A Rally with strong words and catch phrases isn’t going to save our Republic. Sending emails asking for donations and that you need our help isn’t going to save our Republic. Calling people liars on Twitter isn’t going to save our Republic. Asking people to vote in a rigged election in hopes that the Republicans can retain the Senate, isn’t going to save our Republic. I could probably continue to list things, but you get the idea.
Is this it? Is this all President Trump has? Saying be there and be WILD, isn’t going to stop TPTB from reading the Electoral College Ballots and anointing Joe Biden the Presidency. Is this all Trump has? So far it looks as if he has no intention of executing his executive order or invoking the insurrection act. I grow more and more disappointed with each passing day. It should be obvious by now that this will not and cannot be won in the courts. They won’t even hear the cases. It is also very depressing to keep hearing from people, “What can we do?”
I think it’s time that people start facing reality. As of right now it appears that President Donald Trump isn’t going to do anything to save our Republic from this fraud of an election and the theft of our country.
And don’t tell me just give it two more weeks! Anyone else tired of hearing that? We’ve heard it all year!
There is no one coming to save us. It is going to be up to us, the dregs of society, the deplorables, and whatever other names these communist like to refer to us as.
I’m sorry to be writing such a depressing article. Things are getting dark and there isn’t much joy for this Holiday season. We have petty little tyrants everywhere across our land trying their best to restrict everything we do in our lives, and people for the most part are complying. That deeply saddens me. It’s hard to stand up, but just try it!
People keep saying that you are not alone. I understand that, but our numbers seem small. Unless we rise together en masse, they will take us down one by one! The sad thing is, is that someone, somewhere, has to be first. No one wants to be a martyr, but if we do nothing, then nothing happens and our country is lost. I have no idea how this goes and I’m terrible at predictions and scenarios. But I’ve heard the analogy of it being like popcorn. Something happens here, something happens there, then there, then here, and eventually it all pops off. Seems plausible. But that first kernel has to pop.
I will never accept this fraud of an election. And swearing in Joe Biden will be an Act of War! After January 6th we are going to know which way the wind blows. It will be time for our cold anger to turn hot! It will be time to stand and I don’t mean hold rallies and protest, for those actions mean absolutely nothing to the other side. This evil throughout our country must be eliminated, right down to the very smallest of local levels. It’s not going to be pretty. Millions of gallons of blood must run the streets. As the saying goes, the Tree of Liberty is looking mighty thirsty. Once this starts, it is going to be messy like nothing you’ve never seen. Best harden your hearts and get your mind wrapped around that. Do not even think of shedding a tear for these domestic enemies. They are enemies of our Republic and they hate everything that we cherish and stand for. We tried doing things the right way. We have exhausted all our options. The cartridge box is all that we have left now.
I’m not even sure why I write anymore. I feel as though I have said all that needs to be said. But I keep coming back to let you know that you are not alone. There are other people who have the same thoughts you are having. I’ll keep fighting and the fighting is about to get ugly. I’ve made my decision long ago. Some of you need to make the decision now. We are going to be fighting in our own backyard. I will never submit to communism and evil.
Our Founders were willing to die for the rights espoused in the Declaration they crafted and signed at their own peril. Now it’s our time. Our time to pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.
May God have mercy on us all.
Did it ever occur to anyone, that possibly TRUMP is in on all this?? I mean let’s just think seriously for a moment. If he does nothing that helps, then where does he stand? It is either one side or the other, period. Wouldn’t that be a massive depressing disappointment to learn that the one person people thought of as who could fix everything was actually a team player for the very people he publicly claims to be against. This may not be very likely to many, but is it so far fetched that it is not possible people? C’mon, really think about it. If he really loved this country would he have just let all those people destroy our cities for so long? I can tell you if the decision was mine I would have had the military eliminate those pukes in one fast swoop over night and put an end to it. Is that not the America we are supposed to be? Are we not supposed to put up with that kind of crap? Are not our forces, sworn to protect against enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC!!?? And speaking of foreign…..China is proven to have helped steal the election AND attacked our country digitally with a massive hack, and we just apply more sanctions!?!? Lets be real…..folks…..no real retaliation is going to occur, we are only going to slip further down the turd drain, likely because they are all sold to the communists, all parties. America, what it was supposed to be, meant to be….is long over. I HOPE AND PRAY I AM WRONG. I REALLY, TRULY DO. Because if I am not, we haven’t seen anything yet and the worst is yet to come by far. If I’m right, hug your family tight while you still can. And PRAY!
You are not far from the truth because no matter who sits in the oval office, a banking cartel has been moving America since 1913 toward a climactic last 8 years that will likely commence this decade:
I think your thought has logic behind it. He chooses one Deep state Globalist then fires him only to hire another. He knows how the CIA and FBI are full of infiltrators but does nothing in 4 yrs to move any of these people out. Then we have Si op Q anon . We are still waiting for the 100 thousand indictments. The vaccine was the first item that lead me on this road of not questioning Trumps motives. He knows Bill Gates is heavily invested in these vaccine companies. But he trust Bill Gates and the vaccine as if he cant read any of the warnings about Bio Genetics to control the mind? I gave him the benefit of the doubt as to may be he is afraid for his families lives. But If the main deep state goal is to get our weapons and put us in internment camps not much better way to deny culpability then to cause leaks of distrust and provoke the right into starting the violence . This way we kill each other ,expend ammo , make Christian Patriot terrorist list legit in worlds eyes, and give left legal right to remove weapons via UN troops. Win Win Win for Globalist without doing a thing but leak Dominion and harmful vaccine effects. If we stand down we still have our guns and we can draw the left out to do illegal home invasions for guns and loose support of the eyes of the world.
I soon realized Trump was deep state, did not drain the swamp or have anyone arrested, He let J. Kushner who has friends in deep state, run the gov. ongoing telling Trump what to do daily, then Fauci pushing covid rules on everyone. We have lost this country and it is over and done. Civil War is next. Lets see what Oath Keepers do on Jan 4th in D.C. w/ other militia groups meeting w/ rifles. Get your house in order and affairs now, this is going to get worse.
If we ignite in this day and age as soon as our reserves are low the UN or China and Russia will move in and take what’s left of us out like sitting ducks. In fact I think this is what they are waiting for and why ammo is short every where.
May your chains rest heavily on your shoulders for you are no countryman of mine.
