Unite or Die: First We Must Agree On One Thing

Our Country was stolen out from under us and right in broad daylight. The whole world knows this election was stolen. The question is being asked, how do we unite? How about for starters we all agree that there is no voting our way out of this mess. None. What are you going to do, vote harder? You see it no longer matters who votes, it only matters that we are not counting the votes, the enemy is counting and laughing.

Elections are now worthless. I hope everyone here reading this can agree upon that. If you can’t, you might want to quit reading at this point and go visit a psychiatrist, because you are delusional and suffering from idiocy. Sorry if that comes across as harsh. But take a look in the mirror and see if you can lie to yourself.

I’ve had many conversations over the past week and I have brutally crushed the hopes and dreams of many of those I have talked with. The moment I hear, “hey we can vote them out in two and four years.” I immediately go on a tear about how from now on we will be told who our “representatives” will be and who our “pResident” will be. Yes you will be given the illusion that your vote matters, but only those who have sworn allegiance to the Deep State Powers will be allowed into the swamp.

If you plan on voting or participating in this system anyway at all, I wish you luck, but don’t ever tell me that I must get out and vote or I have no right to complain about what happens. Outright and obvious election fraud has occurred and I withdraw my consent to be governed by these fools and will resist in any way that I can.

What happens if 50 million of us refuse to vote? I hope the Democrats sweep the mid-terms in two years, if we are still a country at that point, and I hope they finish this country off in rapid fashion. There’s a commenter here who regularly states, “nothing will happen until the people feel the pain, no food, no lights, no shelter, only then will the people rise up and take back what is theirs.” I really hoped that we could act before that. However our country has been flat out stolen from us and we have done nothing. President Trump did absolutely nothing when he had the power to act.

I still hear things such as, “we still have it pretty good in America compared to other places, we can survive four years of this idiot.” Maybe we can, but that’s not the point. We either are a nation of laws or it is just survival of the fittest. John Adams once said “Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.” There is but one way to regain our freedom, and restore or create a new Republic, we are going to have to fight for it. Not with words, but with Liberty’s Teeth!

Did George Washington Say 'Firearms Stand Next in Importance to the  Constitution Itself'?

We have exhausted all our options. I’ve played the game. But when the game is rigged against you and cheating is the accepted norm, there’s not much else left. I have fought the good fight, I will continue to fight. I will continue to keep the faith. But I have not yet finished my course. I am no quitter.

To my good friend David here who runs the show at NCRenegade, I appreciate everything you have done for me and allowing me to work side by side with you here. You gave me free reign here about three years ago, but you had published many of my articles before that. We’ve communicated in some form or fashion for the past eight years I believe. I’ve cherished every moment of it my friend. I am with you until the end and will back whatever decision you decide to make in reference to the blog. I would just like to add, I think we should continue the good fight!


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John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

I’m in. With ya.

Michael Deibert
3 years ago

The GOP is dead and the sooner folks realize this the better. Last month I wrote Sen. Burr and Tillis letting them know this. It matters not to Burr as he says that he is not going to run in 2022 and Tillis has six more years to suck up to the left.
I have made the decision to no longer vote for the lesser of two evils and leave the fields blank and to visit the poles only to remain on the rolls. Roll the dice and go from there.
With a dem at least you know what you are going to get but with the GOP it is a coin toss as to what you get once they get sucked into the fold. I can only hold out a little hope for a few of the newer members that got elected to the house this year.
Every time I hear McConnell and the other GOP pussies say “We want to reach across the isle and work with the new administration” I want to puke. They will never get it that their “Friends on the other side of he isle” would like nothing other then to plant a shiv in all of their necks.
I too say let it go to the dogs. I believe that a lot of people on the left and center that actually voted for Biden, fraud aside, just to get Pres. Trump out, will be crying before it is all said and done with the new boss.

3 years ago

Don’t give up…important what is going on behind the curtain:


Very important and even if arrests were interrupted, have faith.

3 years ago
Reply to  JayJay

I have NO FAITH in ANY MAN OR PARTY!!!. I have been screwed by Republicans/Conservatives far too many times.

Chaud Caliente
3 years ago

Ha. I pasted my password into the name field. How stupid was that? (I have since changed it.)

