Your Life Depends on This Knowledge

There is a two fold purpose for the government in “educating” our children:

  1. Ensure a low level of education.
  2. Ensure a high level of indoctrination.

Which leads us to a situation where the knowledge of molecular biology by people is minimal and easily misunderstood by propaganda. Consider the following information:

A team of scientists in Germany believes it has pinpointed the cause of these blood clots [from the vaccine], which can be eliminated with a relatively easy tweak.

The delivery mechanism means the vaccines send the DNA gene sequences of the spike protein into the cell nucleus rather than the cytosol fluid found inside the cell where the virus normally produces proteins, Marschalek and other scientists said in a preprint paper released on Wednesday. Once inside the cell nucleus, certain parts of the spike protein DNA are spliced, or split apart, creating mutant versions, which are unable to bind to the cell membrane where important immunisation takes place. The floating mutant proteins are instead secreted by cells into the body, triggering blood clots in roughly one in 100,000 people, according to Marschalek’s theory. In contrast, mRNA-based vaccines, such as the jabs developed by BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna, deliver the spike’s genetic material to the cell fluid and it never enters the nucleus. “When these . . . virus genes are in the nucleus they can create some problems,” Marschalek told the Financial Times.

The above information is the starting point but I pray that you read the entire article so that you can understand how the government, medical community and media have lied in a concerted effort around the world.

1. RNA is not DNA. While some viruses are RNA based, the majority of living organisms are DNA based. It is not possible for RNA to be inserted into DNA. There is a mechanism of converting RNA to DNA using reverse transcriptase but that is the only way to modify DNA using RNA.

2. Consider the following infomation from Kaiser Permanente:

What would you say to people who are afraid that mRNA vaccines alter your DNA?

It’s simply not true. In fact, it’s the other way around. DNA makes RNA. The mRNA in the COVID-19 vaccines only goes into a certain part of the cell — the outer part known as the cytoplasm. It doesn’t go into the cell’s nucleus, the part of the cell where the DNA lives. And, mRNA doesn’t last very long because its job is to give the information to the cell — a blueprint for how to make a protein — and then it goes away.

The first important piece of information is to determine how the German team found DNA sequences in the cell’s nucleus from an mRNA vaccine made by  AstraZeneca. Either the vaccine contains reverse transcriptase or this respected team is wrong.

3. Consider the degradation of mRNA in a cell:

Degradation is another key process in the lives of the macromolecules of the cell and is itself tightly controlled.  Indeed, in the simplest model of mRNA production, the dynamics of the average level of mRNA is given by

where r is the rate of mRNA production and γ is the rate constant dictating mRNA decay.  The steady-state value of the mRNA is given by

showing that to first approximation, it is the balance of the processes of production and decay that controls the steady-state levels of these molecules.

In the above equations, r is zero since the only mRNA is what is injected from the vaccine. That means the normal lifespan of the mRNA would be 10 hours:

How far does Monod’s statement that “what is true for E. coli is true for the elephant” (depicted by Monod in Figure 2) take us in our assessment of mRNA lifetimes in other organisms? The short answer is not very.   Whereas the median mRNA degradation lifetime is roughly 5 minutes in E. coli, the mean lifetime is ≈20 minutes in the case of yeast (see Figure 1B) and 600 minutes (BNID 106869) in human cells.

So within ten hours, mRNA is degraded which means the vaccine has ten hours to circulate its “package” within your body, penetrate cell membranes and starting translating modified spike proteins before it is gone. Supposedly the mRNA coating protects it but if this is true, the coating would have to be removed for the ribosomes to attach and translation to occur. This still would be ten hours from the coating’s removal.

4. From the CDC:

It typically takes two weeks after vaccination for the body to build protection (immunity) against the virus that causes COVID-19. You are not fully vaccinated until 2 weeks after the 2nd dose of a two-dose vaccine or two weeks after a one-dose vaccine.

