Tag Archives: Edward Snowden

Clapper bans U.S. Intelligence Employees From ‘Unauthorized’ Media Contact

Months after the Edward Snowden surveillance disclosures presented US intelligence with a more skeptical media landscape, the intelligence community’s leader has instituted a new media policy: substantive contact with journalists without prior approval can be a firing offense. Unlike other … Continue reading

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Snowden reporters win Pulitzer

The Pulitzer Prize for public service was awarded Monday to The Washington Post and The Guardian, which broke the story of National Security Agency surveillance programs leaked by Edward Snowden. In giving U.S. journalism’s top prize to the Guardian and the Post, … Continue reading

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President’s goal for NSA reform — no more Edward Snowdens

The Obama administration plans to overhaul the nation’s security clearance system to prevent future intelligence leaks like the one by former defense contractor Edward Snowden. The changes, part of a package of reforms President Obama is expected to announce Friday … Continue reading

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A Christmas Message From Edward Snowden

YouTube video blocked in Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey, United Kingdom

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Susan Rice: Snowden ‘does not deserve amnesty,’ NSA protects Americans

In a wide-ranging interview about NSA leaks, Iran, Syria and Benghazi on Sunday night’s “60 Minutes,” host Leslie Stahl sat down with President Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice, asking if the Obama administration would offer Edward Snowden amnesty in exchange for … Continue reading

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Said the Spider to the Fly

Google’s Schmidt ‘outraged’ by NSA snooping Allegations of intrusive data collection by the National Security Agency have “shocked” and “outraged” executives at Google, according to chairman and former CEO Eric Schmidt. “I was shocked that the NSA would do this … Continue reading

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King: ‘Bothers The Hell out of Me’ to hear people defending Edward Snowden

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is what passes for a Republican in our government. Does anyone really believe that the political parties that has destroyed our country have any intention or desire to fix it? The clock is ticking. David DeGerolamo

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Ben Swann Truth in Media: Taking Back The Power of The Patriot Act

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McCain ‘Disturbed’ About Syria, Chemical Weapons Syria war; on Edward Snowden

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Refusal is latest blow to Obama’s ‘reset’ policy and could lead to canceling summit with Putin by Bill Gertz Russia’s government this week formally rejected a request from Attorney General Eric Holder to extradite former National Security Agency contractor Edward … Continue reading


Statement from Edward Snowden in Moscow

From Wikileaks: One week ago I left Hong Kong after it became clear that my freedom and safety were under threat for revealing the truth. My continued liberty has been owed to the efforts of friends new and old, family, … Continue reading

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Snowden May Have Been a Deliberate Infiltrator for Liberty

The ongoing real-life spy story of Edward Snowden has had some people wondering if he is the real deal, a man driven by conscience after seeing the spying apparatus from the inside, a CIA asset … or perhaps a deliberate infiltrator. As … Continue reading

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Would You Invest in the Government’s Patriot Fund?

Wrapping up another redistribution scheme by the federal government in the American flag by naming it a “Patriot Fund” is an affront to our intelligence. The game is almost up. The only Patriot Fund that I will invest in would … Continue reading

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U.S. charges Edward Snowden with espionage in leaks about NSA surveillance programs

Federal prosecutors have filed a sealed criminal complaint against Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who leaked a trove of documents about top-secret surveillance programs, and the United States has asked Hong Kong to detain him on a … Continue reading

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NSA’s Criminal Activity

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