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- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
American Patriots, III% – Reclaiming America, One Patriot at a Time! Look, you have a choice to organize or die, that simple.
Tom are you serious?
An open comm invite to join a known internet group?
I wonder what Tom Collins of the Time ‘O Troubles might say about nifty professional posters in Irish Pubs to meet up and kick some British ass?
Only trust people you have known for years in f2f relationships.
Unless you want to share bunks with the January 6th folks. I hear they are still arresting folk that their cellphones show were in the area.
Trusted friends not internet Patriots.
You can’t be serious, they are nationwide and serious about what they do. Yea you got me shakin in my boots about, a vile and corrupt illegal regime, you don’t have to organize or do anything, just keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you getting.
Tom I’m not the fellow that is telling folks about the latest outrage and how we have to do something about it.
Look to a different pew.
I recall the quote from Lenin “Create Opposition Groups so you can control them “.
Commies don’t stop doing things that work so well.
Thus ONLY TRUST PEOPLE you have known for years in f2f relationships.
You got a problem with that idea?
If so, explain why please.
Its not that simple. In the 1770s we could easily define our enemy…they wore a Red Uniform. Today, the infiltration of the Marxist makes identification of an enemy in our situation quite complicated and the Marxist had years and numbers on their side not to mention what Obama did for their cause. How do you visually identify a Venezuelan or Haitian Prisoner from a Mexican or African American that goes to church in your town? The Chinese are obvious…keep an eye on employee rotations at your Chinese or Mexican Restaurants…we’re seeing allot of in-out rotations here in Ohio.. I know you’re thinking tattoos, yes Cartel members have tattoos but what about the Middle east terrorist that looks more Italian or European? At least in the Big Sand Box we could do some differentiating between Lebanese, Afghani and Iraqis by dress but here in the Big Melting Pot…its hard and our enemies know it. When the sleeper cells are activated we’re going to take a stand but until then…half of our country sees the incoming Newcomers as people seeking a better life abd the American Dream…until it turns into a nightmare! Semper Fi! Keep your Powder Dry! Lets go… Oscar Mike!
Actually we could not easily define the enemy during the Presbyterian Rebellion. People put symbols on their front door to define their loyalty to England or the colonial state governments. Loyalty swayed to whomever was in charge of the local area at a specific time.
I am not saying it will be easy to identify the illegal invaders, a good majority of them will not be speaking english. It will be easier your right once shtf and they group up, in my city I cannot see a great influx of invaders unless they are hiding them in hotels somewhere. Semper Fi OPM.
In my small town all one needs to do is shop at Wally World. The “Newcomers” hang out in groups of 5-10 go up and down the aisles all day, sometimes harassing customers by bumping them or not giving ground and the employees are told to ignore them and “not make trouble”. They speak no English and belittle the Americans (my wife speaks fluent Spanish and Farsi) and addresses them when she can. She has caught some discussions about “when the time comes” or “I know what house I want after killing gringo” or allot of talk about stealing wives or girlfriends. We went to our local Mexican restaurant and my wife picked up on a Newcomer speaking Farsi on a new cell phone talking about his trip, people and towns and he was meeting someone to take him to Dearborn or Detroit. Tom, they’re here even in a small town of 9,000 and I guarantee wherever you have cartel drugs…you’ll see them, eventually they’ll be armed.
Yea I expect them to be here, it is getting more and more dangerous by the day. The thing is, it is not just me watching and listening, there are a lot of us here in this city, ready willing and ready.
Quoting Bill Cooper, “ Like it or not, everything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate. The future is in your hands.”
Tom and Jane might be feds????
Haha! I am a 75 year old lady. Gagaga!
Classically trained like Gaga?
That’s the perfect cover Jane, you had many fooled. lol.
Ha. Ha.! Lol. Bless!
Somehow the person that uses preferred pronouns is accusing us of being feds.
Hmm. Lot of tutti frutties comment! Ha. Ha.
Don’t know Steve Deace. And I’m not Mike Johnson. I’m not a criminal. This Steve Deace actually expects politicians to do something moral? Why didn’t Johnson pick up a piece of paper and tear it in half like Nancy Pelosi did when Trump spoke? No imagination?
Best part of the State of the Union was Johnson’s expressions!