The question is how does an mRNA vector with a life span of ten hours take two weeks to start working? My only conclusion is that the vaccine contains the code for reverse transcriptase which will integrate the new genes permanently into a vaccinated person’s genome as the team in Germany is asserting.

Another question is what instructions are being encoded? The vaccine is supposed to generate modified spike proteins to “immunize” people. This can be accomplished using existing medical technology to provide antibodies in the same fashion as when they harvested antibodies from people who had recovered from COVID-19.


It appears that the vaccines are actually retroviruses that are rewriting people’s DNA. This would account for the two week minimum time frame for the new genes to be transcribed to mRNA and then translated into proteins. There also appears to be mutations occuring in whatever genes are inserted that are killing people in some cases. If this was a normal vaccine, the FDA would have already pulled it based on the number of deaths. We also know that people who have recovered with immunity in place are being encouraged to take the vaccine. As Dr. Rand Paul noted, this makes no sense.

While we do not know what genes are being encoded, we do know that the vector is not being translated by mRNA. Please consider the possibility that the “pandemic” was planned in order for people to be vaccinated for another purpose.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Great article and your summation of the facts as we know them. Thank you, David. I’ll be saving this one, and re-reading it at least once!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

Ditto Brewers comments.
Thanks for getting, and helping disseminate this information. It’s our only hope against the powers aligned against us. Keep fighting the good fight!

Harry James
Harry James
3 years ago

Question? Isn’t providing an “empty” spike protein, allegedly for the body to recognize, and attack- similar to providing the body with stem cells to convert, and use? So if the covid bio weapon encounters a blank spike protein, won’t it grab it, program it, (gain of function), and further it’s assault on the body? Won’t adding empty logs to a fire, make it burn hotter, faster, and wider?

3 years ago
Reply to  Harry James

Immunesystem priming,is the term you describe.Jabbed will be vulnerable to viruses.All is b.s.It was planned.Experimental jabs not legal to require of people,especially when granted provisional approval based on fraud of emergency.


[…] By DRenegade — Reprinted with permission from NCRenegade […]

3 years ago

Good Lord! what are these people doing to us? At least the ones that are getting the “jab”. Great article. Thanks for all the work.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

While we do not know what genes are being encoded, we do know that the vector is not being translated by mRNA. Please consider the possibility that the “pandemic” was planned in order for people to be vaccinated for another purpose.”

This I think is not the case. Covid was released by China and our Overlords thought now would be a good time to reduce the population (“Never let a good crisis go to waste”).

It appears that the vaccines are actually retroviruses that are rewriting people’s DNA. This would account for the two week minimum time frame for the new genes to be transcribed to mRNA and then translated into proteins. There also appears to be mutations occuring in whatever genes are inserted that are killing people in some cases. If this was a normal vaccine, the FDA would have already pulled it based on the number of deaths. We also know that people who have recovered with immunity in place are being encouraged to take the vaccine. 

This I couldn’t agree with more.

Last edited 3 years ago by NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Pirbrite Institute,u.k. Is a source.Stolen vials from Canada university=2Chinese researcher spies who were expelled,not jailed.Dr. Daszak,from Chapel Hill university campus helped Dr. Shi in China.Ft. Detrick.Montauk base,darpa.Gates and Obama funding.Baric,Redfield,Fraudci,Dr. Birx,others.

3 years ago

Possible explanation for the durability of the mRNA:
“There was an extensive period of time over which various ideas were explored to try to keep the mRNA from breaking down before it could produce protein. A major advance was the realization that substituting methyl-pseudouridine for all the uridine nucleotides would stabilize RNA against degradation, allowing it to survive long enough to produce adequate amounts of protein antigen”
from Seneff, Stephanie and Nigh, Greg. “Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19″

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Is impacted.Dr.s have been sounding alarms over probable prion disease and dementias,als,parkinson developing from this.


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[…] By DRenegade — Reprinted with permission from NCRenegade […]