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Tag Archives: NDAA
A Time to Kill
This essay was originally published on 12 January, 2013. But it seems the time has again come to remind some folks, that there is a line they must not cross… I am a soldier. I know what war looks like, … Continue reading
BREAKING: Wikileaks Exposes Clinton Assassination of Scalia
RedStateWatcher 13 October 2016 – BREAKING! Wikileaks exposes the Assassination of Scalia and it could bring down the Clintons and the Democratic Party!
Posted in Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Elections, Safety and Preparedness, Voter issues
Tagged Civil Unrest, Elections, Freedom, NDAA, War
It’s Just a Piece of Paper
We’re supposed to revere – and follow – the Constitution. But if they don’t, why should we? By they, I mean the people who lord it over us. Our rulers. I choose the word deliberately, in the interests of editorial … Continue reading
Posted in 2nd Amendment, Americas Remedy, Civil Unrest, Editorial, Voter issues
Tagged Americas Remedy, Federal Reserve, Freedom, NDAA, Obamacare
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Senate rushes through NDAA approval late last night
As usual, Sens. Burr and Hagan voted against the people they supposedly represent. David DeGerolamo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Late last night, the Senate voted to reauthorize the National Defense Authorization Act and approved $607 billion in military spending. Only twelve Republicans and a measly … Continue reading
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial
Tagged NDAA
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“I’m Just a Mom!” Daphne Lee Gives Powerful Speech Against NDAA in Clark County, Nevada
From YouTube: After making her wait 8 hours, the Clark County Commission decided to hear Daphne Lee speak against the NDAA in Clark County, NV. What followed was one of the most powerful public comments in history.
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial
Tagged NDAA
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Fema Camp Documents Leaked From YouTube: MUST READ LINKS VERY IMPORTANT Documents for our future home in a fema camp… Army hiring for these internment camps:… Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness… National Defense Preparedness Order AKA Legal Confiscation … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial
Tagged Eric Holder, Fema Camp, Judge Napolitano, NDAA, Robert Mueller
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Obama, Lies, and Tyranny
President Obama, perhaps you should have taken candidate Obama’s advise…but then again, those words are now proven to be just as insincere as the rest of your many lies, this act of treason is just as egregious as your many … Continue reading
Posted in 2nd Amendment, Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Financial, Food, Safety and Preparedness, War
Tagged 2nd amendment, Civil Unrest, Constitution, DHS, Economic Collapse, Eric Holder, Gun control, NDAA, Obama, Safety and Preparedness, War
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Lions And Tigers And Terrorists, Oh My!
Historically, the expanded use of the terrorist label by governments tends to coincide with the rising tides of despotism. A government that quietly seeks to dominate the people will inevitably begin to treat the people as if they are the … Continue reading
U.S. Military ‘Power Grab’ Goes Into Effect
The manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing suspects offered the nation a window into the stunning military-style capabilities of our local law enforcement agencies. For the past 30 years, police departments throughout the United States have benefitted from the government’s … Continue reading
We refuse to surrender
Thanks to Lady Raven for posting the following, which every concerned American would be well advised to read and discuss with their families. As such, I have reposted it here in its entirety: The Honorable Senator John Cornyn, State of Texas United States … Continue reading
Posted in 2nd Amendment, Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Elections, Safety and Preparedness, Voter issues, War
Tagged 2nd amendment, Civil Unrest, Civil War, Constitution, Elections, Freedom, Gun control, NDAA, Obama, Safety and Preparedness, War
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At What Point Can You Declare That A Civil War Has Begun?
I originally posted this on September 7th, 2012, just 4 days before the attack in Benghazi. I am republishing it now because I believe folks need to be reminded that what you don’t know *can* hurt you and your family. … Continue reading
Posted in 2nd Amendment, Civil Unrest, Editorial, Education, Financial, Food, Safety and Preparedness
Tagged 2nd amendment, Civil Unrest, Civil War, Economic Collapse, Freedom, NDAA, Safety and Preparedness, Stock Market, Tea Party, Voter Fraud, War
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Stewart Rhodes – At What Point Do You Honor Your Oath to Uphold the Constitution?
I asked Stewart Rhodes (the founder of Oath Keepers) the following question: at what point do you honor your oath to uphold the Constitution? Keep in mind that this was in May, 2012. Since that time, our first and second … Continue reading
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial
Tagged Domestic Enemies, NDAA, Oath Keepers, Steward Rhodes
2nd Amendment – Part 4
The debate over the 2nd amendment rights of the people being necessary to the security of a free State may become a moot point. The NDAA and now a Justice Department memo gives the “government” the ability to kill American … Continue reading
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial, War
Tagged Drones, Justice Department, Kill List, NDAA, Obama
Escalation to Confiscation, and Beyond
Some thoughts from earlier today, originally posted at The Silicon Graybeard: YOU ARE BEING PROBED Anonymous January 10, 2013 6:49 AM A while back, years prior to our current troubles, I had a discussion on this topic with someone in law … Continue reading
A Matter of Moments
Outright rebellion can no longer be averted. So very many among the American population now sense the acceleration of tyranny, see the veil of legitimacy being pierced, and perceive, at least in broad strokes, the ultimate nature of the risks which we presently face. … Continue reading