What Shall We Do With The Tyranny We Are Faced With?

I have struggled to find the words to write an article as of late. I don’t know what else there is left for me to say. It seems we are destined to just wait for the inevitable collapse of our society. Will we fight?

Everybody wants us to win this battle and there is going to be a war, a war between brothers, between families, between friends. There will be much tragedy in this Civil War/Revolution. So I understand the reluctance to speak out, or act.

We know who we are. It is our time to stand against this darkness, this evil. It’s why we were born. It is time for us to be the warriors we have trained to be, that we know we are. It is time to quit sitting idly by and watching evil gain ground while the world burns.

This isn’t someone else’s war, it’s our war, no one is coming to save us. It’s all up to us. I personally have exhausted all peaceful means. I have tried to work within the system and do the right things to no avail. Not everyone will be war fighters, I understand that, but I will not participate in this “voting” farce that so many seem to think can get us out this mess come next year. For those of you who have been sharpening your swords and don’t know what time it is, I can’t show you the clock.

This is going to be the greatest war the world has ever seen. It is going to make all other wars pale in comparison. Honestly, I just wanted to be left alone. I wanted to raise my family in peace. Sadly, that is not to be. This other side, they hate us with every fiber of their being, and they want us dead. Well, the feeling is now mutual.  

Prepare yourselves for what is to come. Fear not, for we are on the right side of History and when we win this, we will get to write the History Books.

Time is short, but it is time to fight. It is time to rid the world of communism.

This War will never be forgotten, nor will the heroes who secure freedom for the future generations.

It is time to Declare Our Independence from this Tyranny we are faced with.

Have Faith Gentlemen. May God Have Mercy On Us All.


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3 years ago

On a mobile device so I will keep this short: https://www.theorganicprepper.com/selco-resolution-of-crisis/

It’s by Selco Wes I think you might appreciate this particular blog post. He talks about the questions you’ve been adding:

Small victories
Surprisingly for someone, but it is not the time for big decisions, big victories, big actions. All that means more risk, and now it is not time for risk.

It is time for small victories, so maybe you should stick to good old prepping – the basics.

What I mean by this is…

You cannot do too much (most probably) about the state of freedom of speech, media propaganda, your rights, etc, unless you want to be labeled as a trouble maker. You need to focus on some small victories like investing your time in prepping, canning, resupplying, organizing your preps, and similar.

I know you may be thinking, ” I need to go and count my cans while we are being stripped of our most important rights!?!”

Well what else you could do at this moment?

There will be a time for other things. Now it is not the time to draw attention

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Selco’s information is amazing..I mean who better to give advice than someone that lived through it?

Lachesis Atropos
Lachesis Atropos
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

I operated and survived over 7 years in Angola, and while I agree with Selco in principle, you can in no way compare our situation with what has occurred in other countries. The US is a far different animal. With my experience and training, I’m not so confident of our future.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Oh I agree each situation is different but any additional preparation can only help.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Matt, If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom -- go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

3 years ago
Reply to  PlainsPlebe

With all due respect, I don’t think quoting Shakespeare in this situation is appropriate…maybe when we get to the real nut cutting. There will be a time for action very soon so do not council good men to run to their deaths just to provoke a fight. TPTB fully intend to bring the fight to us so we should prepare and leave the virtue signaling to the Left.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

I assume this was a joke?

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Thanks Matt. Selco stuff is the best available -- note: the @$$hole looking at his phone at the beginning and end of the article of the link sez it all. Ive hung out with go go go types…. and they all bring their phones…. they’d rather part with their johnson, than their phone…. imagine the French resistance, using cell phones amongst themselves…. then the high speed deth machine gogogo guys are going to whoop the bad guys…. its sad… as Selco has said, “you are dead, by day 2 you are so fck’n dead” (quote)
take in all selco’s stuff, (and all the others along the same line) and apply it to your local small circles of activity and influence…
Lachesis Atropos-“you can in no way compare our situation with what has occurred in other countries”… correct -- a new and different day, but the principles are the same
must add- sometimes what u want is the gogogo guys and ability to go when its time to go…
and, study the Magilla concepts of the IRA,,,
this aint the movies…

Last edited 3 years ago by Neil
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