Bradley Dueringer
Bradley Dueringer
3 years ago

This is where most people mess up. They think it’s a liberal vs conservative issue. Or they think it’s a Democrat vs Republican issue. No, what is going on here is that it is a CFR coup. The reason Fox News turned against Trump is because Rupert Murdoch is a member of the CFR. Mitch McConnell is a member of the CFR. Mike Pence is a member of the CFR. Nearly all your mainstream news is owned by people who are members of the CFR. Trump is not a member of the CFR. The Council on Foreign Relations has a magazine called foreign affairs. In that magazine Richard Gardner wrote in 1974 that their goal was to get rid of the US Constitution by consent or Conquest. This makes them a subversive organization and anyone who joins is violating their oath of office

Most of Congress are members of the CFR. Are you starting to get the picture? Richard Haas the director of the CFR discussed how we had a new country after Trump was booted from office. He was basically bragging that they got the job done. This is information most people won’t even discuss because the CFR is run by the house of Rothschild out of the city of London. And anyone with a sizable audience that brings up this subject will probably have something bad happen to them. So all these Patriot news sites you think are tough guys there actually yellow-bellied chicken hawks who won’t tell you this truth. I don’t mind I’m not scared of any of these bastards. I’m a Christian and I look forward to death

To win any War you have to first know who the enemy is. Please tell all the you know that the enemy is the Council on Foreign Relations. And if you really want to round up the traitors and Washington all you need to do is the list of members of the CFR and you’ll have who the traitors are. They should all be strung up by the neck until dead. They have literally sold out our country

Richard Gary Mooney
3 years ago

As I awoke this morning, and walked outside to praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, anger arose in me. My thoughts were immediately drawn to those calling for organizing on local levels to remove the traitors from office by voting. My common sense, critical thinking skills kicked in and I knew how ridiculous and futile this action would be. There is no longer ANY means to take back our nation except by force. Except for a mass effort to recall every congressman immediately, then the only option would be civil war. However, I immediately pinched myself to return to reality. No recall could succeed as the Marxist/globalists now in power would allow it. Yet, civil war will only give our new dictatorship, the excuse to bring in their Chinese masters under the Kigali Treaty Obama signed with the UN, to be invited to in to squash us. Milions were will be killed, interned, starved, and disarmed. The only true hope I can see is to truly repent for our collective national and individual sins, and seek God’s face, turning from our decades of complacency, apathy, and accommodation to this evil we have allowed to overwhelm this once great, God fearing Republic! First thing needed is in moaning, travail, and crying to God to send a Great Awakening and revival led by the Holy Spirit of Truth to open our collective spiritually blinded eyes!

3 years ago

I absolutely agree that the election was stolen and that the pResident was inserted by fraud that for some unholy reason, either being in on it or too afraid to go there, the courts whistled past the proverbial graveyard.

You also have me wondering if you were thinking of me when you said a commenter here says nothing will happen until …. Unfortunately I also (agree) that is the case. I hear too many people now talking about “voting harder” in 2 or 4 years and saying if we can just elect the right people we can fix things. Nobody wants to face what is really happening. I also see people (online) playing the “Please Don’t See Me” game and wanting to avoid attention from the Regime.

My concern is that we really could wind up like the Soviet Union with secret police going around saying “You’re under arrest” and off to the gulag people go. I do wonder if people will turn in their guns or if they will use them to resist and grind the organs to a halt?

3 years ago

I think people need to sit down and have a discussion within their circle of friends on how to cope with the loss of Liberty. You have two choices: the cartridge box or complete slavery. Would our forefathers given free reign to their oppressors? So why would we do the same if we hold freedom dear?

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

120 days from Nov. 3 to March 4--then we vote again; military in charge as is now..in person vote only…machines designed by military.
The inag. Jan 20 was a movie--staged.

I have about 10 videos explaining--tell this author to post after I sent to him/her.

Real email: judy0603@logantele.com

3 years ago
Reply to  JayJay

delete all links go to driver fixer??