Laura, I agree with you. I read Wes’ comment and feel the same way. It’s torment thinking, “OK, just one more day and Trump will really let ’em have it”. At the end of the day, nothing. The fear and frustration is real. Pretty much ALL states have militias. I’m waiting to see what they’re going to do AFTER the 6th of January! I trust in Jesus, yes, and pray for our nation. Yes, starting to set things in order of personal affairs. God bless everyone who believes and willing to fight for the good of our posterity!
More and more I’m afraid you’re right. I agree Jan. 4 5 6 will be defining days.
Amen brother. I assume you are a countryman brother… Sick of it beyond words. Let it begin. Not behind Trump or any party for that matter. I just want justice. I want to see us citizens hauling off criminal lawmakers to the gallows. I want to see street justice and a power in the hands of us the people.
Oathkeepers sent out an email to it’s members but thisarticle elaborates in detail: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/the-gauntlet-is-thrown-down-oathkeepers-to-president-invoke-the-insurrection-act-or-we-will-fight-a-bloody-and-d
this link 1) doesn’t work and 2) has nothing to do with OK’s. Just an fyi.
I’ve wondered the same thing. We’ll probably never know…
Not very likely? To my mind it’s a certainty…Warp Speed Vaccines for a ‘virus’ that’s never been actually isolated whilst massive data regarding the Depopulation Plan of Agenda 21 indicates the fake virus/Plandemic is THE culling & if he’s our Saviour.why did he cut an ad for Bill Gates GAVI and give multi millions of Govt. money to them? Do research on Fauci…he’s a known liar and was one of two who are responsible for killing millions of AIDS patients w/ AZT; a chemo agent removed from the schedule due to its toxicity. Trump’s The Pied Piper…leading everyone to their destruction via loss of freedom: job, savings, home, health & most of all HOPE. Meanwhile he’s strutting on the stage spewing his same Rah Rah with nothing being done to help Americans. Remember, at his innauguration, he recited an extremely inappropriate poem “The Snake”…and the memorable last line: “You knew I was a snake before you took me in”…..Last: Watch the vids and visit the website for that Dr. Strangelove character Klaus Schwab and his WEF World Economic Forum…Quote: “You will own nothing & you will be happy”…The plan to kill most of us and use a method called transfection via vaccine to manipulate our DNA to ‘Become One With The Cloud”.in other words, half human half robot…Klaus Schwab is a certifiable maniac but check who attends his conferences at DAVOS every year…Trump was there…Whether he remains or leaves..it matters little..we’ve been auctioned off and sold out. Do Not Take The Vaccine, if it doesn’t kill you quickly it will kill you slowly or, for those rare individuals whose systems can handle it, it will change your DNA & the Nano Particles in the crap will be activated by 5G. They will track you via your own system responding to AI via 5G. How is it so few know and/or understand what has been happening whilst everyone supports MAGA. Trump is owned by the banksters & Wall Street…he owes multi-millions & this is his last gig. He’s likely made a deal that protects his family & their children and the hell with everyone else. Get informed…if there’s any possibility of escape from what they plan…First you must know what they plan. Everything I’ve written here is available online…every word. I pray for all of us. God Bless America now, when we most need it.
I went back and checked out the inauguration speech and could not find the quote you reference. Trump did make the speech about the snake at the CPAC meeting on 23 February 2018 and it created a stir as it was reportedly referring to illegal immigration. Are you sure he also said this at the inauguration? If so can you provide which section of that address? Thanks.
cosmos is incorrect. If I recall, he made the snake poem part of several of his campaign speeches -- or maybe it was his rallies? not sure. But it wasn’t at his first inauguration.
Finally, you Trump people see the light!! Why do you think Trump relinquished control to FEMA in April and extended it in October? Trump was bailed out of bankruptcy by the Rockefeller’s, Trump’s 9th cousin is Hillary Clinton (he talked about how much he respected her and Bill at a dinner a short while ago) and he spent Christmas with George Soros in 2009. They are stalling patriots until they can take over. He rolled out poisonous vaccines and turned a blind eye while people died from suicide and overdosed and lost their businesses due to the Coronahoax. A war needs to be fought, but not against the left, they divided everyone on purpose. Anyone that can see the truth must unite and fight the globalists… now.
NO. The “Left” is a worthwhile target all by themselves.
The LEFT should not be spared whatsoever. THEY promoted the coronaHoax and made life hell for every conservative nationwide the last 30 years. They need to be eliminated lest they spawn all over again.
The LEFT promotes and condones everything that I would fight and die to stop.
Abortion, Immigration, Gay Marriage, Transsexualism, Drag Queen Story Time, Pedophilia and on and on.
Time to cull the Leftist brood once and for all.
E-7 Ret.
Husband ret. army ’81 (non combat personnel spec.) He said if we had more men w/ spines who would resist it wouldn’t have gone this far. was in 69th Armor div. in Viet Nam ’71.
You are falling into the trap that the globalist want you to fall into- they want us fighting and killing off each other, not looking at where the problem started, making their job easier. They are pushing buttons so a Civil War can be started and they can send in their UN Peacekeepers never to leave. End of us as a Republic. From there the UN demonic army will be placed everywhere else on earth. Game over for humanity. Your fight right now is not with the left- the media and globalists are programming a divide. The fight is with the Globalists, WHO, the global corps, the UN, the Workd Economic Forum and politicians who have been planning this for a very, very, long time.
He will have to prove it. We’re waiting.
-Project pogo, Project zyphr-
Although created as a psyop the premise is still valid.
Put your faith in the man standing at your shoulder, the one that has skin in the game -- we the people, trust no others.
I have thought that as well. The only other option is that he IS giving the orders but no one is willing to follow them. I’ve long thought he was not really in charge because of who is around him. Either way, this will have to be decided at the bullet box now.
Novashift…Yup, that thought has started to cross my mind in the last few days. Especially when I heard about a Rally, I’m thinking a rally for what? Unless he make a move before Jan 6, and I agree with the article, it seems less and less likely, there is nothing to rally for. We just keep hearing wait for this or wait for that, big news coming, but just more of the same. Like the DNI report, has that been issued, I know it isn’t a public report, but the President was supposed to have it on the 18th, and now it is the 22nd and we don’t know. We just hear rumors. But regardless if Trump is or isn’t a Patriot, even if he gets in, it is only for 4 more years. The demoncrats have been patiently and consistently putting their agenda forward for decades now, 4 more years won’t matter, they will eventually get back in the Whitehouse and continue our downfall. So many people are deceived, they will welcome their destruction, and not even know life as we have known it is over. For them it will all be for the betterment of humanity. I look at what the Bible says will be happening as the church age draws to a close, and it’s happening! It is my opinion that Satan is implementing his end times one world government, whether that takes another year or 10 more years, it is going to happen. I also am not 100% sure about the rapture, I’m praying it is pre-trib, but preparing in case it isn’t!! And you’re right, the one thing we can all do is Pray!!
