‘You Sir, Are The One Ignoring Science’: Rand Paul Battles Becerra Over COVID-19 Rules

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3 years ago

Ron Paul is the only guy I donated to. We’d be better off if he won

Reality Bites
Reality Bites
3 years ago

Look, Paul is probably the best of all the human shitbags in the US Senate. Having said that, he is obviously essentially onboard with most of the lunatic vax agenda like all the rest of them, as you can see in this video. He also, you might remember, was fully onboard with certifying heretofore unimaginable crime known as the 2020 “election” (sic). Everyone of these guys are completely compromised, they play for the same team and any televised squabbles are (at best) simply emblematic of some sort of power struggle strictly BETWEEN elite factions; they have absolutely nothing to do with you or I, hard as that may be to swallow for some.

strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Reality Bites

I agree with you completely; at this point in time, the game is completely rigged. However, Rand Paul also seems to be saying that if a person has natural immunity, based on that fact only, then that person might be considered exempt and excused from having to take the shot. No, no, no. I say this to that line of thinking: NO GOVERNMENT and NO PERSON has the right to FORCE ME to take any jab in my body, for any reason whatsoever. It is my God-given and constitutionally guaranteed right to refuse any medical procedure for any reason I so choose.

3 years ago

Never, and I don’t have to explain it to anyone

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago

I’m neither here nor there re Dr. Shiva, but I did see an interesting presentation by him clearly indicating that ANYthing inserted into any orifice of the body, including into skin pores (which are apparently classified as orifices) is rape. Sorry, don’t have link or reference, but I’m sure the information can be found by looking for his name, website. Even if it weren’t able to be determined to be rape -- uh, No. No. No. There’s just something about being told I HAVE to do something -- as in WHO SAID…? And akin to “Methinks thou dost protest too much.” Agree with Reality Bites and Strider, Magrit…anyone thinking along those lines.