“What Obama is asking now is totally insane” – Georgia Eligibility Hearing


Barack Obama has announced through his attorney that he will boycott the administrative hearings scheduled tomorrow in Georgia to review evidence of whether he legitimately is a candidate for the presidency, prompting an attorney for one set of the plaintiffs to describe the nation’s commander-in-chief as acting like a “5-year-old brat.”

A letter apparently from his lawyer, Michael Jablonski, was posted today on the website for California attorney Orly Taitz, whose determined pursuit of Obama’s eligibility documentation has taken her to courts across the nation, including the U.S. Supreme Court.

Jablonski told Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp in the letter that “serious problems” had developed in the hearings “pending before the Office of State Administration Hearings.”

He said, “At issue in these hearings are challenges that allege that President Obama is not eligible to hold or run for re-election to his office, on the now wholly discredited theory that he does not meet the citizenship requirements.”

Jablonski said the judge – who previously rejected Obama’s demand to quash a subpoena for him to appear and bring with him his birth records documenting his status as a “natural-born citizen” – has “exercised no control” over the proceeding.

“It threatens to degenerate into a pure forum for political posturing to the detriment of the reputation of the state and your office. Rather than bring this matter to a rapid conclusion, the ALJ has insisted on agreeing to a day of hearings, and on the full participation of the president in his capacity as a candidate,” Jablonski wrote.

In a response that was posted online after hours, Kemp said the case referral was “in keeping with Georgia law.”

“As you are aware, OSAH Rule 616-1-2-.17 cited in your letter only applies to parties to a hearing. As the referring agency, the Secretary of State’s Office is not a party to the candidate challenge hearings scheduled for tomorrow. To the extent a request to withdraw the case referral is procedurally available, I do not believe such a request would be judicious given the hearing is set for tomorrow morning.”

A blast of sarcasm aimed at Obama also was posted on the Taitz site.

What Obama is asking now is totally insane,” it said. “He is asking the secretary of state of GA to take the trial away from the judge on the eve of the trial. He is mostly crying on the shoulder of the secretary of state of GA and saying that Orly is bad, because she issued all of those subpoenas. So after the judge told Obama that the subpoena that I issued was perfectly valid and he had to appear in court tomorrow and bring with him all of the documents that I demanded, Obama decided to go behind the back of the judge and send the same complaint about me to the secretary of state and he is asking the secretary of state to take the trial away from the judge.

“Does this look like a behavior of an innocent person? An innocent person would have come to court and showed all the valid documents with the embossed seals, which are verifiable,” the statement said. “Instead he is acting like a 5-year-old brat, saying, ‘I am afraid of Orly, I want the secretary of state of GA to act like my mommy and protect me from Orly.’ Some leader of the free world.”


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Ron Adams
Ron Adams
13 years ago

We citizens of America are tired of this man who is not qualified to be our president refusing to admit that he was not born in America. He repeatly tells one lie after another. The media was so excited to have a black man as president they refuse to do a complete background check.Our country is too great to let a fraud like this slip under the radar. Why hasn’t Mr Obama show us his school records? Why do his classmates and professors in college not remover him being class. If he is on the up and up why not go to court and prove it . He can’t say he has so much work to do he couldn’t get away,just give up a golf date. No one else could ever get away with the things this man does.Do we have a dictator or president? This should have never reach to tis point every state as well as every citizen should be asking the same question as the state of Georgia. Stop acting like a child Mr president if you can prove without a shadow of a doubt that you were not born in Keyna then do it. By refusing to go to court and proving that you were not born in Keyna only makes is look more convincing that you were born in Keyna, therefore making you uneigible to be the leader of this United States of America.