He is in on it. He has not drained the swamp or built the border wall in 4 years, people! Look at what he hasn’t done, not his words. He has not walked the walk. He is not the savior. We cling to the Lord Jesus and defend our country from these communists, on both sides of the aisle.
trump is not in on this. they have focused the entire media, both parties, and the whole deep state apparatus on attacking him for 5 years. It has laid bare that our government is completely bought. there is no way they wanted that to happen.
I’m with U all my brother’s!! And I’m willing to do what is necessary!
We just have try and get this ball rolling!!
I’m tired of being steamrolled by traitorous assholes!!
January 6th. If you can’t be at the US Capitol, go to your own Statehouse that day. and go prepared.
Finally!!! You Trump people see the light!!! Many of us saw the political theater for what it was and wondered how you could not see it!!! Trump pulled out of WHO and put his money in GAVI- both are funded by Bill Gates. He never stopped the shut down of churches, he never called out the fraud of the Coronavirus even though the psychological torture measures straight out of a communist handbook. He was pulled out of bankruptcy by the Rockefeller’s years ago and spent his 2009 Christmas with George Soros.Oh, and by the way Trump relinquished power to FEMA in April and extended it another six months in October. Hillary is his 9th cousin and he went to a party of hers not long ago and said how much he respected her and Bill. Did I mention his Warp Speed injections he could not wait to get to the people? He was put into office to betray us all. He is a bad guy, one of the worst in my opinion. Glad to have you on board.
We can’t expect more than 3% of adults to stand up against these Marxists. Majority adults knows nothing about the reset globalist plan or the infiltrated Marxists since early 20th century that must be takendown or this country is no longer. By mid Jan this country will either fall to Marxism or get back on track. I see little hope becasue the average person is really stupid. (I have cut all ties w/ former friends/relatives stuck in stupid.)
L.A. -- I hear you -- and wish you weren’t so right. It will be a small number who resist -- it was that way in our War of Independence’ -- very few stood up, most hunkered down and hoped.
I too have little to nothing to say to those who’ve ‘drunk the koolaid’ -- I mean, what can you say to those who’ve abdicated their thinking?!
The Capitol will be surrounded on January 6th, 2021.
It is time and it has been time for a long time. We need a leader, true organization, and logistics.
Indeed. The first revolution was planned in taverns, churches, and eateries…which coincidentally face the tightest controls. Hmm…and yes…there’s no stomach to go it alone, nor is there any kind of organization. Here we are, a few million all waiting for “someone” to do “something”. I just don’t see it, being objective. Though I loathe the thought of this being passed to my kids and grandkids, I’m not getting any younger. I see lots of great memes and motivators, but that’s about it. May God provide what it will take, while He tarries. ‘Til then, give me a heart more zealous for my Christ Jesus.
I have to believe President Trump has more is in the works than this, and I trust him but being a person of reason. I’m beginning to believe our the legal means when dealing with the forces of Satan is becoming a mute point — -So its almost time to go Gen Sherman on the liberals and make them s——- . All we need is the word and lets see where that takes us — to the door step of congress? and supreme courts ?first or the capitals of the States? anyone of these destinations would be fine — where ever, when ever the vermin eradicated == like BLM
Mr Wes you are dead nuts on and your thoughts are exactly what most of us are feeling. Thank you so much for writing each day for patriots need water the same as the tree of liberty.
Thank You!
I can’t believe Trump put this plan into action with his EO of September 2018 to catch the bastards in the act, and wouldn’t follow through with that plan. What then was the purpose of catching them in the act if not to do something about it? No, I have to have faith in God, Trump, and my fellow deplorables. Trump is a genius and I believe he’s simply letting the left extend themselves to their full measure of evil. He knows by now SCOTUS Judges Roberts and Kavanaugh are part of the problem. This whole thing has been orchestrated to expose ALL the evil, which it’s done. Be patient and have faith… the hammer is coming down soon. Trump has been patient and waiting to get all the traitors to expose themselves. It’s almost time for the round-up to begin.
Good question, if Trump does not act right now. Biden will involk the Insurrection Act on us.
I have been thinking the same thing Scott. If we wait till they get the power “officially”, we probably will not stand a chance. Things are a little easier having our guy as commander and chief. Once the dems have all three branches + military, it will probably be over…
It IS now over. Oath Keepers and other militia groups w/ rifles will converge on Wash DC 1/4/21. All Oath K have rec’d emails on this.
Perhaps…that is exactly the motivation we will need. We have had it too good for too long. We’ve grown soft. Very soft. Hard time make hard men, good times make soft men. Perhaps when we begin to suffer, go hungry, have our precious “stuff” taken form us, then maybe we’ll act. Not being wiseass either…being purely objective.
Toms: generations (several) have been softened up thru gov. education (real patriots homeschool or find other solid schools) socialism pushed in schools and msot churches (501c3) apostate clergy/FEMA response team members leftist controlled at the top hierarchy levels (all denom.) people are apathetic, nihilistic and stuck in stupid. Older ones many have given up in their community because people refuse to hear facts. Others are worried people will lable them conspiracy nuts or will lsoe customers. Few patriots left today alive, that’s is the worst part.
Got THAT right! The minute they shuffle Uncle Joe off the stage to feed him his oatmeal, Commie LaHarris will declare martial law in any state (read “Red States”) that dares to put up ANY resistance to the globalist agenda. CA? NY? IL? MI? WI? All fine. AL? WV? FL? TX? Sedition!!! Treason!!! Like Lincoln she’ll bring the full force of the US Gubmint on them to “quell the rebellion”. Obey or die. We need to be ready for that.
Yes, President Trump has disarmed the enemy to the point where they feel victorious and emboldened, yet the hour is near and the wraith of God’s will, shall be unleash through his modern day David, his anointed one, President Trump and this evil scourge will be scoured from the face of the earth !!!!
John Schuurkamp
What you are declaring is totally right. This is what the Lord told me to say: There is nobody like my God
King of Kings and
Lords of Lords
He is a man of War!
and to declare: RESTORE, RESTORE. Not to stop saying it. Our words are very powerful when spoken with faith. They are like heat seeking missiles. That is part of our warfare. We will win if we do not lose hope and faint. The other part of our warfare is to have courage to pick up our guns to defend our families and country.
