What Happened to a Band of Brothers?

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11 months ago

It scares the shit out of me that this has happened and I feel so bad for this brave soul.
Don’t ever forget this, more is coming

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
11 months ago

If this had been done to me I would have started with my commanding officer and KILLED him. Then on to the rest of them.

Hammers Thor
11 months ago

I used to believe that our military would never turn on Americans and fire on us if ordered to by our corrupt and criminal government. Having seen this, and seeing these men turn on one of their own in such a brutal fashion, I no longer believe that.

I feel pretty certain that veterans would not turn on Americans, but men (and women) who are active military, I now believe they would.

We’re truly on our own.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Been to Kent State much?

11 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Review your history…… Both Patton and McArthur were there against the Bonus Army (WWI vets who were demanding to be paid what govt had already promised). Gen Smedley Butler (USMC, MoH x2) was a recipient of above military officers….. military will go wherever and do whatever their masters tell them.

Roth Harbard
11 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

My son is a Marine. I asked him once if they would fire on Americans if ordered to do so by their officers. He said no. He said they only obey the Gunny and he would never order such a thing. Then I asked him, what if the Gunny was told the American ‘targets’ were terrorists? I got a different answer.

11 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Hence why I do not- and haven’t for many years- blindly thanked a man for his service- or arbitrarily given him heroic status. All the men in my family served- none required the same. A hero DOES heroic things, period. I don’t know a man’s motive of character besides that- sorry to any who have earned respect with actual and honorable service. Putting on a costume is not enough. No I do not trust one bit a “modern military man.”

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago
Reply to  TomS

What does the world lead people to do? Partiality, favoritism, god worship.
The opposite of what the Bible tells us.
During covid this was front and center, ‘Heroes’ frontline workers… what were the rest of us?
special parking, special pricing, special places to sit etc.

(((Doc B)))
(((Doc B)))
11 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

What an incredibly naive thought. Read your history. The American military has a long and storied history of going to war against the American people.

11 months ago

I saw the video clip yesterday. It was horrific. Another truth revealed about our government.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Yes, but I would like to know who gave that order and that’s the one who should have his head bashed in and forced jabbed with ten shots until he or she drops. If I was not a Christian man and that happened to me I would have him or her executed at my time and by my own hands by stealth.

11 months ago
Reply to  Phil

Phil, everything has fallen…every bit of morality, integrity, reason, logic, wisdom, love of God. All gone…

11 months ago
Reply to  Phil

We will never know who gave the order just like we don’t know who gave the order to destroy our nation. There are those who me decisions in hidden rooms.

11 months ago
Reply to  Phil

I made two replies here and only one reply is showing?

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
11 months ago

X took down the video and deleted the account. Did it show an Airman being forcibly JABBED?
Musk wants to censor what FACTUAL info we are allowed to have?

11 months ago

THIS is the military you blindly support?

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
11 months ago

Simply considering the fact that the entirety of the active duty has failed to uphold their oath to protect against domestic enemies the last 3 years is evidence enough to realize it’s all a giant bad joke. The words in the oath have as much force as those in the Constitution. Which is to say, when they become inconvenient to those who are obligated to follow those words (having taken said oath) they just won’t be followed. Orders -- not oaths -- have to be followed to get that paycheck and stay out of the brig, you know. Otherwise, the military would have already stacked up every traitorous occupant of the white house and the capitol building by now. It is just that simple.

Oaths (just as those taken by the black robed bastards some still insist on calling “judges”) are nothing but feel good procedural spectacle meant to impart the illusion that those who have sworn them will do the right thing, come hell or water. Obviously, the reality is so far from that as to render said oaths meaningless. But, like good little Soviets, they mouth the words and put on the act with all it’s attendant pomp and circumstance, because that is what the religion of statism demands of them.

Like so many other performative aspects of the state religion, it is there to fool the masses into believing they are living under a fair system. After all, these people who swore an oath to uphold truth, justice and the American Way™️ can now be trusted not to flake out on that, by choosing to doing what is personally convenient for themselves instead. Right? Heh, no. Not so much.

Welcome to lawlessness, where words on a page may as well be printed on yesterday’s used toilet paper. It’s prison rules now, every man for himself. Accept that, and learn to live and operate within it. Expecting the system you thought we had to deliver the results you still think it was designed to, will get you bitter disappointment, at best. At worst it will get you imprisoned or killed under false pretenses, by those who took an oath not to do exactly that.

Perhaps instead of thanking them for their service, we should be publicly demanding they refund us all the salary and benefits they were paid from our tax dollars. I certainly haven’t gotten what I paid for; my country is being actively invaded even as I type this, and they do nothing. All I have gotten are a bunch of disastrous foreign entanglements at the direction of money grubbing aristocrats who use the military as their goon squad.

11 months ago

So long US military, you could not fight yourself out of a outhouse. Dissent is the greatest form of patriotism. Im visiting my mother with 2 broke legs. But because she has “quote” COVID which is the the common flu I could not see her because I stupid mask that will not work.

11 months ago

All of the disgusting and cowardly perpetrators who grossly, immorally and criminally violated the constitutional and God-given rights of their fellow USAF Airman not only dishonored themselves, but they also dishonored; their uniforms, their country’s flag, their oaths, and their country’s wounded and dead who fought in battle defending the sacred principles of freedom and liberty. Let the record show that at the crucial moment of decision between right and wrong, good and evil, honor and dishonor, they chose the latter at every point. They’re going to have to bear the shame and disgrace of what they have done for the rest of their miserable lives. And they’ve earned it.