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Every evil one of them have to be dealt with. From the top to the bottom.
Gonna need a mess of rope, for sure.
I did not think that there was anything new to learn, at least anything of a substantial nature, on the plandemic. After all, on a daily basis we still see articles and blogs by expert authors on the subject like Alex Berenson, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert Malone, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Mercola and others. We learn about more and more “sudden deaths” and injuries of all types that are attributed to the clot shot.
Well, after watching the one hour documentary last night with the interview of Dr. Bryan Ardis by Stew Peters, I was taken to new lows and blown away by the information — if true.
Dr. Ardis provides a plethora of evidence, in a somewhat linear fashion, that show that the source material for the bioweapon called ‘COVID-19’ came from snakes, not bats. Specifically, the King Cobra. The symptoms that those ill with Covid all exhibit low oxygen levels, problems breathing, organ failure (in the extreme cases resulting in death) which are consistent with the symptoms of King Cobra snake venom.
Remdesiver, the only approved treatment in hospitals for Covid ADDS to the effects of the bioweapon. It does not work to improve the health of the patient. Dr. Ardis goes on to show that Remdesivers development follows a similar path as the clot shot. Why? As the hospital protocol (which is now moving to use OUTSIDE of hospitals). Remdesiver, like the clot shots formulated from the snake venom, cause the same organ failures. The #1 organs affected are the kidneys.
Near the end of the interview Dr. Ardis purports that the ‘novel virus’ is not transmitted from person to person but instead, via the public water system. This is the only area of his presentation that I would need to know more about with perhaps research by other individuals that are expert in this field. So, the jury is out (for me) that this is the method of distribution.
I’m sure we will be hearing more about this in the coming weeks/months.
Finally, the evil cabal that would be behind the creation of a bioweapon like this, whether it was derived from bats, or snakes, doesn’t really matter. It does not get any more heinous with what they have done and nothing is outside the realm of possibility. Dr. Ardis does bring in the element of this being a spiritual battle and I would not disagree. The gloves are off with these bastards as they believe their time is NOW.
It also states the CDC has contractors monitoring the waste water. Remember they were adding flouride to our water, flouride is an industrial waste.
good of you to review for the tldw crowd, to which i belong. however i did skip through this one and watched at 1.5. your summary is excellent. wish most videos posted had as much info.
Thanks, NP.
This info needs to go viral.
The government works for Babylon and has been lying to us eversense they are the murderers
I love this guy he speaks the truth
I have to respond to this video and Clif High’s criticism of it as I am certain the High rant will get much attention. Let me first say that I don’t take anything as gospel except the gospel itself. On the other hand, I am always open to new information so that I can evaluate it and use what matters.
Clif High has criticized this information based on several points and I would like to address a few of the more important ones here. Much of what High presents in his website is based upon his own authority. In other words, he stands on the fact that he is speaking truth because: !.) He has been successful financially; and 2.) he is “high IQ” as Mike Adams would say, and therefore is qualified to analyze for the rest of us. I too am high IQ. I was one of the 1950s children the CIA/FBI identified as “genius” and separated from “ordinary” kids that I might be indoctrinated as a “leader”, “elite” or :”special status”. I am a 1% person so by my own authority I too am qualified to speak.
High went on to say that the tone and style of the video betrayed an unarticulated agenda on the part of Ardis & Peters. Where do I start? Peters is a media professional, period. The video was captured on a single set with two talking heads. If, on the other hand, it had been caught on an iPhone in a garage, High would have screamed amateur. The real question is: What is High’s agenda that he is bombastic over the presentation of the information? Could it be so simple as, he didn’t conceive of it?
High said the claim of distributing the venom in water supply systems was implausible. I went back again, and I believe, Ardis was saying that the venom has been synthesized and powdered. This would mean that the venom would not require the same handling measures as freshly harvested venom. I am not 100% certain of that but neither can be High.
My biggest and most important point is that we must think for ourselves. No one, including Clif High, or myself, should be able to influence us to pick or lay down information by bullying, shaming, name calling, or threat. Those “influencers” who think it is their prerogative to “educate” us as to what and how to think should realize that at this point, we, you and I, aren’t nearly so gullible. The only voice they diminish is their own.
Thank you, NC Renegade, one more time for bringing forward thinking, challenging information concerning the world we live in. Personally, the Peters & Ardis interview had several points I have been wondering about and rang true, but that is a different day. The one big truth in the video, which High probably discarded entirely, was the fact that this is a spiritual war. That you could take to the bank if we had any.
I’ve watched High enough to believe he needs to eat a big slice of humble pie. He is arrogant and full of hubris. He’s made several predictions in the last year on the Greg Hunter podcast that did not happen and, he is never to my knowledge challenged on it.
Also, I’m pretty sure he is not a Christian so, he may have a negative predisposition to the video for some reasons you mentioned.
Absolutely enjoyed your analysis.
