Whom Should We Trust?

The question of whom we should trust has been taken too lightly and we now suffer the consequences of tyranny. Consider and remember what we were taught and believed when we grew up in an age of black and white television with three channels:

  1. Hollywood provided movie and television stars depicting the American dream, war heroes, family values and the “good guy always won”.
  2. Police were respected and we believed they provided security.
  3. The borders were secure and the government deported illegal aliens.
  4. The government represented the people and politicians were respected.
  5. Our school teachers taught our children instead of indoctrinating them.
  6. Unions were good for the workers.
  7. Our children would have more opportunity than we did.
  8. Our military kept us and the world safe.
  9. Communism and Socialism were evil and not embraced by our government.
  10. Elections were secure and fair.

I am not saying all of the above were necessarily true but they were perceived to be true. The consequences of trusting people for our security and future were misplaced. Our apathy and the political elite’s insatiable quest for control has led us to a country with a fraudulent president, open borders, no rule of law and a bankrupt nation. Our savings has followed the path of the American Dream:

11 things you should never flush down the toilet - NJ ...

So we are on the precipice of the Republic becoming a Communist dictatorship where elections are decided by fraud, the 2nd amendment has been rendered obsolete by the control of the supply of ammunition and the government uses fear to lockdown everything except “infected” illegal aliens.

Is it too late to save the country? Yes.

I know many will disagree with the above statement. Let’s return to the original premise: whom should you trust? Do you trust the government? If you do not trust the government, it is too late to save the country.

Trust yourself first. Does your rational assessment tell you to trust the government, law enforcement or the media? The first step to your secure future is to take stock of where you are and prepare measures to move forward.

The second step is hard: you have to determine whom you can trust in your family. Many have seen that their families are split and reconciliation is not possible. I will not trust or associate with anyone who physically voted for Joe Biden. Period. Fortunately many of us already have made this delineation: now is the time to accept it.

The third step is harder to accept: trusting the wrong people will get you killed. I did not say “may” but “will” because any opposition to tyranny will not be accepted.

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This was my test for trust twelve years ago and it stills hold: if you would not trust someone with your children, do not trust them. This level of trust may be high but it is necessary. It also makes your “circle of friends” small. This is both good and bad but it is where we are.

Stay safe because our threat level assessment is higher than most people will admit.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Needed to be said, again. Thank you. Feels like the moment of hurried assessment and gathering of vital items before the ship hits the rocks.

3 years ago

David -- -- Excellent article. Timely. Succinct.
Truth hurts. Trusting in some whom you love and want to trust WILL get you killed or probably imprisoned.
We want to be loved and love others as we would want them to love us in return, but that is not always the way it turns out.
Many are overly influenced by their spouses who do not have your familial attraction and of whom we know little about their background/beliefs. Always believe that what you share in confidence with your siblings or child will be revealed to their spouse.
Maintaining OPSEC is mandatory but it is tough to keep inside yourself ( and from those you want to share affection ) information about prepping and steps you’ve found helpful in your preps. Your intention is to make their future better, but the hard realization comes when you recognize that they don’t care and continue their “ways” in spite of your previous suggestions or advice.
This is true even if your sibling or child lives a full day’s drive away. This is true even if they hold positions close to your political beliefs; a hard reality, but one that is true.
Trust only those who have proven that they can be trusted. See them for who and what they are without viewing them through your “emotional glasses”.

Hammers Thor
3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Excellent post, and very pertinent comment @173dVietVet.
Always believe that what you share in confidence with your siblings or child will be revealed to their spouse.”
This is one of the best points made in a long time, and it is absolutely true. Which goes back to the premise of the article… Whom should we trust?
The answer is… no one. Unfortunately, at some point, we may have to trust somebody. Whether it is because we need blood work in order to refill prescriptions (we have close family members going through that now) -- do we trust the doctors not to share our DNA? Do we trust that their office, or wherever we get our blood work done, is not a covid-19 breeding ground? No matter what you believe, or don’t believe about the Chinese Virus, it exists, and the older we get, the more susceptible we are to life-long damage or death if we get it. Nothing to do about that. Masks don’t work, except in an extremely limited capacity, and we either take our chances, or we live as hermits. Personally, I’m absolutely fine with that… if I never had to interact with another person in my lifetime then that is no loss to me… or to them.
How bout a colonoscopy? Right, no risk there. Trust those doctors, or nurses? Right. Do I want to take a non-vaccine that will forever change my DNA, or die from colon cancer? These are the kind of choices we are now facing. Well, I’m not taking an mRNA vaccine, ever, under any circumstances. It’s a trust issue. If I die, I die. If it gets painful enough, I’ll keep one bullet handy. The fed will NOT get to decide for me when I die.
How about our local sheriff’s office… I WANT to trust them, but history suggests that even this is misplaced. I do not believe, for one nanosecond, that they will do anything more to protect us than the deputy did to protect Wes when the FBI showed up at his house. I still cannot get over that.
Unions? Teachers? even the military? Give me one, just one reason to believe that the military OF TODAY will not simply “follow orders” and exterminate everyone whom their communist trans generals tell them to. They’ll do it gladly, because everyone who actually cares about our nation will leave the military service, or never join (nor should they) in the first place.
We don’t trust the government, we don’t trust doctors, we don’t trust anyone in authority, and we don’t even trust one another. Wow. If I were evil, and planning to destroy a nation and usher in communism, with me in control, seems this would be exactly the outcome I would be seeking. The Chinese, and their American puppets, of which there are a great many, have already won.
So, to David’s statement above: “Is it too late to save the country? Yes.”
He’s absolutely right. They. Have. Won.

Hammers Thor
3 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Apologies for my mood today, David. Not feeling as optimistic as you are.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I also do not feel optimistic. This is in NO WAY aimed at you but why do people need to wait for people to save them when at any time we could save ourselves? Instead of “vote harder” or “pray harder” we should be introducing the bad actors to justice.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

You guys are all spot on today.

Eddie Hnatko
Eddie Hnatko
3 years ago

12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
The point being that you are right -- I have members of my own family with differences detrimental to security. Fortunately I’m old and live alone. I don’t have to jeopardize anyone in my immediate surroundings when I make a decision (except for my dogs). With family scattered to the four winds it will be impossible to round everyone up anyway.
I believe the bible to the Nth degree and realize that America is history if it will ever be included as such. Man can only paint himself into a corner with no windows. We will fight alone and die alone. No big deal. Gonna die anyway. I’ll not comply ere I die.