A Good Analysis

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10 months ago

The nasty reality is there can be no sustainable peace as long as islam exists. There credo REQUIRES that they kill EVERYONE who isn’t muslim. As for the strategic advantages gained or lost…only time will tell.
Iran may use what it learned from Israeli response to this as a means to find a way to successfully deliver a nuclear warhead…which is almost certainly the ultimate goal of Tehran. Meanwhile Israel will be rethinking and realigning it’s capabilities where possible to prevent Iran from gaining a meaningful advantage. As always in war it’s Move/Countermove.

kal kal
kal kal
10 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Nuclear warhead, Iran “officially” possesses no nuclear weapons (maybe, maybe not) but what value would Iran gain by striking with a nuke other that instant pariah nation status and likely (under HR559) a nuclear retaliatory strike by the US, which could bring a strike by both Russia and China. Remember Iran and Russia have a mutual agreement and the Chinese have officially warned they will jump in with the Russians.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
10 months ago

Oh look, an egghead with no real combat experience wants to talk tactics. This should go well, has every other time its been tried.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
10 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I agree with you. The purpose of these events isn’t what it appears to be. You can tell when the liars start lying…
This puppet is part of that. You’re supposed to accept his views unquestioned because ‘Stanford’ is still (somewhat) viewed as competent (as opposed to places like Harvard), and the article told you he studied real hard from someone else who was real smart and had actual experience, prolly has a bunch of (meaningless) letters after his name for a title?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
10 months ago

wonder if our tax dollars are funding this view?
People who believe this without asking questions or doing their homework are a target. What is the purpose of re- posting this propaganda if we are not going to fight back with logic , common sense and a few facts of our own?
A Good Analysis, my ass!

General Buck Turgerson
General Buck Turgerson
10 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I have to agree here. Isn’treal will attempt to pull the USA into a hot-war with Iran (which has been the wet-dream of all the neo-con’s for the last 45 years). The strikes by Iran were largely conventional and an attempt to provoke an even larger over-reaction from Isn’treal--which may come, who will then target Iran’s nuclear facilities and leadership. Then the whole thing is on like donkey kong.

comment image

Roth Harbard
10 months ago

I will agree that Islam is a problem. Convert or die. Christianity also became a world religion with the same dogma. Convert or die (Constantine, Charlemagne, the Northern Crusades, and more). Fortunately, Christianity has softened enough to cease forcing people by violence, threat of violence, fraud, and bribery. The Jews just want to manipulate all non-Jews (Goyim) into being their slaves (Talmud). If one is open minded enough to stand back on look at world history with an unjaundiced eye, that one would notice that the Abrahamic religions have been the cause of much more tyranny, suffering and death than allowing indigenous people to follow their own folk religions.
To the point of the article. It amazes me that anyone would doubt this viewpoint. It seems logically sound. The problem I see with the whole Middle Eastern mass is emotion. Christians believe that Israel can never do any wrong. They are so wrapped up in their religion that many of them condone the murder of men, women, and children. They turn a blind eye to the murder of aide workers. They are so consumed with the Tribulation and Second Coming they they salivate for the Gog Magog war.
The professor stated: There is no sustainable peace possible as long as Palestinians live under an oppressive system of apartheid. I would add that according to most Israelis and many Christians, the answer is a final solution for the Palestinians. Extermination.
Regardless of who one believes to be God, The Creator, one should, in my humble opinion, be very careful about being willing to exterminate people in order to steal their land. We did it to the Native Americans and now (Southern border) it’s being done to us. What goes around comes around.
I fail to see any flaws in the professors lesson. Seems the proof is in the pudding. Ukraine is losing. Israel is losing.

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
10 months ago

valuable post!

Bobby Joe
Bobby Joe
10 months ago

The USA is funding both sides.

tom finley
tom finley
10 months ago
Reply to  Bobby Joe

Yes sir, just have they been doing for decades.

10 months ago
Reply to  Bobby Joe

And they will continue funding these two lunatic satanic run nations as well as many other satanic nations. When God decides to pull the plug on our filthy degenerate run country this lunacy will continue.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
10 months ago

Well it looks like the IDF is now going strike back at Iran for the (OMG!) affront of firing a volley of missiles at them. Coming to mind are police charging someone with obstruction for shielding their face as they are being pummeled by billy clubs. Okay who shot who first here? --Hmmmm, I remember Israel lobbing some bombs into an Iranian owned and operated carwash in Syria? --nope, that’s not it.

Maybe it was a Turkish bath these ranking Iranian military were in while the Israeli’s pulverized it? At some point you zotz just so many Iranians that what-the-heck, they get mad--you think? Israel has been conducting kinetic operations directly against Iranian assets in Syria, Lebanon and even inside of Iran with assassinations for the past two decades or more (wink-wink, nudge-nudge… say no more, say no more)

And I think that after Iran gave them their 20th last chance--over this straw in Syria broke the camels back (no pun intended). Now Iran is threatening to strike back at Israel should they counter-strike (which is imminent it seems). Tit-for-tat… and voila! Escalation which will grant (closet homo) Lindsey Graham’s fondest wish to come true--which is a direct USA war with Iran replete with canned sunshine opened up over there.. Tell you the truth, I feel a tad manipulated right now. It seems like everyone in the MSM and in conservative MSM are in on this con-job at the moment. I’m in no mood to march over cliff with them.

Expect something to break within 24 hours.

kal kal
kal kal
10 months ago

Iranian attack, or Iranian intel probe. As the article says, a good picture of oppositions defense posture and locations.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
10 months ago

The Palestinians unfortunately hooked their wagon to an evil that will betray them. Hamas and Iran are only using these poor bastards to prosecute their war. Wiping out Hamas is strategic. Israel can’t give them a break. Send em to hell.