Ya Think?

Masks do work. If you have the proper masks. Which we don’t. The masks mandated by the government are not only ineffective, they are making our children sick from the bacteria and other viruses that are on the masks.

Have you noticed how the Republicans are rallying around the vaccine? There is only one party and they want us dead.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

This guy is an absolute idiot and a tool for China! Just like his buddies.
What happen to “citizen arrest ” 🤷‍♂️ Or better yet, traitors/murderers being hung like old days?
This guy should be buried…or buried under a prison at very least!

3 years ago

I fully agree: there is only one party. But try and convince the tunnel-vision hordes who identify solely as Democrat or Republican. They will never see this truth, as they are steeped in blind adherence to their party. Moreover, many Republicans will never admit that Trump was just another puppet helping to pave the way for the New World Order. Get prepared for: invasion, civil war and nuclear war.

Elder Son
3 years ago

Face diapers only exacerbate sickness, creating a carbon monoxide overload and viral/bacterial overload by re-inhaling the viruses/bacteria one expels from their lungs onto the backside of the face diaper… but that is point, isn’t it? Odd that face diapers work for the Influenza, but not the “Covid”. Wink-Wink. Enough people are not taking this “Covid” serious enough to take the Gain of Function SPIKE PROTEIN Gene Therapy Jab! Time to ratchet up the sickness with face masks again while blaming the un-vaxxed for the Covid-Alpha-Beta-Delta-Epsilon-Lambda-Variants! But… but… “The Virus” is real! Just don’t take the CORONAVIRUS SPIKE PROTEIN Jab for the REAL “Virus”! Alrighty then!

Screenshot 2021-07-28 at 09-34-31 WHO FLUMART OUTPUTS.png
3 years ago

I think the republican party has become false opposition. Just like the US Generals playing the Harlem Globe Trotters. They’re there to give the illusion of opposition when they’re really on the same team.

Hammers Thor
3 years ago

There was an article yesterday about how a Georgia firm in Georgia were promoting and teaching demoncrats how to run as republicans.

3 years ago

“Oh Fiddle-dee-dee, I’ll think about That tomorrow”

3 years ago

Have you noticed how the Republicans are rallying around the vaccine? There is only one party and they want us dead.”
Always enjoyable when someone points out the obvious. And yet, sadly this obvious factoid is somehow out of comprehension to the vast majority of the self proclaimed conservatives. How many times I have heard Christian conservatives say just one or two more conservative (republican) supreme court justices to end abortion. Never able to grasp the fact that the court that instituted Roe was dominated by so called conservative justices.
How long or until what pain level will be sufficient for the patriots to finally understand that no one is coming to save them God only knows. Regardless what one thinks about Trump he knowingly turned over the nuclear codes to the commies and knowingly unleashed the entire security state apparatus against the people without so much as enduring a broken finger nail. The consequences of Trumps cowardice, moral bankruptcy and lack of duty will become brutally evident for Americans in the coming months and years. And indeed is a reality for some right now as political prisoners languish in DC jails while the state makes martyrs of any who dare to do a moral right.
On and on I could go. All the while the masses mistakenly and redundantly place their hopes in a political class, a two party paradigm that for decades has participated in the rise of the Fascist/Socialist State to the degree that the federalists of old must be jumping with antagonistic glee from the pits of hell. I thank God for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Lest sanity be fleeting.
” Remember that the sociopath wears a mask of sanity. It is easier for them to make you out to be crazy-than it is for you to expose the reality of who they are.” ~author unknown

rm p
rm p
3 years ago
Reply to  azprepsteader


rm p
rm p
3 years ago

Am grateful for Rep Jim Jordan -- he is one in Congress still bravely doing more good than harm. (Hope he does not meet the same pushback as Justice Scalia…or
Sen Steve Scalise, for that matter.)
Btw: is the doctor under discussion even really Dr. Fauci? He does not (to me, anyway) seem to have the same features as the guy who is long thick with the Bush family cabal….So many imposters, clones and body doubles on the passing scene -- is that representation of Dr Fauci just another one? (Not a rhetorical question.) Thanks, if you know for sure…

3 years ago

Fauci is not a Tool of the CCP. Remember, it was Fauci who arranged for the Transfer of the Bioweapon Research to a CCP Military Lab, and Obtained them the money to finish the Work.
Follow the (((money))).
Who Pays for something is in Control of it.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Amazing how the average person can’t put 2 and 2 together, they wait for solid info from their (((news networks))).
These mental midgets deserve Fauci and Co.
Everybody is still wondering where the bug came from and who shot Ashli. Unbelievable. Even DJT knows and won’t say, that should be a clue.