Ditto. ; )
Yeah, ok. I am guessing we are supposed to believe that Sandy Hook and 9-11 were actually false flags, that JFK was murdered by Israel and not Lee Harvey Oswald, that the left has been gaslighting us for decades, that the moon landings were faked and that Anna Nicole didn’t really marry for love.
The miter thing really got my attention. The silhouette is pretty much a cobra hood. See the vid on Mike Adams’ site (and probably elsewhere I am sure) about all the visual references to serpents in the vatican. here is the Vaticans new building it looks like a snake.
An interesting series of premises. My mother taught me that if something is to good to be true, it usually is not true. The logistics of introducing whatever causes COVID-19 into the water systems worldwide are insurmountable. The manufacture, distribution and introduction into water systems worldwide with absolutely no one questioning it is not possible to me.
But, consider my answer to any and all questions: Joe Biden is not the elected president of the country.
As Russia prepares to enter a new phase of the war in Ukraine, inflation is now hyperinflation for food and energy, and the southern border is exploding, this seems to be a great diversive for us at this time.
So, we had this same question… also, people got Covid who live on wells and don’t eat out. The information is interesting, compelling, and there very well be a lot of truth in it, but there are missing parts, like transmission. The idea that Remdesivir is really snake venom, or a derivative of it, seems plausible. Some of our questions were:
It’s possible that this has opened a door, and what’s behind it needs to be explored. I look forward to updates and more people talking about it.
Is it possible that chemtrails are a delivery system? We at our house have made a clear association between chemtrails incidence and weather where we live(very remote, high desert, rural), and we have had a few “covid” outbreaks, but never gave any thought to corelating covid and chemtrails. No idea if cobra/skate venom components could “survive” high altitude dispersion, significant UV exposure and extreme cold. Begs a lot of questions for sure.
It does seem unlikely that such a widespread effort like public water systems being infiltrated/attacked unless chemicals/components in water treatment systems are the vector. As those chemicals and components surely ship from few sources that seems somewhat plausible, considering I have no idea what all is used in water treatment facilities.
I believe you have hit on something, in the video they talk about the powdered venom and it looking like the powdered snake venom also same color.
Then can you explain world wide global chem trails, that is done on that scale? I wrote this before reading realwesterner comment.
couple other points…i ran a boiler in a sawmill up north a few years. Water treatment is critical in such an operation and you don’t exactly go down to CussCo to stock up on water treatment chemicals. The list of companies that manufacture/ship/wholesale such chemicals is international and very short. Water treatment chemicals for public water plants likely comes from mostly the same companies. Additionally, I worked retail over 30 years. I’d love to see what bottled water(s) ran on ad and/or category leaders in given areas and see how that overlaps with covid outbreaks. Another tell would be what labels suddenly surged to prominence as COronaVenom swept the globe. Another tell would be alignments/changes in supply and/or key staff during the previous 3 years.
I’m better prepared to talk about heavyweight chamberings for the 45.70 than to provide any such info.
Infiltrating the chemical companies that supply water treatment sufficient to cover the most of the globe with water born toxins could probably be done with only a few more men than the bigger Div I football teams roster each season.
I’d mention a few of the companies I think could be in on such a monstrous endeavor, but can’t afford the retainer if i got pegged for it.
Like what was said in one of the videos of watch the water, the truth does not matter.
We watched this last night. Mike Adams also interviewed Dr. Ardis and the interview has been split into three parts… evidently the interviews are even more informative… We have not had time to review yet (parts 1 & 2 are online now and we’ll watch them this evening). We have several questions that were unanswered in the Stew Peters hit, but that is the nature of things when you have an hour to present something as potentially blockbusting as this. If true, this only further confirms what we already know… the deep state, globalists, the invisible cabal want us dead.
At this point Dr. Ardis has assembled a picture from several parts. The image is incomplete, and it will take more information to know if this is truly what has happened. I find it interesting that almost nothing has been said about the Stew Peters piece, but I suspect it is because no one wants to bring attention to it. This may itself be a clue.
Here’s the link to part 1 of Mike’s follow-up interview for anyone interested:
No one will swing until someone with the balls makes it happen. I see no one stepping up to the plate who can commend justice. And all the LEOs are playing ball with the derp state. Got someone in mind? Names please.
Smoke em if you got em.
The only peace available: Trust in Mashiak. His protection.
This world and many in it are running off the rails.
How much of our food supplies and preps are done with water? How many coffees do we buy? How much soda? How much of “their water?”
His water is the water we should seek, first and fore most. This will also lead one to know we are more than just mere “animals.” We are of His image, His family and of His government if we follow His Son and their examples.
VenomTech company announces massive library of SNAKE VENOM peptides for pharmaceutical development; “nanocarriers” stabilize snake venom in WATER (PubMed) –
Fauci Family Snake Pit Unveiled: “Watch The Water” Editor Makes Demonic Discovery
Patents: PROOF Of Worldwide Envenomation Support Ardis COVID Claims In “Watch The Water” Expose
[…] watched the video. I thought about what was presented and then put my critical thinking skills to work. There was no […]
They have been adding fluoride to our water for a long time, it is a neurotoxin.