Doublespeak is the complete opposite of plain and simple truth. For example, if a pharmaceutical company said something like, “There are some minor side effects,” when they should clearly be stating, “This drug may cause a heart attack,” they’re using doublespeak and communicating in a deceptive manner.
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- Nolan Parker on How Can We Be More Vigilant?
- Joe_P on It’s Always the Same Ones
- Snotty Boy on How Can We Be More Vigilant?
- Balanced Rock on It’s Always the Same Ones
- Al Buckner on It’s Always the Same Ones
Right now this country is getting run by bunch of idiots who are as stupid as China Joe.
NO. Not “stupid”.. c’mon now, if they were “stupid” they’d be eligible for mental health care, bc being “stupid” is being an idiot, is being mentally ill. They. are. shrewd. &. evil. Which is WHY they need to FACE JUSTICE!
Rest assured they will. If not in this life, then in eternity.
Murder pure and simple! But the chief of the DC police says he will not tolerate violence. somebody need to be arrested for this!
You know what? I am tired of waiting for all these audits “to prove the election was stolen”. I witnessed cardboard being taped to windows so people couldn’t see what they were doing! What more evidence do you need!? What other purpose was the cardboard for? I don’t need audits. I saw the proof of cheating. This bullshit is like when 2 guys go into a room and 1 comes out and the other is dead with marks around his neck. I don’t have to prove shit. WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. All this bs audit is for, IMO, is to give these scumbags the benefit of the doubt that they didn’t cheat. Fuck em. We know they did.
And this is the honest truth (just like we know the shot they are trying to mandate WILL reduce the population).
The last question is what will we do about it?
“There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call the Biden Press Conference Zone.”