A M E N!!!!!
Trump and family have been demon rats their whole live..includes now he’s quite the Trojan horse guy to usher in the NWO. Take your Trump vaccine, mask up surfs.
Trump is controlled and manipulated as all puppet presidents since W. Wilson in early 20th century. Leaders are threatened incl family members and other guidlines used to keep these puppets in line for the deep state control freaks. It is so obvilous now that he is one of them. No insurrection act ever will be called. Many have been fooled and this was all planned.
He doesn’t need the insurrection act! All he needs to do is appoint Sidney Powell as a Special Prosecutor and she will have the power to subpoena and order arrests. She will be able to give the order to seize voting machines without troops in the streets (Without overkill potentially triggering a violent uprising by the left). THINK MAN!
I relish the thought of a “Violent uprising from the Left”.
It would give us the excuse to wipe them out to the last creepy leftwing scumbag.
Shoot a commie, save America.
I’m with you 100% Wes. The question is, if we choose to make the ultimate sacrifice that you refer to in this post where is that action to be focused on to get the best result possible? It’s one thing to be willing to sacrifice your life to defeat communism, evil and tyranny but it’s entirely another to do so where that ends up being a meaningless gesture, especially when you consider the fact that anyone that chooses to do something like that will instantly be branded a crazy person or some lone wolf nut. And that’s if that story is even covered and gotten out to the people at all. One thing patriots should focus on right now is an alternative way of communication that doesn’t rely on big tech or other means that are easily controlled or shut down. If like minded individuals can’t communicate regarding these issues the battle is going to be lost before one shot is fired.
Do not go after the so-called left… people need to unite together- both left and right, put aside their differences and go after the bankers, politicians, global corporations and the globalists!!! We must do this to win for all, they are playing this game all around the workd with divide and conquer.
If we don’t act together as a group, we have no power to change anything, and they will pick us off one by one.
I’m in my fifties. I think people my age or older are willing to sign up and go in there first. I am ready.
Trump should have arrested the Communists and their GOP allies on Jan 21, 2017.
He only has about 28 days to do so.
I am sorry, but I dont believe he will and Obama is already leading amnesia brain Biden and trampy Kamala.
That horrible drek is going to be the ‘leader’.
The only thing Trump had to do was arrest them all. All of the evidence from Wikileaks, the murder or Seth Rich and many others.
This is going to become a hell on earth.
Trump’s a pretty smart man and he has constantly displayed his love for this country. There’s plenty of time to implement the plan I’m sure he has. I believe these arrests will be conducted by the military sometime soon. Stand tall and keep the faith.
In my dreams…….dream on, ain’t gonna happen.
Trump is a 5 time draft dodger. Why would anyone ever expect heroism and leadership from this turd.
And you know someone else who put their a$$ on the line with so much to lose besides the founding fathers? You think his sacrifice isn’t serving the country more than serving in a BS war in Asia? Wake up!
I had two uncles come home from Vietnam in coffins…Trump fights his personal Vietnam War by staying in the States and attempting to not get a venereal disease…my brother comes home from Vietnam as a paraplegic. In my humble opinion, Trump and his “sacrifice” don’t quite measure up to the real sacrifice my family members made in service to this country along with the many thousands of others who also sacrificed…your comment is absolutely INSULTING.
Greg: that Viet N. war was rigged, there was no gulf of Tonkin incident, husband over there in ’71 69th armor div., my sister’s fiancee killed, several our classmates also. We had no bus. overthere, Lady bird Johnson made hugh rofits off that war w/ her investments her and LBJ- president. wars for profits, war justified to defend this country only not other people’s country. My uncle flew bombers ww2 over Japanese islands in the pacific. Now many drive their cars. All about money it seems.
Unfortunately for all we lost a lot of Good American over their and everyone feels loss differently and all that lived during that time see things differently but one thing for sure -- We all lost something during that war — Faith in our Government — we began to see it differently — every war is fought and the real debt falls on those in the classes that can’t pay off the man — I myself remember my friends going -- drafted, not a lot of volunteers in the later part of the war — and we all know why-- but it still doesn’t lessen the hurt that those who lost family, nor does it allow us to tell them why they shouldn’t feel anger toward people who ducked out — right or wrong — because we are all human -- The real criminal here is the men behind the curtain who use people like poker chips — I spent 22 yrs playing the game and know it well — Hopefully we can all come together now at this minute and see one common enemy
I think President Trump was allot like most wealthy kids at that time but I also think that his life was transformed sometime where he understood the meaning of service — as a vet in the mid 1970s -- I remember kids at 18 going to Nam — and remember their feeling of Dread after everyone found out it the truth and losing their family — After the war — they let all those Traitors come back from Canada — now we are Trading partners with the North and those who sent us off to come back in body bags became rich and now they are running DC -- So President Trump is my Hero now — He is our last hope -- and has showed more Balls than most everyone in the DOD — Pray for him to be wise and use the force he wields with care but swiftly without mercy until the Republic is saved
Draft dodger is a badge of honor. The illegal and unconstitutional draft was destroyed by massive non compliance and monkey wrenching. we can learn a lot from that episode in order to take down the entire government if needs be.
Too bad you weren’t a replacement in the infantry for one of the badge of honor winners
who ran as soon as they got shot at.I was there, and you don’t know what your talking about.No,
I didn’t kill women and children,I gave them food because they were starving.
No disrespect intended for anyone who served their country. No smear to our military implied, and I am not sure how you got any of that out of what I wrote. i was merely calling the draft out for the gross illegality it was. The draft was destroyed by activism and is a good model to start with on how to bring down the current mess. I was there.
I couldn’t disagree with you more Greg. Trump VOLUNTARILY walked away from a kush life and walked into a hornets nest. When he leaves he will undoubtedly have a life full of lawsuits, smear campaigns and have to live the rest of his life knowing he had the full power of every institution in our government steal an election. To me, that is a leader I can get behind and support. When you are attacked from all sides, you must be doing something right…
they are planning to kill him
Count me in as well. I for one am damned sick and tired of the corruption, sleaze, grifting, and most of all the tyranny. You are spot in no one wants to be the lone martyr, myself included. At this point I’m ready to jump but will try to find the patience until Jan. 6th. If nothing happens to stop the steal by that day I believe our only true course of action will be for the patriots to take it back ourselves. Hold the line brothers in arms, the road forward is going to be bumpy. God Bless us all.
