Who’s the Sucker?


13 Kids
3 Husbands in Jail
Cadillac with Food Stamps on the Tag
Take Pride Writing Your Tax Checks to Uncle Sam…
…It Goes to a Good Cause
Ain’t America Great!
h/t Singecat
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Tim Pope
8 years ago

From the introduction of William Cooper’s book, ‘Behold A Pale Horse’, page 9 http://www.whale.to/b/cooper.pdf:

“I fear for the little ones, the innocents, who are already paying for our mistakes. There exists a great army of occupationally orphaned children. They are attending government-controlled day-care centers. And latch-key kids who are running wild in the streets. And the lop-sided, emotionally wounded children of single welfare mothers, born only for the sake of more money in the monthly check. Open your eyes and look at them, for they are the future. In them I see the sure and certain destruction of this once-proud nation. In their vacant eyes I see the death of Freedom. They carry with them a great emptiness — and someone will surely pay a great price for their suffering.”

8 years ago

These children will be future warriors for the black gangs and paraded around by black racist politicians who breed racism.

8 years ago

A little commons sense please.
I believe that the car belongs to
someone making an accurate criticism
(with satirical imagery)
about the failed (Republic destroying) welfare state.

8 years ago
Reply to  cavmedic

satire or not , it’s all true. because I have physically seen it in new York, its rampant

8 years ago

When the time comes, there will be only one answer. It is ugly, but it will be unavoidable.

It will require communities to stand up orphanages to receive the little ones, and to raise them with proper moral guidance, and establish them with a suitable vocation.

The little children are the only innocents in all of this, and we have an obligation to them, regardless how or why they were brought into this world. But for their parents, who are incourageable, justice will be hard indeed…