The BEST TIME for FIGHTING is when we are at our STRONGEST.
Thanks to the COVID Poisonous INJECTION we are growing WEAKER in NUMBERS but MORALLY STRONGER, every Day.
When we choose to go all in, History will record whether we were Right or Wrong in our Timing.
I’m 81 now but “Fit as a Fiddle”, Mentally and Physically, and can still RUN 2-3 miles carrying my Rifle and ammunition. I will not get any stronger, however and that is reality, so probably my Time is now,or close to now, or never.
I am from an IRA family in Dublin Ireland so the BEST ADVICE I can give and the ONLY TACTICS I.personally will use is Fight(ing the BASTARDS ONLY with GUERILLA WARFARE Tactics, because the Enemy outnumber and outguns you.If I have to fight that way,ALONE, I shall.
My Motto: “Catch them when they’re sleepiing”
Denying that FACT will not WIN you any Battles

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

I think until we progress further into tyranny, people will continue to accept it. It will take a devastating event to wake up people on the fence.

“The amount of tyranny you get, is the exact amount you put up with.”
― Thomas Jefferson

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Watched the vid yesterday of aussie kids getting arrested at the entrance of a grocery store. about made me cry, I have teens, good kids. To see that oppression. I fear you are correct on the requirements to awaken people from their willing stupor.

Crazy Times
Crazy Times
3 years ago
Reply to  Ulfbehrt

The Police = hired thugs / goons / abusers at this point. They are dangerous and should now be avoided.
The Police have chosen thier side and that is the State who pays them. Law? They now decide the Law, same it has was back in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.
I have seen enough footage from Australia, the UK, France, and Germany, and seen first hand the “bully boy” gang mentality these thugs have when dealing with peaceful unarmed protestors -- or even just citizens thought to be “breaking the rules and mandates” to understand that they are, and are going to continue to be, a significant problem to the ordinary citizen.
I saw the footage of the Australian Police you refer to and my reaction was not to cry -- it was to scream with rage. Had they been my children and I was present I known I would not have left that scene alive as they would have had to shoot me to restrain my violence towards them -- justified violence -- towards armed thugs abusing children. That is, and never was “Policing”.
At the moment the people do not want to fight the Police, they still see them as “protectors” or “rightful authority” -- but they stopped being that when they started enforcing unlawful mandates, shutting down businesses, snatching people off the street, and beating citizens.
The Irish IRA who defeated the English Martial Law knew how to deal with this special type of scum -- as did the Itallian Mafia, and even the Mexican cartels. I feel that we are going to have to learn again the hard way how ordinary citizens keep the Police under control by learning from the likes of the IRA and Mafia.
In the UK they have seen Police officers rape women who broke “Covid Rules” and in one case a few months ago (reported internationally) a Police Officer not only raped a women but then murdered her to try and cover it up, after arresting her for “breaking Covid rules”.
The Police now act like an occupying army in many places in Europe -- with “papers NOW!” checkpoints, restrictions on movement, and beat downs a daily -- even of old and weak people, and yes children too.
Checkpoints, beat downs and Police rapes are coming very soon to the US, and everywhere this will get messy when the real men begin to not just push back, but fight back -- as per the quote above regarding the most terrifying force coming from men who just wanted to be left alone.
When the planned “dark winter” begins things are going to get darker than most people can imagine.
May God Bless and strengthen all those men and women willing to face and fight the darkness ahead.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

So true, tinvowoot we are waiting now to stand and fight God bless America.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

The short answer of what to do about the tyranny that has been released upon the world in all its various forms, no matter how it’s disguised, or its controlling features.
That has always been the answer, always will be. Only living like free men are you able to experience the joys it brings. Living by your own actions comes the crutch of having to be responsible for your actions.

Adam Gonzalez
Adam Gonzalez
3 years ago

I agree its time to to use 2nd amendment and take our country back there will be no elections in 2022 enough is enough the talking heads in the Alt media and FOX news , Newsmax, are not informing the people that their is no other way but the 2nd amendment to take america back

3 years ago

The main quandary, I figure, is that this to me is God’s judgment on America, and the world- this is after all a global movement, arguably for the first time in history eliciting the antichrist system…but I digress. If that is so, we can no more fight against God’s divine judgment/punishment/ordainment than push the rain back upwards as it falls. Perhaps He will sustain us, perhaps something else (add your preferred eschatoligical belief here- figuratively). What are we are mere individuals going to do? Big talkers abound…but no one’s moving.

Dov Sar
Dov Sar
3 years ago
Reply to  TomS

TomS nails it. It IS God’s judgment. As for what to do, it is simple. Do what He tells you to do.

