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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Deutsche Bank: Aaaaaaand It’s gone…
As I have been warning for five years, Deutsche Bank is now meeting its fate. “German government officials are dismayed by the leaking of a U.S. Justice Department demand that Deutsche Bank pay $14 billion to settle claims arising from … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial, Financial, Radical Islam, Safety and Preparedness, Uncategorized, War, WWIII
Tagged Civil Unrest, Economic Collapse, Gold, Safety and Preparedness, War
Death Throes of Deutsche Bank, and Impact to Global Economies?
Originally posted on April 26th, 2012 – I offer you and updated view of where DB is at, as we grind further and further over the cliff, unto the plummeting crash which has been engineered to destroy Western Civilization, and … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial, Financial, Uncategorized
Tagged Economic Collapse, Gold, Safety and Preparedness
Chicago Goes Junk, Owes Bondholders $2.2 Billion Immediately
(Zerohedge) Following an Illinois Supreme Court ruling that struck down a pension reform plan aimed at closing a $100 billion funding gap, Moody’s downgrades Chicago to junk, giving the city the dubious distinction of being the only major city “in … Continue reading
Ebola Nightmare in New York
See additional comments at Tea Party Nation The possible Ebola patient in New York has tested negative for the virus so that incident will be relegated to the journalistic trash heap of history. But what if Mr. Silverman had been infected with … Continue reading
I Am A Citizen-Soldier
I am a citizen-soldier; I am the very man in whom our founding fathers invested their hopes and their dreams. I am a citizen-soldier; My Liberty is my own burden to bear, and I shall do so with dignity, and … Continue reading
Ebola Reappears – Coincidence or Not?
Ebola has made a reappearance – There has not been a confirmed outbreak of the rare and deadly hemorrhagic fever since September 11th, 2007, when an outbreak occurred in Kosai Occidental province, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where at … Continue reading
Posted in Agenda 21, Civil Unrest, Editorial, Education, Health Care, Immigration, Safety and Preparedness, Uncategorized
Tagged Agenda 21, Civil Unrest, Healthcare, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, NDAA, Obama, Safety and Preparedness
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A few Questions Which Cut Through The BS on Gun Control
When faced with a hard-nosed progressive lizard who is in favor of the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) for whatever whiny, do-gooder reasons, it only takes a few questions to neutralize their dystopian fantasies. Simply ask – “Do you support regime change in Syria? … Continue reading
Posted in 2nd Amendment, Americas Remedy, Civil Unrest, Editorial, Education, Safety and Preparedness, Uncategorized, Voter issues
Tagged 2nd amendment, Agenda 21, Civil Unrest, Constitution, DHS, Economic Collapse, Eric Holder, Freedom, NDAA, Obama, Safety and Preparedness, Voter Fraud, War
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False-Flag: Aurora – Building Their Case for Confiscation…
At this point I’m certainly not the first, but I will step up and call this atrocity what it is – the Aurora Theatre shooting was a false-flag attack by the progressive left. Their desired end-game is confiscation of privately held firearms. … Continue reading
Posted in 2nd Amendment, Agenda 21, Americas Remedy, Civil Unrest, Editorial, Elections, Safety and Preparedness, Uncategorized, Voter issues, War
Tagged 2nd amendment, Americas Remedy, Bloomberg, Civil Unrest, Constitution, DHS, Elections, Eric Holder, false-flag, Freedom, guns, NDAA, Obama, Romney, Safety and Preparedness, United Nations, War
Behold Your Enemy
Behold you enemy, and prepare for the coming day of battle – for if you do not, then they will murder, rape, and pillage here in America as they have done, and are doing, everywhere else the infestation know as … Continue reading
Posted in 2nd Amendment, Civil Unrest, Editorial, Immigration, Religion, Safety and Preparedness, Uncategorized, Voter issues, War
Tagged Civil Unrest, Domestic Enemies, Freedom, Illegal Aliens, Iran, Islam, Islamist, Obama, pedophilia, Safety and Preparedness, sodomy, terrorism, War
For the Nay-Sayers, This War Will Be Quite A Surprise
For those who insist that we will not go to war in the Middle East again, the coming events will be quite a shock. The US already has Special Forces (Rangers, Pathfinders, SOAR, Delta, 10th Mountain, etc) in the AO, … Continue reading
Posted in Americas Remedy, Civil Unrest, Editorial, Elections, Energy, Financial, Safety and Preparedness, Uncategorized, War
Tagged Americas Remedy, Civil Unrest, Constitution, Economic Collapse, Elections, Freedom, Iran, Israel, NDAA, Obama, Russia, Safety and Preparedness, Syria, War
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The Full Financial Monte is Coming
From The Market Oracle, UK we get a comprehensive analysis of what has happened, and what is coming in the financial world. I am in fundamental agreement with their views, excepting a few quibbling details. Consider this a sanity check … Continue reading
Posted in Agenda 21, Americas Remedy, Civil Unrest, Editorial, Energy, Financial, Safety and Preparedness, Uncategorized, Voter issues, War
Tagged Agenda 21, Americas Remedy, Civil Unrest, Constitution, debt ceiling, Economic Collapse, European Union, Federal Reserve, Gold, Greece, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, NDAA, Obama, Romney, Ron Paul, Safety and Preparedness, Stock Market, Tea Party, Voter Fraud, War, Zerohedge
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Syria is the Appetizer, Iran will be the Main Course…
As I have been warning for some time, the US cannot resist becoming involved in Syria. This is part of a bigger play, in fact it is part of a proxy war between the three super powers of the world … Continue reading
Posted in Americas Remedy, Civil Unrest, Editorial, Elections, Energy, Financial, Safety and Preparedness, Uncategorized, Voter issues, War
Tagged Civil Unrest, Constitution, Corruption, European Union, Federal Reserve, Gold, Greece, Iran, Israel, NDAA, Obama, Romney, Ron Paul, Safety and Preparedness, Syria, War
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