3 years ago
Reply to  JayJay

the group ‘politics’ was messed up-all links go to porno or driver fixer display..moderator been alerted but not fixed yet.
So, Gab is under attack.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Do you remember Bonhoeffer when he lost his liberty? How did he behave?
How about the disciples?
Timing and circumstances will dictate for all of us our responses weather as Individuals or groups in the future.
And no i am not saying it will not come down to the cartridge box. i am not a slave to these vipers and i never will be.
After a sitting president repeatedly says he was cheated, the lawyers, Guliani, Powell, Wood, and Flynn, yes Michael Flynn has not been silent through this and he also figures prominently with the Q crowd) the shenanigan’s the videos, etc. etc. etc. and many of us feel the same… The unimaginable Hypocrisy!!!
How could any moron go out there on the world stage and call for unity?
Certainly should make one wonder. Tell me they are not instigating a war? They are non stop poking and prodding. Why?
i believe they (evil) need war to fully realize their goals and plans. There will be a reset! How could there not?
God help us all, pray for His seal, His peace, His guidance, through out this.

3 years ago

What you and David say is true and there are many Patriots that agree with you. But remember, for the most part (trolls and Democrat instigators excluded) you are preaching to the choir. Between David, you and NCS we are learning the info we need to resist. There are forces and cyber warfare arrayed against us that many are not equipped to deal with. Our forces are fractured and poorly equipped and theirs are United and many.
Until we can figure a way to securely communicate we cannot unite to combat the corruption of our ENTIRE government. With a hostile government, the MSM, and half of the country against us we must tread lightly.
This excellent site has many pearls of wisdom and in fact some days is a training manual for the many ways we are being spied on. We didn’t get in this fix overnight and we won’t get out in a day. As the new regime keeps its boots on our necks, sites like this and others are the only place we can find the truth. I think more and more will awaken as they suffer the pain of our stolen .gov.
Don’t give up the fight but keep on teaching while we regroup and start to work smarter. I for one will gladly support the site with $. My email has been a paid service for years.
Just my .02!

3 years ago

Election fraud has been around for a while, it only got obvious when the nut job demonrats put an unhealthy evil criminal up front to run for president. And their foolishness exposed them, and yet they still got away with stealing out in the in open. Corruption had a lot of time to grow, and with it technology helped them tremendously.

Arlo Wicket
Arlo Wicket
3 years ago

It was actually cloudy that day, well, at least where I live anyways….

3 years ago

I recently wrote an open letter I sent to all conservative web sites I frequent … sorry this wasn’t one of them. That letter echoes this article with a reference to the Revolutionary War battle cry “taxation without representation”. I’ll add another … give me liberty or give me death. The military must act to defend this country from the domestic enemy or we need to rise up and do it ourselves!

3 years ago

It is true the election was stolen ! As it is a complete fraud……There is no-way to convince a dem or rep they been had either cause everbody has to be rite . Thell keep the actor around as a ray of hope ; or in case of to much push back from the patriots…….Nobody is comming to save you ! Now get up and stand on your own two feet like MEN.

3 years ago

The USA, Mystery Babylon, has become a 3rd world country -- a banana republic if will.

The rest of the world is following suit, or are already there.

The super rich satanic elite are propping up the world economy by printing money like it is going out of style, because it is.

Soon. Mystery Babylon will burn. She will be taken down in one hour.

Get ready. Find Jesus. His cross and shed blood is the ONLY WAY OUT of the TERROR COMING.

God will rescue His church first (sanctified believers). Then seven years of hell will commence.

You do not want to be left behind. Most left behind (Billions) will die horrifically.

Chaud Caliente
3 years ago
Reply to  Toby

^^ This! ^^

SFC Johnny US Army Retired
SFC Johnny US Army Retired
3 years ago

I go to this blog multiple times a day for knowledge, sometimes comfort, sometimes instruction and to see what others of like mind are thinking. I retired from the United States Army in 1987 and am so old my pubes have fallen out. I don’t pretend to know how to solve this but I do know that pnoldguy is dead nuts on with his comments. We are outnumbered, lack organization not to mention an adequate supply chain. I know. We got em right where we want em! And so did George Washington. I love this blog and will keep coming here until it goes dark. I love and admire those who give of their precious time to write articles and especially those who comment here. And to those of you from the government with three letter organizations I despise you! You are complicit and without conscious in the destruction of the greatest country to inhabit the earth. Piss on you!!