3 years ago
Reply to  TomS

Go ahead, hide behind that “God’s judgement”rhetoric.seems to me your bible says to “OCCUPY” until he returns. DO YOU GUTLESS FUK KERS EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  Randy

You’re not listening, nor comprehending what Tom is saying.
Lashing out as you do, is itself a gutless act!

3 years ago
Reply to  Randy

This has to be one of the worst comments I have seen. Misquoting the Bible. Swearing to make an invalid point. And people giving this points up? Trolls and ignorance will not give us Liberty. If you had said this in front of George Washington, you would have received 10 lashes for swearing if you were an officer. I neither see nor care if you were trying to make some point.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Good morn. David.
Started book two, 299 days, The collapse. i am hooked.

3 years ago


Tom McAllister
Tom McAllister
3 years ago

I can certainly understand the bewilderment you, the author, and many of the commentators are expressing- I see astounding denial and the continued proclamations of, “You have to keep living.” in my own home. The problem with that notion is the continued “living” is concentrated on the pursuit of the American Dream, not the planning and preparation for what is clearly imminent. My belief, based on the actions and sentiments expressed by literally half the country, is a resistance will rise out of the ashes. May God give us the strength and courage to act before the ashes, and may He raise leaders who will organize, centralize, and act to enable us to avoid the ashes. Simply going to this, and similar web sites, and commenting, raises the individual up the priority chain in the enemies databases. So be it. All who intend to resist evil must continue to do what is necessary to endure and contribute, accordingly. I know there are many who seem to be alone in this, but I encourage them to put it before God and position themselves to see His work in and around their lives. No matter what it seems, if you are His, you are not alone. I don’t offer this in the absence of a deep understanding of what may be directly ahead for us. May we have the heart of David, who preferred the judgement of God over the judgement of men. I’m a man who is preaching to himself in this Comment.

John Galt
3 years ago

Indeed, all I want is to be Left Alone. I had the ChiCom Cooties last year,so I have natural immunity. I’m so glad I have no children myself but I will help support those of my adopted family through the Blood of Christ.

Lachesis Atropos
Lachesis Atropos
3 years ago

No one will do anything until it all comes crashing down. Sorry, but approx 50% of the population are sheep, 35% sitting on the fence, 15% waiting for leadership to surface or “trusting in the plan” Q-Tards, and 5% have accepted the inevitable and are preparing.

Last edited 3 years ago by Lachesis Atropos
NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

I disagree and even my numbers might be off.

98% are sheep
1.9% are waiting for leadership
0.1% have accepted the inevitable

3 years ago

I am 70. I can still shoot but I can’t cut and run like I used to. I am one who needs a leader. I’ll support a movement any way I can but someone needs to get the ball rolling, I am not capable of that. I think our economy is going to tank and the dollar is going to go the way of Zimbabwe. THAT will be what it takes to get the oblivious ones to stand up and take notice.

3 years ago

SLA MARSHALL studied men in combat from WW II to Vietnam. His assessment was that 10% of troops are “natural” fighters and do 90% of the fighting with 40% directly supporting them. 35% never even fire their weapons, even when being over run and killed to a man. The same numbers came up weather for a division or platoon, excepting “elite” units. I will not attack first, but when I do, it will be just like the poem above except I will not have hate in my heart, it will be duty.

wayne O
wayne O
3 years ago

lets look at what 1776 did bring us. Declaration of Independence, That whenever any Form of Gov. becomes destructive, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, it is their right , it is their duty, to throw off such Gov. How is this done, What do we do? What is the proper Order?
Go back to the basics, Teach.!! Preamble, Grand Jury, Common Law = 7th Amen,
      We the People of the U.S,in Order(order is in the middle of the sentence) to form a more perfect Union,establish Justice,(stop right there for a second or two).
Common Law is mention twice in the 7th Amen, I believe two different definitions are required for these U. S . States.

3 years ago

This isn’t just a War within Amerika…this is a strategic global war to overwhelm and over-take all Nations, either by default (through their death), by mandated regulatory compliance, or by combative measures. Once people understand the depth that TPTB have been involved with, then we will have a better understanding of the forces going against us. We will never ‘go back’, we will lose independence, culture, security, and an enormous portion of our population.