I have to say after this weekend the 20th of December, I had hoped Trump
To dissolve this threat by force. Evil only listens to a bigger bully.
We need a big guy general to come forward. Organize the troops
First. Thier intimidations have been given way to much time!!
Iam concerned very concerned. Anyone watch the movie “glorious 39”?
When England was infiltrated by Germany to regular English people.
Some became spies some became patriots. First they killed all of thier pets.
Trying to escape England too…
It gets worse, we who don’t know how to deceive or even to begin to understand deception
usually become deceived.
For awhile!! Have not we learned our lessons.
I cried today…stumped at Trump. I read he has a hard time trusting
Anyone in his cabinate anymore. GOD CAN come at the last minute..
Or minutes…but he does not always, Chinese Christians are going
Through hell. I just wanted to voice my concerns. War is colder
And darker than most of us yuppies know, we have always had
Our military on our side?? Iam 72 I really am sad today. I love
My country,, my 1950tys songs, and Christmas carols.
Is our flag going to still wave? Star Spangle Banner…I hope to
Still sing
“Christians” have zero business living in China.
Stop the worldwide proselytizing and “Christians” have no worries.
Not everyone believes in the your sky fairy.
Simple enough, Christians can come to the USA and You can go be comfortable with the godless Chicoms.
The Chinese are not “Godless” you fool, they invented Confucius 500 years before Christ and No, I will stay in the country I served for over 25 years.
I tolerate Christians just fine. The CHINESE DO NOT.
BTW… The 1st commandment was “Thou shalt have only ONE God.”
You didn’t read the memo.
E-7 Ret.
Trump hasn’t said that he not going to use the insurrection act….
He’s declared quite publicly that he’s not going declare b martial law…. He’s very specific in his language. Martial law isn’t in the constitution.
Declaring an insurrection doesn’t need martial law, but can still move the trials to military tribunals
without declaring martial law, and Trump can do everything he needs without martial law. He probably finds it funny that he can “fake news” that phrase and call Bolton “stupid” for suggesting it …
Having cellar foreign election interference, arrests of energy diagram can be made, and all done under clandestine operations … I think Trump is using his time and letting the Constitutional process work …
Amen brother. I’ve also come to the same conclusion.
Can he do it in the next 11 days? Because once Biden vote is certified on January 6th it will be too late. Am I mistaken? Please let me know as I would like nothing more than to find out I’m wrong.
I wanted to thank the author of this article for writing it. It touched my heart deeply to read such a heartfelt gut wrenching declaration of grief, frustration and sadness. It’s a very difficult thing to watch. You have spoken what so many of us have felt. You have voiced our concerns and listed each one accurately. I thank you for that. I feel closer to my fellow Americans than I ever have before, a greater compassion, love and I am thankful that there are more of us than there are of them. In fact, I believe our President won by such a landslide that there’s a lot more of us than we realize! So we have less than 30 days now. We know this. But one word of advice to you all and I pray you take it to heart…
Don’t count the days. Make the days count.
Embrace your children, tell your spouse how much you love them, turn off the tv, the phones and spend quality time as a family. Pray together, work together and put your trust in God alone.
Pence has to read the electors votes in January and he can stop this bullsheet. Will he?
Mike Pence leaves to go on vacation January 6th. He is going to Europe. It was headlines yesterday.
Pence is not to be trusted. He was meeting in secret with traitors McCain and Romney back at the beginning of their term
You are right. Less than 24 hours ago I saw the report in headlines that he was going to Europe on okthe 6th specifically Ireland. He went there last year. Now suddenly that story disappears and the new story is he will got to Israel on the 6th and then several other countries.
I’ve been thinking the same thing for the past several days. I even don’t sleep well thinking about all of this. My ONLY thing I cling to is God. I keep praying for help through all of this but we have to wait. I think God is allowing this so we will draw even closer to Him. We Americans consider ourselves pretty self-reliant. Well, guess what? God wants us to rely on Him no matter what. Does that mean we all survive? No. What actions we should take are still not clear. At some point the enemy may come to us and we will be forced to act. I can’t get away from the belief that all of this is the beginning of God’s judgment on this nation (and then the world). We have been warned for decades but nothing has changed. Our sins have gotten worse (as a country). We’ve been betrayed by our “leaders”, courts and businessmen; Gods judgment will hit them too. I know there are good people in this land but there are so many traitors and liars.
Excellent and realistic article. It’s time for us to rise up and push back. We need a coherent movement with patriotic organizers to begin the uprise. As individuals we can begin with civil disobedience which can rapidly morph into larger acts of civil disobedience and eventually decide if we can carve out a territory of our own in the existing continental United States with a new set of leaders and political orientations. None of the existing political parties care or will help us. It’s all been a carefully scripted psych op to demoralize us and weaken us while the real agenda is rapidly implemented. We need to get started prior to the inauguration otherwise it will be too late. The pandemic has been well documented that it’s really a plandemic/scamdemic as a cover for a new global neofeudslistic economic system. This system will usurp all national interests, constitutions, and common laws resulting into world slavery system. This insane plan is now feasible for the elite mother corporation and all its subsidiary corporations due to the exponential rise in technology and surveillance. This is truly humanity’s last stand. We all need to stand and be counted in our resistance to this psychopathic agenda. Μολον Λαβέ.
Prison Planet !
We have to live with that which we are willing to tolerate. We Americans have allowed ourselves to be seduced into tolerance of evil by the enemies of our soul and of our country and many have scoffed at those who attempted to tell the truth, labeling them conspiracy theorists.
If Trump does invoke the resurrection act, that would definitely get the battles started. The left would start their rioting. That is when we can step in and do our part. It will be ugly and bloody, but if Trump can get the majority of the treasonous leaders arrested, I believe we can win this thing i ALL of us step up. this will not work with a few martyrs.
Jesus already came to the rescue…..but if psychopaths come, it will be to do greater harm….
I wouldn’t write Trump off just yet. Non-kinetic warfare is difficult so we don’t want to quarterback it. I think Trump has planned for this and the trigger will be pulled at the appropriate time. Then we’ll all be busy fighting the useful-idiots as well as any incursions into our nation by Chicoms, Russkies, et. al. So hang on there will be plenty of time to die for the the cause upcoming -- no need to hurry it along too quickly…
Well said.
