Tag Archives: Syria

Game-changer: Saudis seek to re-balance Mideast against U.S.

Saudi Arabia is proposing a sweeping deal to Russia that solidifies Moscow’s position in the Middle East and Persian Gulf largely at the expense of the United States, according to informed Egyptian security officials. The deal incorporates increased Russian involvement … Continue reading

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Slaying Hizballah commander ratchets up Saudi covert war on Iran and Lebanese proxy

The gunning down of Hajj Hassan Hollo al-Laqqis, a high-ranking Hizballah commander and close crony of Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, raised the stakes of the clandestine war running between Saudi Arabia and Iran, two weeks after two suicide bombers blew themselves up … Continue reading

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Islamist rebels report capture of largest Syrian oil field

Islamist rebels led by al Qaeda-linked fighters seized Syria’s largest oil field on Saturday, cutting off President Bashar al-Assad’s access to almost all local crude reserves, activists said. There was no immediate comment from the government and it was not … Continue reading

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US reports Israeli air strike in Latakia. Other foreign sources: Israel also struck target in Damascus

A US official source Thursday night, Oct. 31, confirmed reports run all day by Arab media, especially Al Arabiya TV, that shortly before Wednesday midnight, the Israeli Air Force attacked a missile consignment in Latakia in western Syria to prevent … Continue reading

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US appeasement of Iran drowns Israel’s military option against nuclear Iran or chemical Syria

Thursday, Sept.26, will go down in Israel’s history as the day it lost its freedom to use force either against the Iranian nuclear threat hanging over its head or Syria’s chemical capacity – at least, so long as Barack Obama is … Continue reading

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Obama administration reaches Syria weapons deal with Russia

The United States has reached a deal with Russia on Syria’s chemical weapons, President Obama’s ambassador to the United Nations said Thursday. The U.N. Security Council is scheduled to take up the resolution Thursday evening, Samantha Power tweeted. A vote … Continue reading

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Moscow pulls away from Kerry-Lavrov deal on Syrian chemical disarmament. Assad gets to keep his WMD

Russian leaders finally picked apart the Kerry-Lavrov understanding for Syria’s chemical disarmament – less than a week after it was unveiled in Geneva last Saturday. Thursday, Sept. 19, they slapped down a string of coordinated obstructions. One knockout blow came … Continue reading

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Christian village Maaloula falls into jihadists’ hands as Al-Qaeda grows in Syria

From YouTube: Inside Syria, the number of Al-Qaeda-linked extremists within the opposition ranks is reportedly growing. And they’re not just fighting government troops but also their former rebel allies, with the fiercest battles taking place near the Turkish border. Civilians … Continue reading

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Another Win for Putin and Assad in Syria

The Syrian helicopter flight over Turkey fabricated first Assad obstacle to chemical weapons handover Syrian Prime Minister Waal al-Khalqi knew what he was talking about when he said Monday, Sept. 16 that the Assad regime had plenty more assets up … Continue reading

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Sabotage: Special Forces To Target U.S. Economy, Infrastructure, Railways, Power Plants, Waterworks, and Refineries In the Event of Mid East Conflict

If you were under the impression that the brewing conflict with Syria is over or that it would be a simple one sided affair with the United States launching “brief and limited” strikes on Syrian military assets, then consider the … Continue reading

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Bill Gertz: Syrian Chemical Arms Could Be Used by Terrorists

Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles are vulnerable to being taken and used by terrorist groups, according to a new report by an Israeli think tank. In addition to the use of chemical weapons by the Bashar al-Assad regime, “there is a … Continue reading

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War in Syria: Obama Confuses Own Gaffe with Vital U.S. Interest

From YouTube: In this three part series, Trifecta looks at President Obama’s call to war in Syria. Is the civil war in Syria a vital U.S. interest or did Obama back the nation into a corner with his famous “red … Continue reading

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Stop The War in Syria! Send This Video to Congress

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US Air Force will also target Syria’s air force, ballistic missiles and sections of its air defenses

The reports coming out of Washington in the last 24 hours indicate that US President Barack Obama has resolved not just to degrade Syria’s chemical capabilities but also to take down Bashar Assad’s air force, destroy his air bases and … Continue reading

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China Officially Backs Russia On Syria, Warns “Military Action Would Have Negative Impact On Global Economy”

Until now China had kept a relatively low profile on the Syria issue, occasionally issuing veiled support for the Assad regime. That changed at today’s G-20 meeting in Russia, when China’s vice-finance minister Zhu Guangyao officially launched the Syrian axis … Continue reading

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