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Tag Archives: Illegal Aliens
Coming to America (Whether You Like It Or Not)
There is a War Raging Across Europe, Right Now
Soros’s Child Rapists – I Mean Refugees – Continue to Arrive In England by the busload
Express UK – ABOUT 100 more “migrant children” have arrived in Britain from the Calais camps but the Home Office has installed a massive screen outside the London processing centre so no members of the public can assess their ages. … Continue reading
The Rape of Western Culture
Ten-year-old Boy Raped in Austrian Swimming Pool by Iraqi Man who claims it was ‘a sexual emergency’ The mother of the (10 year old) boy who was raped by a 20 year old Iraqi man in a swimming pool in … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Immigration, Radical Islam, War
Tagged Civil Unrest, Illegal Aliens, Islam, Safety and Preparedness, War
Alas, Paris
And to the angel of the church of Thyatira write: These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like to a flame of fire, and his feet like to fine brass. I know thy works, and … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Editorial, Immigration, Radical Islam, Religion, Safety and Preparedness, War
Tagged Civil Unrest, Economic Collapse, Illegal Aliens, Safety and Preparedness
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Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Elections, Voter issues
Tagged 2nd amendment, Benghazi, Civil Unrest, Elections, Gun control, Illegal Aliens, Russia, Syria, War
This Is What A Hillary Presidency Looks Like
CAUTION – Strong Language Warning. But you need to watch it anyway. “This is what Democracy Looks Like?” If this is what democracy looks like, I’d rather live under a monarchy…
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Elections, Safety and Preparedness, Voter issues
Tagged 2nd amendment, Elections, Illegal Aliens, Obamacare, Russia, Syria
Deutsche Bank – The 100-MegaTon Bomb Which Will Destroy Europe – With a Little Help from Their Muslim Friends
(Investopedia) 20 September 2016 — In the aftermath of last week’s announcement of a $14 billion fine levied by the U.S. Department of Justice on Deutsche Bank in connection with the mis-selling of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) during the financial crisis, … Continue reading
Poland Says, “NO!” to Muslim Invasion
Germany, France, and the Czech Republic are not far behind, even though the so-called “leaders” of Europe have created the problem in the first place, and the “news media” refuse to report on actions taken by the French, German, Czech, … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Immigration, Radical Islam, Religion, Safety and Preparedness, WWIII
Tagged Civil Unrest, Illegal Aliens, Safety and Preparedness, Syria, War
Islam in America
Those who deny plain facts, and ignore the warnings which islam itself has been giving us for years, have crossed the line which divides useful idiots from legitimate enemies of our Republic. What has been happening in Europe for over … Continue reading
First Use – I’m Claiming the Word FRACtard
By virtue of first use, I do hereby claim the word “FRACtard”, or more commonly “fractard.” It is the truncated hyphenation of the words “Fractal” and “Retard”. We all know what “retard” means – it is a pejorative which accuses … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Immigration, Radical Islam, War
Tagged Civil Unrest, Illegal Aliens, Safety and Preparedness, War
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Jihad, Hiyal, and Boy Rape – Islam’s True Face Taqiyya and Kitman – Both part of the Hiyal Islam — the “ingenious devices” with which they lie, obfuscate, evade, misdirect, and create/utilize loopholes in the law to obtain benefit for themselves, as well as for evading the (presumed) … Continue reading
Moderate Muslims?
*ALL* muslims knowingly finance jihad, by paying the mandatory “Zakat” which is one of the ‘five pillars’ of the islamic death cult. They must also pray and work actively towards the implementation of Sharia law throughout the world. Now, explain to me how … Continue reading
Chicago Goes Junk, Owes Bondholders $2.2 Billion Immediately
(Zerohedge) Following an Illinois Supreme Court ruling that struck down a pension reform plan aimed at closing a $100 billion funding gap, Moody’s downgrades Chicago to junk, giving the city the dubious distinction of being the only major city “in … Continue reading
Again Ellmers Forfeits Childrens’ Lives
Somehow I’m not surprised… From Breitbart News: Republican Rep. Renee Ellmers (NC) seems to be digging herself in deeper with the pro-life base of the GOP. On Friday, Ellmers—who led a group of House Republicans in January in a maneuver … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial, Immigration, Religion, Voter issues
Tagged Abortion, Ellmers, Illegal Aliens
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Ellmers A-Okay with Keeping Illegal Pedophiles
Apparently Representative Renee Ellmers wants us to keep illegals who are known to be violent and sexually abuse women or children. Ellmers recent vote against the House Republicans DeSantis amendment, which aimed to prioritize deportation of illegals convicted of domestic violence, sexual abuse … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial, Immigration
Tagged child abuse, Illegal Aliens, Rene Ellmers, violence