as providing “an early warning that the safety of a medicine or a medical device may require further investigation.”

The report, signed by Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC Director Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD), says: “we have searched the Yellow Card reports using pathology-specific key words to group the data according to the following five [sic] broad, clinically relevant categories:

  • Bleeding, Clotting and Ischaemic ADRs
  • Immune System ADRs
  • ‘Pain’ ADRs
  • Neurological ADRs
  • ADRs involving loss of Sight, Hearing, Speech or Smell
  • Pregnancy ADRs”

The report goes on to say: “We are aware of the limitations of pharmacovigilance data and understand that information on reported Adverse Drug Reactions should not be interpreted as meaning that the medicine in question generally causes the observed effect or is unsafe to use. We are sharing this preliminary report due to the urgent need to communicate information that should lead to cessation of the vaccination roll out while a full investigation is conducted. According to the recent paper by Seneff and Nigh, potential acute and long-term pathologies include:

  • Pathogenic priming, multisystem inflammatory disease and autoimmunity
  • Allergic reactions and anaphylaxis
  • Antibody dependent enhancement
  • Activation of latent viral infections
  • Neurodegeneration and prion diseases
  • Emergence of novel variants of SARSCoV2
  • Integration of the spike protein gene into the human DNA

“It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest include thromboembolism, multisystem inflammatory disease, immune suppression, autoimmunity and anaphylaxis, as well as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).”

The report concludes: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects. As the mechanism for harms from the vaccines appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19.

“There are at least 3 urgent questions that need to be answered by the MHRA:

  1. How many people have died within 28 days of vaccination?
  2. How many people have been hospitalised within 28 days of vaccination?
  3. How many people have been disabled by the vaccination?”


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3 years ago

Just after the director of the NRAO told the “vaccines” are safe.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

My son in the UK has taken both Astra Zeneca shots. A friend’s father was in the hospital in Arkansas for heart issues and was given the shots as part of the ‘treatment’. My 90 year old mother is in a rehab/nursing home in central California and is being pressured to take the shots. Friends with kids going back to school/college are being faced with no schooling (and no refunds) or the vaxxx. Most everyone who has taken these death shots have refused to investigate the damage they might do. Today on Alex Jones, he has a woman who helps large corporate energy companies plan for employee turn over. She says, and Jones verifies, that ALL employees who have taken the vaxxx (es) will be leaving their employment in 3 years! I had heard from one of the doctors that everyone who took the Astra Zeneca shots will be dead in 2years. And here it is all confirmed again. I was told at my last doctor visit that Medicare may refuse to pay if I don’t get vaxxxed. Needless to say, I’m moving on from there while still standing. I still try to share the articles and interviews but for the most part, those who are taking it are Hell-bound and don’t want to hear it.

3 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

The Russian jab is a standard dead/inactivated virus vaccine and is 90% effective. They allow vaccine tourism.