War Is Upon Us. It Is Well Past Time To Let Them Know That We Will Not Go Quietly Into The Night!

I watched the gas station video David posted this morning and then I saw his Vote Harder post. I am now frustrated and disappointed. You see We are at War! We are suffering Death by a Thousand Cuts and people think that if only Trump was back or the Republicans take control of Congress everything will magically be better.

I wasn’t going to write anything today, but now I feel the need to voice some things. I’ve been extremely busy. I’m now coaching 8yr old All-Star Baseball. I have very little free time. I’m still prepping. I don’t much care about money anymore, seeing as how it’s going to be worthless very soon, so I‘ve been getting things that may be needed in the very near future. But it is maddening watching all the insanity going on in the world and how we just seem to shrug it off and say “What can we do?” People are still taking vacations. People are still living life as normal. But how much longer can that continue? Gas here is going up .10 to .15c every other day or so here. We are up to $4.69 a gallon. The grocery store is flat out ridiculous. Fortunately I have been ok so far, but I don’t know how some people are making it. Credit cards have to be getting maxed out. What happens then? What happens when the money runs out?

I’ve been doing my best to keep my mind occupied with other things. I’ve prepped about as much as I care to prep, however I keep prepping. I feel so alone most days. Most people don’t even want to talk about what is happening. Most people don’t have time to read or talk about our problems, they’re too busy trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

I didn’t watch any of the show trial crap last night, I’m sure I’ll get filled in later. I just don’t understand why our only plan is to vote, especially since we all know that the voting process is corrupt. There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This! Republicans had control of congress when Trump was elected and not much good came from that. Nothing! We are under attack! We must Fight!

Sitting at dinner last night with my wife, we had the news on in the background and lo and behold a report of another mass shooting, she just looked at me and shook her head. She then said “can’t people see what it happening?” They need us disarmed. Not going to happen without a fight, but I don’t think they care at this point. The mask has been off of these communist. They no longer hide their intentions.

Are we going to watch TPTB revel in their success of stealing our country and do nothing? Or will we fight? We lost our Country. Now what are you/we going to do about it? How do we restore Liberty for the future generations?

War has been declared against us deplorables in this land. Don’t believe it? Look no further than the Jan. 6th political prisoners. I know of only one way to respond. We need to fight, because we have no other options left to us that I can see. We must fight because they aim to kill us. They aim to wipe us off the face of this earth or enslave us. It is well past time to let them know that we will not go quietly into the night. It’s either them or us.


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

It is do or die time, they will not give up what they have stolen. I see people just accepting what they are given, you would think people would already be out in the streets. I will not vote in the mid-term elections if they even happen, I prefer the bullet box. What will it take to get people to rise and fight? I don’t have the answer to that, but we either fight or as has been said we die.

2 years ago

We are at war with this illegal government. If you think voting is the solution, you are a fool. Prepare and train like your life depends on it because it does.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

There is a post of 200 CEOs calling for the violation of the 2A can I post it??

2 years ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

I believe once in a while David will post from a reader but, I’ve not ever received a response or a post on a few things I’ve emailed him on the last 6 months. But, maybe I’m just on a sh&^ list. LOL.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Thx Iam sure the info is out there!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Us House of Reps, voted 226-194 to criminalize disassembling, cleaning, and re-assembling your gun without a firearms manufacture’s license. You still voting?

2 years ago

You are not alone

2 years ago

They want us dead and what do I hear on all the prepper channels? Get out of debt. I can only think everybody is still counting on things going back to normal later. By all means give as much of your money to the bankers before they kill you. Sure you will still be dead, but you will have a good credit score.

2 years ago
Reply to  RShooter

This is no time to get out of debt. This is the time to max out your debt. Use the debt to acquire beans, bullets, and bullion.

2 years ago
Reply to  William

What would Jesus do? Do not be deceived; be good Christians and stay fiscally responsible.

2 years ago
Reply to  William

Maybe that will work out for you. However, I would not count on it. The best approach would be to be debt free, especially on your home and vehicle. Anything short of ‘Mad Max’ time there will still be a government of sorts that would be happy to evict you when you can’t make those payment.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

i would imagine many out there have maxed out their debt, perhaps years ahead of the collapse. After all, several months ago we were warned we were two weeks away from collapse! (Those pesky truckers ya know)
“They” want and perhaps need several things. People over their heads in debt is but one of them.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

You are definitely not alone. We are in NC not to far from you.
I do understand what you are saying.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

You’re not wrong, but you’ve heard me say this before… its not my opinion, its my observation about the masses. Its the same indifference you see, only described differently.
The pain simply is not great enough, yet.
As evident, people will put up with mask mandates, 5 dollar gas and sick-care medical scams labeled ‘insurance’.
Don’t even get me started on the whole gay/black things circulating.
The pain is not great enough for the masses to rise up.
In large part b/c they are blind to what is being done. Musk, DeSouza, those guys are doing the things that will open more eyes. Trump, Lindell, and the rest of that lot aren’t wasting their time, as it has to be proven and evident, the less painful route is not an option. Constantly trying and failing to work within the system is necessary to show that we can’t work within the system.
But the pain simply isn’t great enough for the masses yet. Thats why there isn’t more revolt, more people frustrated like us.
Fear not, it will continue to get worse!

