Tag Archives: Civil War

Republican Civil War Begins

See additional comments on Tea Party Nation. The civil war within the Republican party between conservatives and moderates is on. Another part to the circus that is Washington, D.C. Anyone who believes that there is a political solution to the … Continue reading

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Republican Civil War Erupts: Business Groups v. Tea Party

A battle for control of the Republican Party has erupted as an emboldened Tea Party moved to oust senators who voted to reopen the government while business groups mobilized to defeat allies of the small-government movement. “We are going to … Continue reading

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Defying US warnings of civil war, Egyptian military to crack down on armed protest and mounting terrorism

Braving Washington’s warning of civil strife, Egyptian Defense Minister Gen. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is not backing away from his resolve to quickly crack down, even by military force, on armed protesters using live bullets on city streets and generating chaos, … Continue reading

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Egypt clerics warn of ‘civil war’

Egypt’s leading religious authority warned of “civil war” on Friday and called for calm after a member of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood was killed ahead of mass rallies aimed at forcing the president to quit. “Vigilance is required to ensure … Continue reading

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As Egypt lurches into civil strife, local militias raise their heads

After weeks of mounting anti-government turmoil across Egypt, army chief Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi finally spoke up Sunday, June 23, to warn that the Egyptian army would “not watch the country descend into uncontrollable conflict” ahead of the planned June 30 mass … Continue reading

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Wake Up Call 2013: Obama DHS Prepares For Civil War

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We refuse to surrender

Thanks to Lady Raven for posting the following, which every concerned American would be well advised to read and discuss with their families.  As such, I have reposted it here in its entirety: The Honorable Senator John Cornyn, State of Texas United States … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Amendment, Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Elections, Safety and Preparedness, Voter issues, War | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on We refuse to surrender

More Forgotten History

I did not know that 10,000 Jewish soldier fought in the Civil War. The information below comes from the Jerusalem Post. Two corrections: the southern states did not seek to secede, they did secede. That is why this war should … Continue reading

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At What Point Can You Declare That A Civil War Has Begun?

I originally posted this on September 7th, 2012, just 4 days before the attack in Benghazi.  I am republishing it now because I believe folks need to be reminded that what you don’t know *can* hurt you and your family. … Continue reading

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The Coming American Civil War – Patriot Nurse

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Guns And Ammo Production Maxed Out: “This is a Society Preparing For War”

President Barack Obama is, arguably, the best gun salesman ever. Over 65 million guns have been purchased since the President took office in 2009. FBI background check statistics indicate that, over the last twelve months, Americans purchased a new gun every 1.5 … Continue reading

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Jerry Robinson: Is America on the eve of a civil war?

“While I expect to have a very profitable year with my investments and businesses, I can’t seem to shake this nagging suspicion that 2013 may also be one of the most devastating years in American history. Sadly, our nation has … Continue reading

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Hoffa Vows To Fight Right-To-Work-For-Less In Michigan

Who has betrayed Democracy? Someone needs to explain to this union thug that the United States is not a Democracy. Since when is forced participation in a corrupt union considered to be Democracy? Actually that is exactly what Democracy looks … Continue reading

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What’s Trending on the Internet?

NC Renegade has experienced a surge of hits due to the interest in the following article: Civil War in US Before November Elections? Obama Gets What Obama Wants It seems that a popular search on the Internet since Obama was … Continue reading

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Glenn Beck’s Definition of “Honor”

Glenn Beck has been focused on the Benghazi tragedy as an example of the dishonor prevalent in Washington, DC.  I agree. The administration has initiated a major cover-up of this scandal through misdirection and outright lies. Mr. Beck explains this … Continue reading

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