
The election is over, at least in some places, but if your world did not change and the facts of fraud did not diminish, it’s because elections are not the answer. They provide the citizens with an opportunity to throw rocks at the people they don’t like by voting for someone they dislike less, but that’s it. I’m a proponent of throwing those rocks, but throwing a rock has never built a thing. It’s an emotional reaction, a moment to just lash out at that which annoys us.

I believe in using all tools against the problem, an election, a vote, is just one tiny aspect of the duty we need to grab onto and pursue. A duty is a task one undertakes in order to preserve something of value at personal cost.

That’s the part individualists get hung up on. They’re focused, rightly, on themselves and their families, those of concern to them. They want simply to be left alone, but the only way to keep the masses from involving themselves into one’s affairs, is to become some part of the masses. It’s a paradox, but not an enigma. We can figure this out, the founders attempted to figure it out, how to make individualism supreme, while still working to create a society that respected that individualism, or all they would have is a democracy, something more hated than the British.


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1 year ago

We don’t have elections. Haven’t for at least a couple decades. We have SELECTIONS. Where the unelected people who really run things annoint the public faces they want in office. TINVOWOOT

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

In Chicago, a Mexican Marxist (Chewy Garcia), is going to run against the black communist lesbian Mayor (Lori Lightfoot). What a choice. I don’t quite live in Chicago, but Garcia is my congressman. The republicans let the dems gerrymander my district so I got stuck with Garcia. Could result in some brown vs. black violence.

1 year ago

“Separatism is retreat, therefore surrender, therefore loser.” (David Watson).

That is absolutely correct. One can only separate as long as there is no interference from outside. In truth, there must still be contact with the outside world much like trappers and tribes trading. No community has all the resources necessary to survive. Any community is fair game to maurauders much like biker gangs overtaking a small town. The vast majority of towns have little interest in seperation (mine included). It is basically impossible to even broach the subject. Only a catastrophic event will bring folks together. Only then will there be a reason for cohesion and that in conjunction with looters and any bad elements of society that exist within the community proper.

Guerilla tactics are the only answer though it must be remembered that it is a protracted affair with no certain outcome. Going beyond one’s limited territory is not tactically feasible due to lack of knowledge of the territory. He operates most effectively in terrain he is familiar with. But until there is a catastrophic event, no one is interested in a plan. As long as there is fuel, food, shelter and life as normal (regardless the circumstances) no one is going to act.

The opposing forces understand the strategy. It is a spoonful at a time until we become drowsy and fall asleep never to awaken again. When Paul Revere rides, assemble and bar the way to the best of your ability. Thereafter, form up and fight like hell.