I’ve said these comments on many websites and each time it falls on deaf ears. Our nation has a SIN problem with the blood of over 100 million babies and counting, pornography, drug and alcohol addictions, child sex trafficking, corrupt politicians and corporate leaders and on and on. Now ask yourself why would God allow a nation such as ours to continue in our sins defying God’s laws?
It would have been better if we never knew him. Our many churches have become corrupt and God’s people will not repent for their sins of idolatry, fornication, blasphemy, love of money, etc. Our sins represent the government we get. God showed me this would happen to our nation because of our pride.
I m as frustrated as many of you are but Trump can not save America. If the nation will not turn from their wicked ways then the nations of traitors domestically, Russia, Iran and China will be the instrument of judgment for our sins.
RUSSIA is 10000X more “Christian” than the USA.
Russia is the ONLY “Christian” nation on earth.
You better get some education.
You sound stupid.
Maybe this is the beginning of the crucible of a change-- while we have committed sins and god knows we aren’t perfect — we still are the best bet to save man kind on this planet — so maybe — Maybe he knows a little bit more than we do-- I think we fought a war killing many good Americans to right an injustice and maybe he’ll take that into account — have faith — we aren’t that bad as individuals people go — But our current government and some of its people are rotten to the core — Edward Snowden was a hero — He showed us that how corrupt our Government is -we didn’t listen and now we realize it — Pray for wisdom and peace — war doesn’t need help its always the easiest path -- thanks Trump for protecting us and if need be give us the support we need to be successful
Correct. As it is written, so it shall come to pass.
Thomas, you are correct.
But I keep praying! Asking for mercy -- and that Father will act, on behalf of 1) Jesus and 2) His remnant!!
Onward ~
Organize your state militias.
Each state has its own unique needs.
Local leaders will need to be A-Teams to form smaller units from regular folk in counties and towns.
It can be done that way very effectively.
If the rule of law fails, people will then be ready.
In your livid dreams.
JayDee: Are you looking for someone to wave a magic wand to make everything perfect ? or do you want future generations to live in a third world Marxist gov?
So far Trump is the only individual that has been able to standup to these tool-bags. I can’t remember ever seeing any other individual at this level survive like he has. I don’t know his plan but, he seems to have one. He doesn’t like to loose so I am backing him to the end. I am wondering if any other individuals at a high leadership level are going to emerge to aid in the battle against this corrupt and illegitimate administration elect.
The old saying “A big mouth doesn’t make a big man” holds true for Trump. His army is composed of lawyers; his armament are law suits; and his flag is his ego. This doesn’t save the Republic. It’s obvious he got what he wanted by being President and can now leave. Trump has become part of the problem.
The next five days will tell us whether Trump is going to initiate all the plans that have been put in place to save the republic and stop the CCP takeover of America.
If nothing big happens by this coming weekend, it’s probably over for America.
Top Down not bottom up.
It is clear by God’s Holy Word that He alone appoints the leadership of a nation. If a nation becomes wicked,evil,self indulgent,full of pride,liars,cheaters,and murderers then what you sow you most certainly will reap.I am distraught with the prospect that we may have finally run out of grace,mercy, and blessings from the Supreme Soverign Almighty one and only true God of the universe and that it may be time to pay for our iniquities. I believe God gave us a foreshadowing of this a couple of years ago. Anyone remember the Houston Astros cheating to win the World Series? A few slaps on the wrist and they got to keep their crown.You don’t get anymore American than baseball.Not only that ,but anyone taking any retaliation was severely reprimanded.God help us.
Good article Wes! The fact that hundreds of people have been caught red handed, laughed in our faces and are still openly walking the streets says it all to me. How is it possible that not one ballot feeder in Georgia, activist judge, city politician, newspaper editor, community organizer, county clerk, radio host, county canvasser, secretary of state, state AG has not been permanently retired? These people live where we live, shop where we shop and are part of our communities. It’s not like they are impossible to get to. So much as one person from our side makes a comment, wants to testify or god forbid say there was fraud, a whole army shows up in front of their house, threatens their family, etc. Hell even judges have come out and said they felt threatened by the left. Nice guys finish last and in our case, we lose our country…….
Yes your right Regan would not waste a second to clean up this mess and I was a Democrat .I woke up
Thought about that too , I think Regan would not waste a second to quell the doors and restore irder. You can’t think your way out off this mess it plan .Action shows your true colors.
Your readers might want to visit this video, and get an idea on what Trump is ready to do;
and then, they may want to visit the website of Simon Parkes at https://www.simonparkes.org/
to view his other videos in describing what Trump is faced with and why the delay in taking back our country from the DS.
If these worthless maggots cannot WRITE IT DOWN, I am not interested.
VIDEOS are a waste of time and 99% WRONG every time.
Keep your videos…
Tenth Amendment to the Constitution: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people.” Question: Is the power and right of individual States to secede from the union, prohibited by the Constitution? Answer: No, it is not! Therefore, it is reserved to the States, respectively, meaning, individually. Pres. Lincoln lied and was an evil tyrant and the worst mass murderer in American history, who unlawfully sent 620,000 men to their deaths, waged war on the civilian populace, and indirectly ushered in twelve years of martial law in the South, before they were forced back into the union at gunpoint. People, we have been a conquered nation since 1865. The good news is that we still have the 10th Amendment, and the right of States to secede. So, what is stopping us? Whatever happens, it is the only possible, peaceful solution. We are a totally divided nation, and the “twain shall never meet” between a Constitutional republic and Communism. It’s time for the conservative States to “come out of Babylon,” and secede from this once great, now sleazy whore, of a nation.
Wes. I appreciate your articles. I’m no writer by a long shot. Seems to me things are just like in the movie saving private Ryan. They were in fighting holes as the tanks approached with the ground shaking all around. Every thing in their body was saying RUN. Those WW2 vets kept their wits and nerve. I know that was a movie but similar thinks happen in all war. Steely nerve and patience now then strike when the time is right if necessary. Keep writing. We the unsung who will bare this burden need you. Thanks brother.
Thank You!
Faith that Trump is going to do something is not a game plan. We the people will have to start the revolution. Do you have children? What will you do for them? Jesus confronted evil everywhere he went. Time we start acting like our Savior and confront this wickedness.
The Con-gress is passing another gaseous rebate to politicians and friends bill, almost 3 trillion, it’s OVER….