3 years ago

IF you read albert pike’s 3 world war document it says what they are planning to do.
The second world war was to cause the holocaust so that they could pull on the heartstrings of the nations and give the jews their homeland back and so the evil U.N. chartered Israel back into existence.
If you read the 3rd world war scenerio, it says they will release the Nihilist (antifa, blm) and the atheist (democrates) and bring us to moral, economical, physical and spiritual exhaustion. Then they would cause a social cataclysm and the rest of the nations obliged to defend themselves against the minority of revolutionaries will exterminate them and in the process loose our moral compass and in our exhaustion be ready for their new religions (lucifer).
Most churches don’t teach about nephilim but teach that only God of the bible exists and not that their are other gods which are fallen angels, which the bible talks about in Psalm 82. So when these gods (zeus, thor, athena and company) show up most christians will believe that the God of the bible is falase and will be angry at the jews which are being set up by their leaders as the leaders of the illuminati, the nations will be angry at Israel. Then they will attempt to destroy Israel. In Revelation 17 its says that the Woman (Israel) is riding the beast (implementing the beasts system) and then the beast turns on the woman and scourges her with fire.
This was the plan all along….put Israel back on the map to destroy her. God will not allow this to happen!
The first horseman has ridden, now we await the second horseman…which is all out civil war and world war and it will be world wide. Be ready and don’t go along.

3 years ago
Reply to  kevin

Satan loves seeing Christians live in fear.
Father, I ask You Lord, will You please deliver these people from the spirit of fear which consumes their thoughts and energy? I ask these thing according to Your will and Your word, pleading the blood of the Lamb, in Christ’s Holy name, Amen.
Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
Therefore do not fear them.
And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”
Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.
Proverbs the 20th, 2021

3 years ago

You have said what there is to say. I am beside you and behind you. There is no way left but forward. God Bless us and Have mercy upon us. We did not pick this fight, but we will end it, and we will write the history.

Bill Douglass
3 years ago

So what do you do? I mean this as serious question..march on dc carrying shotguns? Organize militia? Form communal living arrangement? Bug out to hills? Protest in the streets? I agree voting is bs as is the group of entire corrupt systems known as the government….how do we specifically take proactive steps? Or must we be prepared but reactive? Inactive wont cut it in any shtf scenario…and the s has been h’ing the f for awhile..it just didnt look like we thought -UN blue hemets marching in to take your guns..at least not yet…the war has no clear enemy like north and south…it must however involve defying regulations..passively then actively…but I dont know how it escalates from there…does anyone? Ive prepped what i can but im day to day now since covid crashed economy….

3 years ago
Reply to  Bill Douglass

God will take our apathy away and we will know what time it is for his will.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Bill Douglass

Retrace the steps of the Founding Fathers.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bill Douglass

Unfortunately I believe this will end up being a guerilla war with the might of our federal government and all of its tools wielded against a few thousand committed and unyielding “terrorists”. Our first American Revolution was carried out by “terrorists” against the British empire. This second revolution will be similar but less regimented and organized. Do not envision an army of 10 million patriots rising up and marching, shooting and taking over the government, that will never happen. This will be insurgents, sniping, bombing, sabotaging, ambushing….it will not be conventional, and it will be a relatively few individuals in the grand scheme of things. That is why our government has put so much into domestic surveillance -- they know what is coming.

3 years ago

For what it’s worth -- Before anything can be done successfully it will be necessary to take down the entire grid -- communication, utilities, media -- everything. Everyone on the same playing field with the possible exception of military. But if they can’t gas up that’s a plus. I’ll stop there.

3 years ago

Often, nations and people who think they will go out with a bang, or not at all, because they fancy themselves warriors, end up going out with a whimper instead. Yes, those who came before us were warriors, but they stood in moral battles about right and wrong rather than waiting until the physical battles arrived causing them to lose their comfortable personal peace and affluence.

3 years ago

We need fair trials and fast hangings.
For all the covid perps, the 9/11 perps, the other false flag perps, the political traitors, communists, Homeland Security and our “intelligence” agencies. The Bush Crime Family, the Clinton mafia, the undocumented “president” (and his boyfriend and fake family). And Trump (take my killshot) too.

Pastor Sam Honnold
3 years ago

Yes, Brothers…it will be war within and war without!
I hope China is confronted before it is too late…here are the top reasons why I think OPEN, GLOBAL war is imminent:

Molly P
Molly P
3 years ago

Very compelling information…thanks.

Bryce DeBorde
Bryce DeBorde
3 years ago

For the Flag

They tell me you were given the right to insult me,

spit on me, stomp on me,

urinate and defecate on me,

cut me, rip me,

drag me, burn me.