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Obviously, the abuses are still sufferable, but perhaps for not much longer.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Great truths, like fine wine, age well with time.

2 years ago

Here is a song that encapsulates all of our feelings.

Lyrics also. Catchy tune, and one to put on continuous loop ….



Dedicated to all those fighting for truth and freedom. Special thanks to Oracle Films (watch their films at http://oraclefilms.com).

“I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly”

You can hate me, try to break me
Talk me down and denigrate me
You can try to silence every word
But I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly

And you can mock me, try to out smart me
You can shame me and try to blame me
You can do your best to shut me up
But I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly

I’m gonna stand here
And I’ll fight for every word I’m gonna shout the truth
Until you know it’s heard

I’m gonna stand here
And I’ll fight for every word I’m gonna shout the truth
Until you know it’s heard

You can scold me, attempt to control me
Ban me and censor and label and troll me
You can push me and try to kick me out
But I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly

And you can mute me, Strike and dispute me
Dumb down the rest, yea, but I’ll keep refusin’
You can pretend like you’ve seen the last of me
But I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly

I’m gonna stand here
And I’ll fight for every word
I’m gonna shout the truth
Until you know it’s heard

I’m gonna stand here
And I’ll fight for every word
I’m gonna shout the truth
Until you know it’s heard

You can hate me, try to break me
Talk me down and denigrate me
You can try to silence every word
But I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly

Patricia Pacini
Patricia Pacini
2 years ago

Hi Wes
I totally agree with your post today! You told us that we all should get up and fight, but you didn’t tell us how we should be going about fighting against this communist government. Any suggestions would be helpful. I am willing to do my part, but I am unsure how to go about this. God Bless You!

2 years ago

My plan was simple: go Galt. Just like the novel, the expected collapse came faster than anticipated. They have lost control of everything. We will still have to physically fight this evil but its exposure and their incompetence has made this option less bloody than I was anticipating. That being said, these trapped rats are capable of anything. Prep, train and keep a good mental attitude.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I went Galt ten years ago, I never regretted it.

Axel P
Axel P
2 years ago

You are looking at this all wrong. Everything happening now is good, we should welcome it.

This is the collapse of the enemy. Those of us who saw this coming and have prepared will come out of this stronger and our enemy will be weakened or destroyed. (I hope for weakened so we can have the satisfaction of dealing the final blow)

The left is almost universally poisoned by the shots and the die-off has already started. It will accelerate. Once the lefties figure out what was done to them they will revolt and go after TPTB. We only need to look after ourselves and our families.

Those on our side that took the shots, sad but there is nothing we can do to help them, we tried to warn them, they listened instead to the corrupt authorities. We did everything we could. They ignored us. So sorry but not our problem.

As inflation rages and shortages become worse and worse, we will survive. The ones the government trained into dependency will find out that you can’t eat stimulus money and it doesn’t produce much heat in the winter no matter how much you burn.

We have skills, the Zoom workers and purple hairs will starve. They might try to come after what we have, ok so we deal with them as necessary. But the final scenario will be our enemies at war with each other.

We can handle the mop-up and rebuild when its all over.

For God’s sake let it play out. The Republicans cannot stop it, only prolong it or even make it worse. Screw the Red Wave. Its not going to happen because they really don’t want it to happen.

There is no need at this point for action on our part. I won’t like $10 or more gasoline, but it is a necessity step in our transition.

The left will eat each other. The normies will figure it out when they suffered sufficiently. They have not yet.

Be cool, keep your powder dry, be ready to defend yourself when called for. But for now let it play out. If they decide to pass “laws” against our guns or call our prepping “hoarding ” or tell us to turn in our gold, ignore them. Thet cannot back it up. The more we ignore them the more desperate they will get, but they will have their hands full dealing with their allies who are just now starting to realize they’ve been used, and played.

It’s going to be glorious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Axel P

Good points!

Axel P
Axel P
2 years ago
Reply to  Axel P

The GOP doesn’t want a Red Wave, the Fems might. The reason is the collapse is already past the point of fixing. The system is shot. If they take control guess who will get the blame. No one wants to holding the bag at the end. If the Drms can pass the ball to the Republicans right before it all falls apart they will paint themselves as the heroes and the Republicans the villans who took it all down.
The enstupidated American public would eat it up without a single question