3 years ago

Amen ( meaning: truly stated or “ truth “. )
We can not be expected to vote with any reasonable expectation of an honest election without A: all paper ballots w/ carbon copy receipts held by every voter who voted. B: State issued Citizen only Voter ID that must be different and unconnected State to State. and C: Hand counting ONLY no machine counting permitted anywhere.

Until the above occurs the very thought of voting makes me want to vomit, so visceral is my reaction to the very thought of doing so.

3 years ago

First start “The MAGA-zine “

LV Mike
LV Mike
3 years ago

First we went to the soap box and then to the ballot box. We tried the jury box, but all of our judges declined to see the evidence or hear the case. Our only remaining option now I’m sorry to say is the cartridge box. We have been peaceful to avoid violence at all costs! So where has that gotten us? It has gotten us a stolen election with no means of recourse through the system. We are being laughed at and mocked because of our beliefs. Now they are talking about sending anybody that supported President Trump or stop the steal protests to re-education camps (death camps). President Trump does bear some responsibility for this, but for the most part a lot of this all falls on his son-in-law Jared Kushner (an avowed liberal) who gave him contradicting advice. The best advice I have for President Trump is to dump his son-in-law immediately! He put him and our country in the dire situation we are currently in right now. For the rest of us it’s time for us to complete organizing as Stuart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers is currently advising.

3 years ago

I thought it was me he was referring too, but I will repeat it again!! NOTHING WILL BE DONE!!

Jeff Martin
Jeff Martin
3 years ago

Perhaps we need to start at ground level and work our way up. Get our local governments in line and then work on the state government. We have to face it that the federal government cannot be reformed. Each Red state will have to be it’s own nation-state. Make alliances with like-minded states and quit having anything to do with the federal government. Do not take federal money and give them nothing. No taxpayer dollars leaves the state to fill federal coffers. We strengthen our state National Guard and local reaction forces. Seize local military Reservists and equipment. No, not an insurrection, merely confiscating taxpayer property to defend ourselves. Create our own banking system -- state banks like in North Dakota -- no Fed. Get a gold reserve to create REAL money. It’s been before, we can do it again. I believe there is lots we can do on our own and simply IGNORE the federal government as not legitimate.

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Martin

👍 I Absolutely Agree -- very wise solution to a life threatening problem. At the same time pay attention to a brilliant solution being implemented by great minds out of Europe and also America.
In my opinion, the American -- Catherine Austin Fitts -- is one of the greatest minds contributing to the success of the World Freedom Alliance. The sum total number in IQ of these nit wits now in charge of of the Capital, comes nowhere near IQ of these professionals within the WFA. Do everything possibly to locally secure your county… state… But, don’t loose track of what is going on elsewhere.

As the WFA site was just recently hacked -- who knows when it will be back up, or if it will stay up? The following lbry channel has been posting most if not all of their messages to the world: https://lbry.tv/@TruthVault:0

Americans you are not alone in the battle to regain freedom. In fact you just might be the ones rescued for a change!💞

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Martin

The comment I posted some time ago has not yet surfaced. Not blaming anyone in charge of this site -- it is just the way it is in this age of AI, when you share informative links they don’t want shared. It will surface eventually.
I wanted to let people know that “LBRY.TV” is a good source for information censored elsewhere. However, if you find that the videos are buffering -- it is to annoy you so that you give up watching it. I have discovered that if you download it first, that the videos will play perfectly.

3 years ago

The Only way to “Enlighten” Demonrats, Lieberals, Progressives. Socialists, Communists, RINOs & Satanic Demons is to Light them up with Lead -- you can’t negotiate with Evil -- You can Only Exterminate it. GOD Commands You that wherever Thou sees Evil Thou Must Destroy It! Pray to Jesus & Prepare to Exterminate Demons! Cheers!

3 years ago

Absolutely agree with your comment Mr. Rhinier, we will NOT vote our way out of this in 2 years, 4 years, or 10 years.
Globalist organizations have been working behind the scenes, some groups in existence for more than 100 years.
These organizations have worked very, very hard to co-opt our government (and all governments) in order to destroy freedom, liberty, and individual autonomy, and consolidate power.
People need to read about the Hegelian Dialectic, the predetermined good cop/bad cop deception in governance.
One side wears the liberal/Democrat/Progressive mask, while the other side wears the conservative/Republican/libertarian mask, but in actuality, ALL participants are fighting for the same thing, absolute power and control over the populace.