As a protest against me, or against my nationalism, or just because you feel insulted, based on your freedom of speech.

Some of your schools no longer fly me, nor your children pledge allegiance for my cause.

But, regardless of what you do to me. I will fly where I am welcomed.

I will cover those who sacrifice, and represent those who cherish virtue, liberty, justice and freedom.

I will not waiver in my cause, no matter what forces come against me.

I represent something much greater, than your right to desecrate me.

And I shall fly proudly, and cover all those who sacrifice for that something greater!

Bryce DeBorde
Bryce DeBorde
3 years ago

For all who served

I heard a trumpet sounding

so I hurried to its call

without regard to consequence

whose price both great and small

I stood in sheer amazement

when the trumpets sound grew near

a formation just ahead of me

its number was unclear

A great number there had gathered

to the trumpets call

on that hallowed ground

I heard a long roll call

Would I be counted worthy

my sacrifice was small

for many had paid so greatly

and sacrificed their all

Alas my name was spoken

and it all became so clear

those who paid the highest price

had blown so I could hear.

3 years ago

What do you do? You NFARCE the law. Which would mean they are gulity by treasonous standards and you HANG THEM!

Nork Nikkelminn
Nork Nikkelminn
3 years ago

My Hope, My Prayer: Lord, when the murderous fascists come to my door, though I am now old and in ill health, please grace me with the strength to meet their demands with shotgun and lead. If five come, then may three lie lifeless at my door before I leave this mortal plane. Amen

3 years ago

Gosh, that was optimistic. I only figured two at my end. Okay, I’ll try for three.

PRAY For War Or Be Preyed Upon.
PRAY For War Or Be Preyed Upon.
3 years ago

All I see, are people fleeing to the alleged comfort of their ignorance and denial. Remember, the Lord, disciplines those he loves, apparently just about everywhere, people are trying to escape the consequences of evil, while maintaining their own. Going along with the fear of evil, only brings more.

Bernie Seidel
Bernie Seidel
3 years ago

when the shit starts you will know what to do ask God for forgiveness and then go to work and do not ness with any one that is iffy your life depends on it and rember God is on our side so have fun

3 years ago

I totally agree with your view, except when to go hot. Whenever anyone in my area of operations is FORCED to test, vaxx, hauled to any type camp or attempt to disarm anyone, I will go hot, and yes I know I will die. I will protect myself and my community against this evil with all I have. May my Lord Jesus forgive me my sins.

Reality Bites
Reality Bites
3 years ago

You pretty much nailed it, Look and Listen. And look, it is obvious why “nothing has happened yet.”. The Feds have infiltrated and will continue to infiltrate ANY organized resistance of any sort against their globalist puppet/pay masters. The regime-owned media has, is and will continue to spin any and all actions taken to defend what is left of our republic as “white supremacist terrorism”. Also, the past year+ has shown that the feds have no compunction about siccing their BLM/Antigua lunatic paramilitaries on anyone who makes a stand either as an individual, a family, or as a small group. And he’ll, even today, one of the single most pathetically obvious ham-handed false flags ever dominated the newspaper, with yet another fed-recruited patsy (or more likely, employee) doing the hapless Library of Congress stunt. Anything people do in this environment do will be spun toward the ends desired by the evil globalist regime. Anyone on our side with half a brain saw what the ruling class planned and carried out on January 6 with total cover by the entire establishment, in about as shameless and merciless a fashion as can be imagined.

3 years ago

Its time to create an alternate society. We must stand as free men and women under common law jurisdiction, 100% separate from their admiralty law of the sea. Stop being a citizen, person, corporation. When you are a corporation, they can do to you what they want. Every one, put up a sign on all your private properties, houses, businesses, cars, everything, this is a common law jurisdiction, and then stop paying taxes, fees, fines, everything. No service, no tax. Stop voting, and doing business with them. Do not give them your power, and money. We need to organize our schools, credit unions, medical facilities, stores, shops, everything. Everything under common law jurisdiction, and when the corporatist want to control us according to their maritime jurisdiction, we will require them to cease and desist or face a common law claim against the man woman who causes us harm. Common Law is the key out of this corporate prison of slavery.

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve

It was that time over ten years ago but it’s past that point now and all you can do is band together to survive…It’s coming at us like a freight train and this winter is going to be a bitch for all of us and most won’t be here by spring if it all stays on course for them and there isn’t enough pushback…

3 years ago

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
If you’re reading this, it’s time you learned the reason why.
“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” John 17:3
You were born for the express reason of having a personal relationship with Almighty God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You were created to walk and commune with God, the same as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The same as Enoch.
This is The Meaning Of Life.