We threw Trump in to DC to Disrupt the Swamp, but it seems the Swamp disrupted him more than he disrupted them. It was a last ditch attempt at a Voting solution, and with the Steal in 2020 it appears We have been given the Royal Finger. TINVOWOOT
This Feral Government is Irreformable and Unsalvageable. Stick a fork in it, it’s Done, Fina, Kaput., dead man walking. You know it, I know it, CYA, it’s time to get in the lifeboats. The Cold North Atlantic is preferable to the Titanic’s ballroom, because the $- power is about to go out (Reset-crash), the water is on the deck below us. Run, don’t walk. TEOTWAWKI
Sheesh, the Sheeples say, “It can’t happen HERE!!!
Trump was a Judas from the beginning; no one would have credibility amongst patriot groups if the media didn’t vociferously attack at every opportunity. As others commented here, he was the perfectly timed Trojan Horse and the amount of damage done to freedom movements everywhere by maneuvering them into supporting the man/system as opposed to the Constitution is enormous. Trump proved to his bosses the public was ready to fall for an even larger psyop (the virus, for one) and now a growing amount of folks cheering on martial law for this man should be confirmation. We’re in massive trouble because folks sat back expecting he was an enemy to the system instead of another of its creations.
In 2008, Kim Clement prophecy spoke about having two presidents and oil prices will drop. Also, we will discover a new energy source. I trust Gods Plan.
Anna, do you trust God’s plan even if you get beheaded for your faith? It doesn’t sound like it.
Anna I know God’s plan. I know that God’s plan warns us of many false prophets like KC. If it ain’t written, it’s not God’s plan. Worse than two presidents are two messiahs. King Saul and David are the types in the Word that will inform us of the anti-types to come.
If you need a man to tell you which Jesus to worship then pray for discernment and read for yourself.
So now we can clearly see what a pathologically dysfunctional, criminally corrupt govt we truly have and apparently must endure. Please stop talking of civil war and violent insurrection. It is an affront to our Constitution. One thing we can do is encourage our brave young Americans in uniform, the best amongst us, to turn in their discharge paperwork before they issue a stop-loss order, and for those who may be thinking of joining to rethink their options, because these America-haters will not voluntarily put on the uniform themselves to defend what they are creating. They want the deplorables to continue to do that for them, in spite of their contempt for us. They will squander your lives on what lies ahead. Come home and defend what is yours.Your country needs you here. A rapidly contracting military will take the arrogance and belligerence out of them, and force them to make some really unpopular choices. AOC’s Green New Deal will quickly morph into green battle dress uniforms for all. We’ll see how popular a draft is with these Marxist-educated soy-boys and girls who never learned what it means to earn the privilege of being an American and think so highly of these pseudo-democrats now. I served in the Marines during the draft in the 60’s. There were and still are harsh ways to deal with those unwilling to serve. No, it’s not ideal, but it is what they deserve.This will collapse on it’s own, and those who advocated for it and educated our young to believe in it will be held to account. These are the true enemies of our Republic, and we can relish in making governance difficult or impossible for them. After all, they did the same for us. It is the least we can do in return.
Interesting comment!
Thank you.
I stand behind my President tonight but I can understand the frustration so many are feeling right now. I’ve said it before and I’ll say It again -- President Trump will go down in American history as a Churchill or a Neville Chamberlain. It’s a decision he must make. We can’t make it for him. We must all pray for him.
It is the Lord Jesus Christ who is able to turn the hearts of kings and presidents. We have to petition God for direction on how to pray about this. Plead your case at Gods courtroom
and wait on His answer. Pray for our President that the Lord would strengthen, guide and protect him. Pray for that courageous American woman Sidney Powell who has demonstrated what it is to be an American -- to be bold and fearless in the face of evil. May others find strength in her valor. May these vicious attacks against her encourage her that these communists recognize her as a formidable foe!! Pray that the Lord would lead her to discover anything hidden and that the truth will prevail in spite of men and devils. Pray like you’ve never prayed before. Our future depends upon it, America. It is prayer that moves the hand of God. Have faith and put your trust in God alone. With God all things are possible.
Wonderfully stated!
Thank you, Ma’am.
Trump has never followed through on anything, nothing. Trump also stated that he was a populist, and a globalist. He was bailed out of bankruptcy by Rothschild. His Commerce Secretary is a Rothschild agent. It’s fair to say Trump is a great salesman, who depends on suckers to buy into the snake oil he sales.
What you say is true. It was said that while bankrupt he did obtain a loan which originated with Rothschild. But tell me what were you before the Lord found you and cleaned you up? What were any of us and yet? God loved us while we were yet sinners. Trump has been surrounded by false Christians since day 1. It’s as if the devil said I’ve had him all these years and once I get him to betray 300 million people I’ll cause some accident and off to hell he will go! I have a better idea. Let’s pray hard that the Holy Ghost convicts his heart, that he has a genuine encounter with Jesus Christ and is saved. Once he is saved? He will be like a lion. Let’s pray.
Dear Father, why have you foresaken those of us who believe in our time of travails? Amen.
Dear Mark, why do you believe God has forsaken you? These are just the words of the prophets being fulfilled. You’re one of those sunny patriot Christians, are you? Sounds like it. Get some balls, boy.
By the rivers of Babylon we sat down, yea we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there they carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?
Sue, your a whore. I forgive you for your ignorance, but He may or may not…
Not completely true, but somewhat. Think Biden will be better? Nope.
“And the LORD looked for a man who would stand in the gap on behalf of the nation, and HE was astonished that there was no one.” HE will not be astonished as long as I draw breath.
Yeah I realize Trump hasn’t done diddly. When TPTB seen how weak and pathetic the American people were they struck and struck hard with suspending our Constitution and bill of rights for a flu virus and now they are drunk with power and no one did a thing to stop all the governors treason. They have violated every right we used to have like we never had those rights to begin with and most sheeple complied. It really hurts to say this but America as we knew it is already gone. We collectively turned our backs on God and so America has been left to the devil. May God have mercy on us in the coming days, weeks and months. We are really gonna need it.
Mark, I don’t believe God will forsake us. Our President might but not God. He loves you and he has got you. You just keep trusting in Him. You’ve given me a lot to think about with your comment.
Thank you for that.
Listen up! What if!?! WHAT IF….. it has already started? What if, in some state… somewhere a capital is burning? Would we know? What if that one POP already happened? The controls and restrictions (even in Alt Media) that our government has the capability of could turn the beginning into a whimper…. a rumor…. would the rest of us even know it has already begun…… think about that…. really think about it. There will be no martyr…. we may never know that we had the chance… the opportunity to join our brethren in one last battle to save the republic….. that is my fear.