David Rockefeller said more than 30 years ago, “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

— David Rockefeller

T Town
T Town
3 years ago

I am getting sick and tired of reading all of the arm chair quarterbacks who keep saying that Trump failed. In reality, it was the voters who failed by not voting out the incumbents and replacing them with people who would support Trump. Trump did the best he could given the fact that he was pretty much acting alone. You can probably count on one hand the number of representatives and senators who actually supported Trump. Trump could not appoint people into cabinet positions that were not approved by the senate, and the senate would only approve people who were part of the swamp. Because of that, you had a DOJ who would not pursue the Clintons, Obama, or any of the others for crimes they committed. Paul Ryan refused to allow Obamacare to be repealed, among other things. Mitch McConnell did not allow the senate to go into recess so that Trump could appoint people without senate approval, and he also refused to allow any legislation that was contrary to the interest of the swamp to be brought to the floor of the senate. Trump was left with only using EOs, and pretty much every EO he issued was challenged in court. And then, there was the investigation of Trump that started immediately after he took office. This likely caused Trump to have to be extremely cautious as to what actions he took so that they wouldn’t be able to twist and manipulate the actions into some sort of impeachable offense. I would be willing to bet that shortly after taking office, Trump was likely warned that if he crossed a certain line, he would be impeached, and that McConnell would see to it that the senate would convict and remove Trump from office. I don’t remember exactly when, but at some point after Trump took office, he said that the swamp was far bigger and deeper than even he thought was possible. At the very least, Trump did something amazing, by pulling back the curtain and showing everybody just how big and deep the swamp really is.

3 years ago
Reply to  T Town

I disagree.

Trump pushed all the right buttons in his speeches, then he would frequently turn around and do the opposite …. or do nothing at all. Many Trumpsters heard the speeches but did not check what this joker was actually doing. So, we have a big disconnect.

Regardless of the bad things he did, the worst things were done in 2020. He declared covid an emergency 3 consecutive times — which destroyed the economy. Worse, he backed international criminal Bill Gates to push thru this experimental injection.

Here’s something you might want to see:

Doctor Explains How mRNA Vax Killed 100% of ALL Test Animals

T Town
T Town
3 years ago
Reply to  JasonA

I didn’t say I agreed with everything Trump did, I am just saying he wasn’t a total failure like so many are saying. Like you, I didn’t agree with his handling of the Covid scam, but at least he didn’t implement any restrictive policies at the federal level, but left it to the states as it should be done. It was the governors and mayors that implemented the strict lockdowns and other restrictions. Given the fact that he likely saw it as a political scam like we did, he probably figured he needed to play along in order to not alienate too many sheeple which would keep them from voting for him in November. And, yes there were several instances where he would say something in a speech, and then not do it, or do something opposite of it, but his track record at keeping campaign promises was so much better than any politician. You must give him credit for the amount of border wall that has been built given the lack of funding provided for it, and the opposition from the house and senate for it. Also, he did well regarding the economy, with the only thing keeping the economy down in 2020 was the governors and mayors that kept things locked down too long, and other restrictive measures for Covid. Trump also managed to implement some EOs and department rules that helped with national security by bringing some critical manufacturing back from China, plus getting the country energy independent.
My point is that Trump did manage to accomplish a great deal considering he was fighting the entire government (house, senate, career bureaucrats, etc.), plus the entire MSM.

3 years ago
Reply to  T Town

I can understand why you feel this way. Without dragging out my commercial news database, this is a thumbnail sketch of Trump:

1) Pardoned 5 Wall St megabanks for fraud. What does tell you about his position on law-n-order?

2) Pardoned mercenaries that massacred Iraqi civilians in broad daylight.

3) Flooded his cabinet with every swamp critter he could find.

4) Completely ignored domestic corruption.

5) Ignored the Seth Rich laptop, ignored the Anthony Weiner laptop, ignored the Hunter Biden laptop.

6) Participated in taking federal accounting dark. At least 21 trillion has been stolen since late 1990’s. Real total may be as much as 100 trillion stolen. Taking federal accounting dark means we can’t trace money already stolen, money currently being stolen today and money that will be stolen in the future.

