Who Are We Fighting For?

This country can be divided into two camps along a multitude of characterizations. The above is the simplest one: we fight for our children. The other side fights for their own power.

David DeGerolamo

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Wes Rhinier
4 years ago

Done gone and made me cry this morning.

Hammers Thor
Hammers Thor
4 years ago

As Aesop says in his typically succinct way:
“People have expressed the idea, more than once, that this will lead to conflict….
…Let’s lance this boil now, so we don’t have to do amputations later on. It’s absolutely going to happen anyway. Not might any more, but will, because we’ve now seen that there is absolutely nothing they won’t stoop to doing. There is no bottom to their perfidy, amorality, and soullessness. You cannot negotiate with sociopaths. So the only open question is how soon.”