We need to organize pick a state such as Texas with room to move in and evade and move out from there to make citizens arrest and find a patriotic judge to try them we must be organized and have leaders willing to keep us on the path to fight for are freedom and I mean fight without organization we will be divided and conquered it is time it is now
The deadly wound spoken of in Rev 13 to the one world beast system could easily be the fall of this nation in war. No wonder the whole world is watching us.
We are ay past the time for old ideas; things like a new political party, civil disobedience, gatherings and marches… One need only look to the VC (Viet Cong) to see what it will take to rid a country of it’s unwanted overlords. Sadly, there appear to be none that are willing to pay that price to achieve their objectives. It is over, and they have won.
What have they won, Northwoods? Besides eternity in hell which they have been racing toward as if it were heaven? This is not the beginning of some utopia for the liberals. They were used to achieve an agenda -- a communist takeover. Throughout history of communism those are the first people to be executed. You see the wicked are God’s sword and he will use them to execute his judgment and correction but once that is accomplished- he will destroy them and the land will be cleansed. Jesus Christ is coming
back for a purified bride without spot or wrinkle. We shall go through the fire. Yes. But we won’t be staying there. All those including spies, military, the deceivers among us who have no conscience left? Pity them. Because the future they are facing will be so terrifying that the Most realistic Hollywood movie about demons and hell won’t scratch the surface to it. You don’t want to see the real hell. And it’s real. Very real. If you don’t know for certain that you are saved, now is the time. To day is the day of salvation. Not next week.
Why are we marching/fighting for a man who clearly doesn’t want to win, but does want to run the clock out? He has the power to do something, but has chosen not to.
I think millions of us are armed and ready waiting for the “Go Ahead”! Now Who is going to give that “Go Ahead” is the one million dollar question!
It’s very important to be able to face reality, which often means being willing to hear the Bad News.
So here is the reality: there is not going to be any sort of ‘patriotic uprising’ anytime in the next few weeks. A few people may get themselves shot, others may get themselves imprisoned — and if so, I guess there will be fundraising for them, draining money from patriots to lawyers.
No. The realiy is, Biden will be our next President, at least nominally.
We then have to start organizing. Millions — tens of millions — of people are waking up. This takes take. Human consciousness is the most conservative factor in history, and most people subconsciously still believe they are living in the ‘old America’ of the rule of law, honest elections, an objective mainstream press, an America where the police protected law-abiding people from violent criminals.
That America is gone. But tens of millions of good people have not quite realized that yet.
They will.
In the meantime, we need to raise holy hell over the cynical persecution of one of our own, Kyle Rittenhouse.
Go here: FreeKyleUSA.com
Spread this website’s address all over the web, via your accounts on social media, anywhere you post etc. We want the jury in his trial to have heard the truth over and over. This is something each of us can do right now.
I’ve read your blog now for a while and find myself in agreement with you on quite a lot. However, one thing we have ever disagreed on is Trump; namely, his desire to actually do something…anything of substance. He talks a good game, does the things that require little if any true heavy lifting and claims much that simply isn’t true.
That, however, is not specifically germaine to my reason for replying to this post. You mentioned no one wants to be a martyr and that is probably true; but someone is going to have to step into the gap. Are you volunteering? Do I see myself volunteering? What about your other readers….who has the spiritual discipline to be the spark….the first popped kernel of corn?
Not to decide to do something, is itself a decision. Indecision is the handmaiden to tyranny.
My final thought is this: we are all alone in this decision; no one can hold our individual hand when it comes to choosing our path. However, once chosen that path leads to communal support and a brother/sister-hood of like-minded individuals. It is much like how Christians become and support other Christians: we come as individuals but we live as the body of Christ.
Maybe, in the end, what we need is a bunch of ones; a bunch of first-popped kernels. A diaspora of individuals called to serve; for service is what this will be. Maybe, just maybe what we are…all of us….is the Imago Dei of God (His image). And just maybe, faith in Him and faith in His plan is what calls the diaspora together.
Be careful, all of you…what you say…quietly jupiter orbits the
Earth, when she decides to show up…wow…
Be united like those gases of Jupiter..that is bigger than
You know. For division is just confusion…and divides.
Than you have for sure lost the game.
The Apostle Paul said, BE CAREFUL FOR NOTHING. Who shall
We listen to? The King James Bible or you?
Iam sorry you feel mislead on what I said. People divided among patriots
Causes even more confusion. Be united…as one strong force as Paul
Would have christians united. In our message of faith. He lived during the Tyranny of Rome and Jewish law…between alot of divides and confusion. Yes we should speak about our tyranny! But what i have heard
On this forum, is alot of casting doubts and taking the decisions into thier
Own hands. No leadership at all. No unity. How do you fight a war
Like that. You just kill each other. Maybe that is what the left is doing.
BlM, Antifa groups, drugs, leftist mayors and governors do that…
But we are Patriots…Patriots fought in a revolution with God in thier
Struggle. Alot of these do not believe God at all?? Just thier own
Judegments rule them. No law, no bible, no Trump, nothing…just thier own guns and confusion rules in these forums.
Anyway that is when you get a China, or a North Korea, or a Iran
And A Obama like president. Anything goes!! Confusion.
I thought that was what a patriot was against. So I was only saying bring some law, into your own conversations. Some thought and patience
To wait. Either way there will be a war if united there is a chance
Under one man, Trump and our God. Anyway hopefully you heard me say something about Paul too…
Paul was killed too, and rememberd…a great man held in a prison
Loved his by his commands, his God and His Israel.
Jupiter does rotate around the sun…by the way.
I was responding to your warning: -- be careful what you say -- all of you, Jupiter is slowly revolving around the earth. -- end quote
No where in scripture does it tell us such a thing. In fact, it is the opposite of what Paul said. With that, Jupiter has no effect
on any of us. We don’t answer to Jupiter. We answer to the
Lord Jesus Christ who is God.
Hello my friend, I can and will be the first to pop!!! I do have a problem, no one wants to help me because I say the right words that will get me killed, oh yes! I even wrote a song of these times and it tells the truth. I will sing the song, I will do it along with saying no I will not be vax. If you want strength and have the guts to help me to get it out. The problem I see is the things I will say and do will upset the BIG world power. I also think many would say know to me. The best thing I am not a great singer, I am older and do not sing as well as I had when I was younger and I have nothing to gain to do this. You are right! Some one needs to be the first and I can and will if you can (no money) help me find someone who is willing to get it out.