7) Participated in the Vegas massacre false flag.

8) Gave his blessing to red flag laws.

9) Tried his best to start a war with North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Syria.

10) Used a false flag to launch scores of missiles at Syria (act of war). Supported terrorists in Syria (act of war). Stole Syrian oil (act of war).

11) Hit Iran with sanctions (act of war), stole 40 million in Iranian fuel (act of war) and murdered members of Iranian military (act of war).

12) Tried to overthrow the government of Venezuela (act of war), hit them with sanctions (act of war).

13) Kissed zionist Israeli government ass at every opportunity.

14) Played along with the covid fraud by declaring covid an emergency 3 consecutive times. The bad-guy govenors could not have locked down their citizens until enabled by Trump declarations and federal emergency funds.

15) Enabled the Gates-backed MRNA injection with cash and political decrees. This injection was not successfully tested in animals. One senior citizen center reported a 26% death rate for their residents after vaccination. Other videos on Bitchute are also telling horror stories. Trump, Fauci, Gates and others really need to stand trial for the injuries and death to our citizens. I completely reject the foolish notion that he is immune to prosecution for his actions in promoting the covid fraud and the deadly injection.

16) And there’s also the high strangeness surrounding Kushners failed building at 666 Fifth Ave in New York. Did Kushner and Trump extort Qatar for a cool billion?

There’s more. Much more. But you have to dig thru the details to find it. I believe the sum of the data points to Trump as a totally failed president.

3 years ago
Reply to  JasonA

True about Trump.
I was a 2 time Trump voter, hoping against hope that he wasn’t allied with the globalists, but let’s face it, he was!
Trump and his son in law Jared Kushner both have business dealings with George Soros, and various members of the Rothschild clan.
Trump appointed more swamp dwellers, billionaires, CFR and Trilateral Commission members than any other President in our history.
And that wall that was supposed to protect our Southern Border, only 13-28 miles of NEW border wall was actually erected, the rest of the billions of dollars was spent on repairing the old border wall.
Good cop/bad cop, but both cops are out to get the criminals. Bad Democrat/Good Republican, BOTH are complicit in the destruction of our Constitution and our nation.

3 years ago
Reply to  T Town

“ In reality, it was the voters who failed by not voting out the incumbents and replacing them with people who would support Trump. ”

The fundamental failure with voting as a solution is that its predicated on the “right” person being on the ballot which rarely happens. When your choice is between shit soup and a shit sandwich, you’re still going to be tasting shit.


[…] Unite or Die -- First We Must Agree On One Thing: Our Country was stolen out from under us and right in broad daylight. The whole world knows this election was stolen. The question is being asked, how do we unite? How about for starters we all agree that there is no voting our way out of this mess. None. What are you going to do, vote harder? You see it no longer matters who votes, it only matters that we are not counting the votes, the enemy is counting and laughing. […]

3 years ago

“This Ain’t Your Grandfather’s Conservative Military Anymore”….

Marti Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  Greg

Greg, you saved me from writing a lot. In a nutshell I retired from the military 7 years ago. For those who say President Trump had a military, he was CIC in name only. The retired generals came out publicly against him, the troops follow orders of the uniformed more quickly than a civilian, even if he is the CIC. I was a senior officer and we began to see changes even before the Clinton administration to be a kinder gentler military -- trainees giving drill instructors “stress cards” if boot camp got too tough, the removal of senior enlisted and officers who were conservative, the banning during Obumer’s time of chaplains visiting certain Christian websites, the promotion of Chaplains of a more liberal leaning (class action lawsuit filed by Navy chaplains over this), etc. etc. The current military is a microcosm of the greater society and this new military ain’t coming to save nobody. I too like Gerald Celente have become a political atheist after this Selection. I see no solution at this point but secession. Politicians are a bunch of crooks with no souls.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marti Girl

Perhaps the “illusion of freedom”, as Frank Zappa spoke about with such prescience, is too expensive to maintain.