Lisa Clements
Lisa Clements
3 years ago

I want to help besides prayers… I am very concerned for my grandchildren and my family, all American citizens who love this once blessed country. How can I help? I’ve already emailed my congressman and mayor about standing up for the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights regarding the vaccination mandate, they assure me they will. I stand for Pro-life groups such as Students for Life and human life alliance. I am for a God fearing nation again.🙏✝️

3 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Clements

Prayerfully consider how you might support in areas such as medical supplies and or training. food stores. safe house. any and all logistical supply/support to a resistance team. learn how to observe casually and record enemy movements and strengths. find a tribe

3 years ago

Fiatocracy -- a state in which the power is derived from currency which is simply printed into being out of thin air.

Globalslam -- an emerging ideology that combines the worst elements of Islam, communism and fascism to create a society whereby the authoritarian rulers cannot be questioned.

Anti socialist socialism -- in this paradigm political leaders espouse the dangers of socialism and state the country is free of socialism while promoting socialist welfare policies under the guise of keeping the populace safe when in actuality their socialist policies do the exact opposite and the nation is under socialist rule

Gentlemen, I was invited to share my thoughts and so here I am. In the above I have succinctly stated how we got here, where we are and where we are going as a nation. If you feel as i do, this in unacceptable. I have no platform and no voice to be widely heard. If I get one acknowledgement on a website that what I said was ever read that is a lot. I hail to you from the great state of Missouri. My current advice to you is to get behind great leaders with all your might. In Missouri we have the honorable governor Mike Parson, senator Josh Hawley and now I have learned another is Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt. I have written to our great governor to thank him for standing strong and tall for Missourians. I suggest you all do the same or what you can to support the great leaders we do have. Do what you can to prepare for what appears inevitable. If you are like me you are sickened to your stomachs not only about what is happening here but what is also transpiring abroad. Moments ago I saw a video in which a nine year old girl was forcefully taken from her father’s arms and forcibly injected with the radically experimental injection. In the meanwhile the father was tackled by police. This all happened in what appeared to be a hospital setting. To whatever extent possible do no business with globalist companies, hospitals or doctors is a further thing you can do. It does appear momentum is growing against the onslaught we have found ourselves under. Yet it is slow. I live in a place where there is no mask mandate yet out of fear and subservience I suppose many are wearing their masks. I am a not a man who is skilled with tactical training to lead should that be necessary but like me you can pray that such men will arrive should there be no other way to address ever growing grasp of tyranny. Stand fast and may God be with us to correct the abominations to which we suffer under.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

I do not think the catalyst event is far off. I believe September 11th in Afghanistan is going to be an orchestrated blood bath on par with the original 9/11. The Americans are not going to be rescued in time and the situation for our military getting out is dire. There are more US troops in Afghanistan than anyone will admit. I suspect the 82nd Airborne & 101st were dropped into Kabul in the dead of night because they are the most likely to to fight with the American people. Kabul will be an orchestrated kill box for maximum effect. I also believe Biden’s crude, “I just got my butt wiped” was his response to being told he was going to let this happen. It was a deal for not meeting vax quotas and/or gun confiscation. But I don’t think that is all. I believe that there will be equally significant attacks on US soil at the same time. What the CCP & globalists are plotting is the complete demoralization and humiliation and traumatization that will guarantee we lay down, especially if Biden dictates a second, draconian lockdown before the 11th. If evil is anything, it is full of conceit for its own brilliant ideas. Think about it. Pray about it. Be prepared because I just might be right.

3 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

yes he had a timetable on getting so many Americans injected. The vax cards have four spots so it is obvious they had boosters planned all along. With their narrative crumbling it will be interesting to follow how many Americans sign onto getting the boosters. So who knows, there could be converts on the way. The Afghans control a lot of poppy and the Chinese manufacture pills. What are the chances of a profitable partnership in this respect? Who would be the intended markets? If you guessed Australia, Europe and USA, you probably guessed right. A flood of products likely will happen. If you are correct about a major event happening look for a major escalation in the region. Biden will pretend to be saving face but likely just a place to send troops they want to purge anyway. The ones they like stay home and help with the door to door dirty work. I hope I am wrong!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
overcome the world and the evil that resides in it, and follow the instructions of the Son and Mashiak.

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower, working on it.