People are still making an argument for voting since it is only one of many ways for us to fight back. I would make a point that voting is no different than using narcotics. While the drugs make you feel good, the end results are all negative.
Voting in this country has been manipulated to make you feel good. You lose but you feel good because “we will get them next time”. The vote has been rigged, is rigged and will be rigged until we restore Liberty.
Do not let traitors control the narrative:
Rebellion to tyrants is not insurrection: it is our sacred duty. Voting will be effective when the Republic is restored.
David DeGerolamo
If you don’t vote -- you are effectively supporting the other side. We need to use ALL avenues, whether you believe in them or not.
I do not think you can support your claim. What if I said:
If you don’t get the vaccine -- you are effectively spreading COVID.
That was the government’s mantra. The reality is that people who got the vaccine spread COVID.
Mary, dominion machines say otherwise, you can vote till the cows return to the corral, but if the machines tally the vote, we all know how that works.
Supporting the other side of what???
Voting gives legitimacy to a corrupt system.
So give us a list of people to vote for and a place where the election is nto rigged.
I understand your point. Having said that, I will continue to vote, as it is but one tool in an arsenal. What I think is that if I don’t vote, I have made less of a difference than if I do. I understand that it’s but one drop in a bucket of brackish water. If everyone votes, and they still steal the election (which they will) at least more and more people will wake up and start to discover what we have known for decades. When enough people wake up, AND if it happens before they are rounded up and executed, we may be able to restore our Republic.
Will it be enough? Not likely. But I will continue to do everything I can, and voting takes me less time than cleaning my gun or watering my garden. We are making an effort to wake people up right here on this site, AND IT’S WORKING, just like on thousands of other sites. Otherwise we wouldn’t do it. More people know now than knew ten years ago that the elections were rigged. At some point we [may] reach critical mass and fair elections will be substantially restored. It may take a civil war. It may take states seceding. I promise, voting is not all I am doing, but I have the right to vote and I will exercise that right, even if futile.
“ I have the right to vote and I will exercise that right, even if futile.”
THAT you do SIR and None of US here (i believe) Would deprive you of that.
If you vote for a lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil. Therefor you are supporting evil. Roll that over a little and ask yourself at the Judgement seat when asked why you supported evil, what will your answer be?
If you know an candidate will not support any evil let me know. I have not found on yet.
Had a discussion with another conservative friend this morning about the bureaucracy which actually rules our lives. T.L. Davis article is one of the most prescient I’ve read on here in awhile.
Trump remarked that he would clean house. What actually needs to happen is a total overhaul of the Civil Service Act. Remove the tenure and protection from firing. They have shut down two refineries from just bureaucratic action. Got the acts in Obama presidency.
So ask your candidate if he or she would support scrapping the Civil Service Acts. Unelected rulers.
What needs to happen is for people to stop listen to that lying fool. He did not clean house the first time, allowed an illegal shutdown of the country, pushed/pushing the mark of the beast and allowed a overthrow of elections and them turned tail and ran when his supporters showed up to support him. Don’t give me he tried. one of the first things he did was let Hillary skate.
What needs to happen is that every thing that government does that is not specifically allowed to do in the Constitution should be shutdown. This is after all those involved in treason are arrested, tried and sentenced for their crime.
I will note vote, TINVOWOOT only one way to restore our freedom and liberty and that is to take it.
Vote… skies, rainbows and unicorns, ha ha ha ha.
It does not matter at all who you vote for, they are all the same, all on the same team. Nobody represents me or the millions like me. This is why, with few exceptions, I write in my choice. If you vote on the ballot choices then your vote is a joke on you. All candidates are chosen by the deep state, both parties. Top to bottom, again a few exceptions. I am hoping that a candidate who owns a gun shop will be the exception, please tell me if I am wrong, but if you are strong on #2 you must be a true patriot.
Just don’t vote for the “choices”. At least you choose with good conscious.
We cannot vote our way out, unless the ballot box is for real.
“We cannot vote our way out, unless the ballot box is for real.”
The Ballot box can be paper and permenent pen, means nothing.
Who Counting? And is It Truthfull and Honest?
MeI don’t see it all the Masks are off amd I aint
Talking about the Dog Eater Flu Masks.
There WORDS amd Comimg Actions are ALL out there
For ALL to Read.
“Do not let traitors control the narrative.” Too late.
I Do Not Recognize Pronouns.
I Do Not believe Gender Pretenders are Sane.
I DO NOT Believe children are Emotionally Mature enough let alone Sane Enough to be able to decide about Chopping there Reproductives Organs to Pieces.
I DO NOT believe exposing Children to The Sex Identity Cult Klan is Paychologicly Healthy, MORAL or SANE.
I Do Not believe for a moment the last Election was HONEST and Fair.
I Do Not believe Pedo Joe runs anything except to the toilet.
I Do NOT Believe Pedo Joe is Sane.
To use the over used quote….
“Doing the Same thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER and Expecting a Differemt Result is The PURIST FORM OF INSANITY.”
I shant be participating in INSANITY.
I’ll be Squaring Me and My Families Shit away on every Level Possible for the Disaster(S) that IS/ARE INEVITABLE.
I am not voting. Time to take out the trash.
[…] David published this short but sweet article yesterday about Voting, and right out the gate the first comment stated that we needed to continue to vote. I just don’t understand anyone still preaching that we have to vote. Telling me that we need to keep using avenues available to us to fight TPTB even though it is futile is maddening. Listen to yourselves for a moment. Why would you continue to participate and give legitimacy to a corrupt system? All you are a doing by voting is making yourself feel good by saying “hey at least I tried.” It keeps you complacent. It keeps you saying “we’ll get them next time.” […]
For all those that think it matters. Write my name in. I do mean it. I will do y duty. I would said I will fulfill my oath, but as a Christian I am not swear an oath. So write my name in, I can say it will be the only time in your life you will not have voted for a lesser of two evils.
Voting must return to voting in person, no marchine voting or counting allowed. Ballots counted by 3 separate entities, none aligned with the other, all 3 talley’s must match. Stalin had it right on this one, it matters not who votes, it’s all dependent on Who COUNTS the vote. If you have to wait 2-3 days for the vote to be counted, tough shit, it won’t end the world. Issue is at present the media and talking heads want to be the first to call the elevon winner on Election Day, sometimes before the polls even close.
If you haven’t watched the J6TRUTH.ORG
Definitely watch it! Great documentary!
Constitution is GONE for these prisoner’s…we have to STAND