3 years ago

“Your Description of the Distresses of the worthy Inhabitants of Boston, and the other Sea Port Towns, is enough to melt an Heart of stone. Our Consolation must be this, my dear, that Cities may be rebuilt, and a People reduced to Poverty, may acquire fresh Property: But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.”
-John Adams to Abigail Adams, 7 July 1775
“John Adams to Abigail Adams, 7 July 1775,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Adams/04-01-02-0160. [Original source: The Adams Papers, Adams Family Correspondence, vol. 1, December 1761 – May 1776, ed. Lyman H. Butterfield. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1963, pp. 241–243.]

“Posterity! You will never know, how much it cost the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.”
-John Adams to Abigail Adams, 26 April 1777
“John Adams to Abigail Adams, 26 April 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Adams/04-02-02-0169. [Original source: The Adams Papers, Adams Family Correspondence, vol. 2, June 1776 – March 1778, ed. L. H. Butterfield. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1963, pp. 223–224.]

3 years ago

I’m ready!

bob Evans
bob Evans
3 years ago


Charles Denova
Charles Denova
3 years ago

1. There is only one God, our Father יהוה YHVH who sent His Son, Jesus Christ/Yahushua Ha’Meshiach to be the Savior of the world by His Holy Spirit; the Trinity of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
2. Jesus / Yahushua is the literal Son of יהוה YHVH; born human of a virgin on an unspecified date and time.
3. Jesus/Yahushua preached the truth of the Word performing miracles in His time on earth.
4. Jesus / Yahushua was betrayed, tried and put to earthly death by crucifixion.
5. The creation of man by the direct act of God. All people are born in sin; Jesus paid the penalty for our sins in our place on His cross.
6. Jesus / Yahushua conquered death; He was buried and He was raised on the third day
7. Jesus / Yahushua gave us His Gospel with a mandate to spread it worldwide by obedience to the commandments of יהוה YHVH as the standard by which He will judge our devotion to Him.
8. John 3:16; For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
9. Jesus / Yahushua ascended to Heaven in human form enthroned at the right hand of YHVH.
10. Jesus / Yahushua will return at the End of Days to pass judgment on ALL mankind.


3 years ago

I do hope that everyone here realizes that once this kicks off we will probably lose our power to most cities and states [especially the red ones] and that also means water and gas. In addition the supply lines will stop and food will no longer be delivered to stores. So those that live in large cities are screwed as well as those that do not have enough food and water and other supplies. Everyone here has guns and ammo but how many have enough food and water for their family for a year, 6 months, three months? Because this will last for years. And when people run out of food they will turn on each other. If you are in or near [ within a hundred miles] a large city its not to late to get out.
I do want to add I really appreciate NCRenegade, the article and the comments. Thank you.

3 years ago

I have been telling people around me that DC has just shown us that our votes do not count and we no longer have a voice !

3 years ago

We will never win at the ballot box again. That is certain. They cheated , won and now have proved that they will will forever because they can cheat. Too many relied on the GOP. They are all crooked, every one of them. They don’t care about you and if they did they would be forced to vote against you for the special interests, lobbyists, Even if the GOP wins the House back and Senate, they will vote the same crooked retreads into leadership. It does not matter who you vote for. Why to you think the GOP voted in 3 times a convicted pedophile, Dennis. HAstert as Speaker of the House, and they knew who he was but look what he got passed. Trust me, I know of what I speak.
We need to get back to real representation.
Too bad Trump did not pardon Snowden and Assange. That would have helped us more than anything. So is Trump stupid or crooked?

3 years ago
Reply to  magrit11

He is both. Look at his history — like a box of rat poison — read the label. Also, he took the oath, but guess what he did about it. …same as the paper tigers and oath keepers. All are weak spineless punks. Try to find 10 in your neighborhood who are willing to give their fortunes, honor and lives to relinquish the evil in government and across our land. Ain’t gonna happen. I tried. I am willing and have the training. If 10 of us took out the entire re brigades across northern Africa and the Mediterranean rim, we can certainly sanitize this land. So go ahead, try to find 10. Haha, no one is willing to pay the price these days. Only our self destruction followed by Chinese and Russian invasion will work. Mystery Babylon will be burned by fire. If you van find 10, we may be able to postpone that day.

3 years ago

If and when IT starts… this Jew proudly stands with you. And if I talk “funny” over my food, I’m merely being grateful for what I have.

Hashem help us all, for I don’t see a way that avoids, shall we say, unpleasantness.